How p it is in the countryside! 查看更多



Favourite Films This Week

A Tale of Two Cities

Set in London and Paris in the 1780s. A Frenchman returns to Paris from London to try to save his friend. An exciting and very sad adventure.

134 minutes, 9:00 p.m. Every day except Friday.

The Village

Set in a small 19th century countryside near old woods full of spirits. A thriller which will make it hard for you to sleep at night!

107 minutes, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Fridays only.

London Love Story

In a quiet street in London, a lonely boy meets a lonely girl who changes his life. This is a romantic story about two young people who learn to love life.

92 minutes, 4:00 and 8:15 p.m. every day.

The Men Who Came from Mars

Set in the 22nd century; somewhere in the USA. A good film which makes you think about the future of our world.

100 minutes, 7:45 p.m. Mondays only.

47. Which film can you see only on Friday?

A. A Tale of Two Cities.               B. The Village.

C. London Love Story.                 D. The Men Who Came from Mars.

48. When can you go to see A Tale of Two Cities?

A. Every day except Friday.         B. Fridays only.

C. Every day.                              D. Mondays only.

49. How long does London Love Story last?

A. 134 minutes.                   B. 107 minutes.

C. 92 minutes.                            D. 100 minutes.



1.–I often a        with my mother. What should I do? –Maybe you should say you’re sorry.

2.It is not p         to laugh at others when they make mistakes.

3.–What do your parents do?

–They are b       doctors. They work in the same hospital.

4.Some students feel s        in class because they stay up to search the Internet at night.

5.–What would you do if you had a lot of money?

–I would buy a big house with a beautiful g          for my parents.

6.–Which pair of shoes do you want, the black one or the ___________ (棕色的) one?

–I’d like the black one.

7.–What do you think of the advertising today?

–Some of the advertisements don’t tell the __________ (真相).

8.–How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?–It makes me feel ______ (自豪的) .

9.–Where would you like to travel?

–I’d like to go to the countryside because I love __________ (大自然).

10.–How much are the pants? –They are only __________ (二十) dollars.



小题1:–I often a        with my mother. What should I do? –Maybe you should say you’re sorry.
小题2:It is not p         to laugh at others when they make mistakes.
小题3:–What do your parents do?
–They are b       doctors. They work in the same hospital.
小题4:Some students feel s        in class because they stay up to search the Internet at night.
小题5:–What would you do if you had a lot of money?
–I would buy a big house with a beautiful g          for my parents.
小题6:–Which pair of shoes do you want, the black one or the ___________ (棕色的) one?
–I’d like the black one.
小题7:–What do you think of the advertising today?
–Some of the advertisements don’t tell the __________ (真相).
小题8:–How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?–It makes me feel ______ (自豪的) .
小题9:–Where would you like to travel?
–I’d like to go to the countryside because I love __________ (大自然).
小题10:–How much are the pants? –They are only __________ (二十) dollars.


【小题1】–I often a        with my mother. What should I do? –Maybe you should say you’re sorry.
【小题2】It is not p         to laugh at others when they make mistakes.
【小题3】–What do your parents do?
–They are b       doctors. They work in the same hospital.
【小题4】Some students feel s        in class because they stay up to search the Internet at night.
【小题5】–What would you do if you had a lot of money?
–I would buy a big house with a beautiful g          for my parents.
【小题6】–Which pair of shoes do you want, the black one or the ___________ (棕色的) one?
–I’d like the black one.
【小题7】–What do you think of the advertising today?
–Some of the advertisements don’t tell the __________ (真相).
【小题8】–How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?–It makes me feel ______ (自豪的) .
【小题9】–Where would you like to travel?
–I’d like to go to the countryside because I love __________ (大自然).
【小题10】–How much are the pants? –They are only __________ (二十) dollars.


1. He p_____ classical music to pop music when he was young.
2.The yellow river is the second l _____ river of our country.
3.There will be a Chinese painting e _____ in the national museum next week.
4.Our teacher always speaks h _____ of us when we make a great progress.
5.How p _____ it is in the countryside! However, it is too noisy in our city.
6.He hasn't enough _____ (经验) for the job,
7.He is _____ (自信的) to pass the exam.
8.With our my _____ (允许), don't touch my things.
9.Ga Changwei is one of the top _____ (摄影家) in China.
10.I am tired and stressed out.I wait a  _____ (放松的) vacation on a quiet place.

