- there orange juice in the fridge? -I don’t know. A. Am B. Are C. Is 查看更多



Birds Save Lives

  Bad weather can come up suddenly at sea. Winds and waves can smash (粉碎) boats. People may end up in the water. When that happens, there is no time to waste. Pigeons (鸽子) may be sent to the rescue (援救) .

  The pigeons are a special group of birds. The Navy is training (训练) these birds to look for the color orange in the water. That is because life jackets are orange.

  The pigeons ride in a helicopter (直升飞机) with the Navy crew (全体飞行员). The birds can see a very long distance-about 2000 feet. They usually spot (认出) the orange life jackets before the crew does. That means the crew can act more quickly to save people.

  Anything orange in the water gets the attention of the pigeons. The birds also find orange surfboards (冲浪板) that have been lost.

1.The main idea of this story is ________ .

[  ]

A.how to put on a life jacket

B.how birds help to save people

C.how to swim


2.Another title that tells the main idea is ________ .

[  ]

A.“Pigeons to the Rescue”

B.“What to Feed Birds”

C.“Flying Over the Water”


3.A picture of the main idea of this story would show ________ .

[  ]

A.a bird in the air

B.birds looking down from a helicopter

C.children on a boat


4.The pigeons look for the color ________ .

[  ]





5.The pigeons also find lost ________ .

[  ]






Is there _______ orange in the glass? 

[  ]

A a   Bany   Cmany   Dthe



  I wonder if there is any girl or boy who does not like to see a rainbow (彩虹) in the sky. It is so beautiful.

  There is a story, saying that whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground, and there you would find a pot of gold. Of course it is not true. Neither you could find the pot of gold, nor could you ever find its end. No matter how far you run, it always seems far away.

  A rainbow is not a thing that we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect (结果) for light shining on raindrops. The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colours which we see.

  It is called a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow (弓).

  That is why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky. We see rainbows only when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining brightly through the clouds. Every rainbow has many colours in the same order. The first or the top colour is always red, next comes orange, then green, and last of all blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.

(1) Children like rainbows because ________ .

[  ]

A. they are beautiful

B. they are like bows

C. they can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow

D. they are good to crops

(2) We can not feel ________ with our hands.

[  ]

A. gold

B. a flower

C. a rainbow

D. a raindrop

(3) We can see a rainbow ________ .

[  ]

A. when it is raining heavily

B. when it is snowing

C. in a clear sky

D. when it becomes fine immediately after raining

(4) Which of the following is not right?

[  ]

A. A rainbow is always far away from us.

B. A rainbow is the effect of light shining on raindrops.

C. A rainbow is the product of human beings.

D. A rainbow is one of the wonders of nature.

(5) The first colour of a rainbow is always ________ .

[  ]

A. yellow

B. red

C. green

D. blue



  There are all kinds of people in the world. Just as we 1 , different people have different skin (皮肤) colours. Some Africans have 2 skin, some Asians have yellow skin, and some Europeans have white skin. 3 there was a woman in Alaska (阿拉斯加), her skin was an orange colour. It was 4 the colour of orange juice.

  How did this woman become orange? She ate a lot of 5 , carrots and pumpkins. She ate too many orange things. That's 6 she turned orange.

  Why did she eat so 7 orange things? She thought she needed more sun, so she ate 8 things. Of course, she didn't like it.

  The woman didn't 9 to be orange. She went to the hospital. The doctor said, “ 10 eating orange things. Try some green things.” The women did so, and she isn't orange any more.

(1) A.guess
(2) A.purple
(3) A.Once
(4) A.already
(5) A.cabbages
(6) A.what
(7) A.many
(8) A.cloudy
(9) A.refuse
(10) A.Keep


Today, Elaine's mother is going to cook some good food for her youngest son Jeffery. She is now checking the food in her fridge. Read the conversation between Elaine's mother and Jeffery. Fill in the blanks with 'no' or 'none'.

Jeffery: Is there any orange juice in the fridge, Mum?

Mother: No, there is(1)________.

Jeffery: Are there any gees in the fridge then?

Mother: I'm afraid there are(2)________eggs at all.

Jeffery: I want to have fish for dinner, Mum.

Mother: Sorry, we have(3)________fish in the fridge, either.

Jeffery: Oh, never mind. I can have beef for dinner instead. Is

   there any beef in the fridge?

Mother: No, there is(4)________.

Jeffery: I guess there are(5)________apples in the fridge.

Mother: You're right. There are(6)________.

