What is Li Ming doing? 查看更多



--What is Li Ming doing?

--He is ________ his hands.

[  ]





Number 77 High School is home   1  three very special young people: Li Huiping, Lan Pei, and Zhu Ming. These three students all   2  their time to help other people. This volunteer work takes each of them several     a week, so it is a major commitment.(义务)Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by   4  in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. Here, she helps young children to read. Pei loves animals, and   5  to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school. He spends every Saturday morning working in   6  animal hospital. Ming wants to be a professional singer. He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer  7  up.

“Volunteering is great!” says Huiping. “Not only do I feel good about helping other people,  8  I get to spend time doing what I love to do.” Pei says he has met some   9  people at the hospital. The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project at their school. “Don’t put it off,” says Huiping. “  10  a volunteer today!”

1.A.in                         B.about                  C.to                       D.with

2.A.volunteer               B.spend                  C.cost                    D.waste


.A.hours                     B.hour                    C.seconds              D.second

4.A.to work                B.working              C.worked               D.works

5.A.plan                      B.enjoy                   C.enjoys                 D.plans

6.A.an                        B./                         C.the                      D.a

7.A.him                      B.her                      C.them                   D.it

8.A.and                       B.or                       C.but                     D.while

9.A.bad                       B.crazy                  C.wonderful           D.careful

10.A.Become               B.Be                     C.Believe                  D.Both A and B



  A:Hi, Li Ming. What 1 you doing?

  B:I'm waiting 2 the bus.

  A:Where are you going?

  B:I'm going to the station to meet my sister.

  A:Oh, is she coming by herself?

  B:Yes, the train comes in 3 half past four, but it's twenty 4 four now, I have only ten minutes!

  A:How 5 does the bus run?

  B:Every ten minutes, I missed a No. 1 bus fifteen minutes ago, and the next one isn't coming! 6 I borrow your bike, Zhang Yong?

  A:Sorry, Wang Hai borrowed it this morning. He 7 to see his uncle.

  B:Oh, what shall I 8 then?

  A:Why 9 take the No. 7 bus? It also goes 10 the station.


Li Ming: Our vacation is coming! What are you doing l__________
Kong Wei: I'm going to 2__________ my cousin who lives 3__________ Hong Kong.
Li Ming: That 4__________ ruce. How 5__________ are you staying?
Kong Wei: Almost for a week. I don't like going6__________for too long. I'm going shopping and sightseeing 7__________him. You know Hong
Kong is a famous tourist city.How 8__________you?
Li Ming: I'm relaxed at home.
Kong Wei: It's also a good idea.
Li Ming: I need a relaxing vacation. 9__________ recently(近来) I always
feel tired. I want to have a good rest and 10__________to music.


A: What do you do ?
B; Is Zhang Ming here ?
C: Let's go .
D: Where is he ?
E: Let's go and play basketball .
F: What are you doing,now ?
A: Hi, Wang Tao ! Come here __1___.
B: Sorry ,I can't .
A: ___2____
B: I'm doing my homework ,
Go and ask Zhang Ming.
A: Thank you, _____3___
B: He is at home .
A: __4_____
C: Yes,come in,please. Hi,Li Bing.
A: Zhang Ming,do you want to play basketball with us?
C: Certainly ! ___5___ .

