Jim sits Mary and Lily A. in B. on C. between D. among 查看更多




  A:I like this music. 1  (这是谁创作的)?

  B:Well,2  (我不确定).You can ask Jenny.

  A:You like the music,don't you?

  C:Yes,but I like Beijing Opera better;I'm 3   (京剧迷).

  A:Who else in our class likes Beijing Opera,do you know?

  C:Sorry,I don't know.You can ask Danny.

  A:Danny,could you tell me who likes Beijing Opera in our class?

  D:Well,Tom,Jim,Mary and Jenny.

  B:Hey! 4  (让我们清静一会儿吧)!


Jim sits between           and          .  
A. you; I       
B. your; me  
C. you; me      
D. your; my


A. What does your mother do?
B. What do you want to be?
C. What does your mother do?
D. Because it's boring.
E. What about you?
F. No, I don't.
G. Because it's kind of dangerous.
A: Mary, (1) ______
B: She is a shop assistant.
A: Do you want to be a shop assistant?
B: (2) ______
A: Why don't you want to be a shop assistant?
B: (3) ______
A: Then (4) _______
B: I want to be a policewoman.
A: A policewoman? Why?
B: (5) ______ What about you, Jim?
A: Oh, I want to be a teacher because I love school and l love students.



1.----W_______ is my basket? ----It is over there.

2.Simon has eight books and Sandy has seven books. They have f____________ books.

3.Jim sits on my left and I sit on his r____________.

4.Mr. Wang, this is my _____________. (mother’s sister)

5.That b____________ T-shirt is not Dad’s. It’s his friend’s. (the colour of a blackboard)

6.There is __________(仅仅) one rubber on the desk.

7.There aren’t ______________ (一些) houses in the picture.Y

8.Look at _________(我). I am your new teacher.

9.Are there any __________(孩子们) in the park? Yes,there are.

10.It’s Lucy’s _____________(女衬衫). It’s new.



Where are my students? They are not on the playground. They are not in the library, Where are they? They are in the classroom. Sam is studying English. Jim is reading an English Post. His Chinese book is on the desk. Tom is not reading comic books(漫画书). He is making cards. Mary and Ann are listening to music. I am Miss Zhang, their teacher. I am in my office and drinking some orange juice.

1.How many students are there in the classroom?

A. Three.       B. Four.          C. Five.

2.What’s Sam doing?

A. He is reading an English Post.

B. He is studying English.

C. He is reading comic books.

3.Where is Mary?

A. On the playground.   B. In the library.    C. In the classroom.

4.Who is not in the classroom?

A. Jim.         B. Ann.         C. Miss Zhang.

5.Which is NOT right?

A. Jim’s Chinese book is on the desk.

B. Ann is listening to music.

C. Miss Zhang is drinking some coffee.


