Develop the students’ listening ability. 查看更多



     Good students must be good students at school. They should work hard at all subjects and do what 
is given to them on time. They should develop the ability (能力) to look after themselves , to try not to
 depend on (依赖) their parents too much, to think independently (独力地) and to work in a planned 
way. They should respect (尊重) teachers, have a cooperative attitude (合作态度) toward schoolmates 
and always be ready to help others.   
     At home, good students should be tidy and hard—working. Besides schoolwork they should help
 their parents with housework and be always    ready to show respect and thanks to their parents when 
their parents do something for them. They should also be very considerate (体贴的) towards their whole
 family. When it is necessary to talk to their parents about their personal problems, they should talk nicely
 and calmly (平静地), getting ready to take advice from their parents since they are much more 
experienced in life. If any disagreement (不同的想法) happens, good students should try to iron out (消
除) the disagreement by listening to the parents' ideas. Good students should learn quickly by listening to 
                           What should good students do?
At school

Work hard at all subjects
Be 1______ to take care of themselves.
Try not to depend on their parents too much.
Think independently and work in a planned way
Respect teachers and 2______ help others.
At home

Be tidy and hard--working
3______ for their parents
Show respect and thanks to their parents and be
considerate towards their whole family.
Have a 4______ talk with their parents if necessary.
Listen to their parents' ideas and 5______ from
their parents.


     While it is expected that students come to university with the ability to take a good set of notes, this
is not always the case (情形). High school may not have asked for it, so good listening and note-taking
skills may need to be developed.
TRY Being a possible, active listener.
HOW?  Sit down in front and do not read or talk. Pay special attention during the second 20
minutes (when you probably lose it) and to the last minutes when a summary (总结)
might be given.
TRY Being a confident, active learner.
How? Come to class with an interest in the material (材料) and with questions to be answered.
You can develop these by thinking about and preparing for the lesson and by pre-reading
the text (This is especially helpful if you find yourself having difficulties keeping up with
the material).
TRY Getting correct notes, with special attention to the main ideas.
HOW? There may be an overhead projector (投影仪); if so, get that material down. Besides,
look for important points-from the teacher's verbal (文字) language, or careful reading
of his notes. If you still feel you're missing the main points, try showing your notes to
classmates or to the teacher.
TRY Leaving lots of space between ideas.
WHY? Because you want to continue to add notes in your own words; this will help you learn
the material on a deeper level by integrating (整合) it with what you already know. Also,
more space will make it easier for you to find mate- rial when you are studying.
TRY Going over new notes-10 minutes for each class-within 24 hours.
WHY? Because you lose 50%-80% of the material if you don't.
TRY  Setting your notes up so you can study effectively (有效地) from them.
HOW? Leave wide left space at the side of the page; here you will write questions from which
to study your notes. Leave the back of the page empty, so you can fold (折) the page,
cover the notes and answer the questions when studying.
1. During a listening lesson, _____.

[     ]

A. students prefer to talk to each other
B. most students might be absent-minded
C. the students might lose interest after 20 minutes
D. students don't have to pay attention to the last part of the lesson
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[     ]

A. You should learn to go over your lessons often.
B. Taking notes in class can help you master the main idea better.
C. Pre-reading what you read might help you understand the material better.
D. The writer is not quite satisfied with high school education.
3. The article is probably written for _____.

[     ]

A. high school students
B. English teachers
C. university students
D. grown-ups
4. The best topic of the passage should be _____.

[     ]

A How to Learn English Well
B. How to Be a Confident Learner
C. Being an Active Listener
D. Listening and Note-Taking

