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Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Yes? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.
Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. The children in English-speaking countries first listen to others. Then they try to imitate and speak. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word. Somebody may be a good listener. But he dare not speak. He’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone as long as he knows English. Whether you know him or not is not important, when there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.
Reading and writing are more important for senior school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is the most important.
Keep writing English diaries. We can also write English articles. You may even post them to English magazines. Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success.
Easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.
【小题1】You can learn to swim by_______.

A.reading books about it
B.looking at others swimming
C.having lessons on it
D.going into the river and learning
【小题2】We should learn English by _______.
A.listening and speakingB.reading and writing
C.both A and BD.swimming
【小题3】What will you do with mistakes when you speak?
A.Don’t make mistakes.
B.Study hard
C.Try not to speak English
D.Don’t be afraid.
【小题4】What’s more important for senior school students?
C.reading and writingD.learning
【小题5】We can listen to English ______, according to the passage. trainB.on the radio
C.every and then


Can you swim? Do you like swimming? Well, how can you learn to swim? I think the best way is to go into the water and learn. I’m afraid you’ll never learn to swim just by reading books about Swimming or looking at others swimming. It’s the same with the English study. We must practice, practice and practice.
Listening and speaking are very important for beginners. We can listen to English programs on radio. You may just understand a few words. It doesn’t matter. Just be relaxed, try to catch every word.
Somebody may be a good listener, but he is afraid to speak because he’s afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don’t be afraid. We must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone as long as he knows English. When there’s nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. It’s interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English. Remember, the more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.
Reading and writing are more important for senior(年级较高的)school students. First we must choose the books we’re interested in. A lot of reading will improve your language sense. This is very important.
It’s easier said than done. Well, let’s do more practice from now on. I’m sure you’ll learn English well in this way.
【小题1】 What’s the best way to learn to swim?

A.Reading books about swimming.
B.looking at others swimming.
C.Going into the water and learning.
D.Listening to others’ advice.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Listening is very important while speaking is not.
B.The more you speak, the more mistakes you’ll make.
C.Listening and speaking are very important for beginners.
D.You can only learn English by listening.
【小题3】What’s more important for senior school students?
A.Speaking and writing.B.Writing and listening.
C.Speaking and listening.D.Reading and writing.
【小题4】Wat’s the best way to learn English well according to the passage?
A.By reading.B.By listening to the radio.
C.By speaking.D.By doing more practice.
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.How to Learn English.B.Easier Said Than Done.
C.Listen First, Speak Second.D.How to learn to Swim.


Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They don’t study, but they travel together.
Dolphins are mammals(哺乳动物), not fish, but they swim together in a school. Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say“welcome”when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.
They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People can’t hear these sounds because they are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.
Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium.(An aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don’t like to be away from their school in an aquarium. They are sad and lonely.
There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphin meat is good, but people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this.
【小题1】A school of dolphins means_____.

A.a zoo for dolphinsB.a show by dolphins
C.a group of dolphinsD.a library of dolphins
【小题2】 A dolphin feels _____in an aquarium.
B.happy with people watching them
D.sad and lonely
【小题3】Which sentence is true?
A.Dolphins talk with words.
B.Dolphins always bring good luck.
C.Dolphins make more sounds above water.
D.Dolphins can’t breathe(呼吸) under the water.
【小题4】People can’t hear the dolphins’ sounds because they are         .
【小题5】From the passage we know_____.
A.Dolphins travel together.
B.Dolphins talk with words when they play.
C.Dolphins like to live in aquariums.
D.All people want to catch dolphins and eat them.


Can dolphins talk ? Maybe they can’t talk with words ,but they can talk with sounds . They show their feelings with sounds .

Dolphins travel in group . We call a group of them a “school “. They don’t study , but they travel together.

Dolphins talk to other dolphins in the school .They give information . They tell other dolphins when they are happy or sad or afraid . They say “welcome “when a dolphin comes back to the school . They talk when they play .

They make a few sounds above water . They make many more sounds under water . People can hear these sounds because they are very high .

Sometimes people catch dolphins for large aquariums . People can watch the dolphins in a show . Dolphins don’t like to be in the aquarium , being away from their school . They are sad and lonely if they do so .

There are many stories about dolphins . They help people . Sometimes they save someone’s life . Many people believe that dolphins can bring good luck .

1.Dolphins show their feelings with ________.

A. pictures    B. words     C. waves      D. sounds

2.Dolphins __________ in the school according to the passage.

A.  give information

B. don’t tell other dolphins when they are afraid

C.  talk when they sleep

D. say “ sorry” when a dolphin comes back 

3.People can’t hear the dolphin’s sounds because ______________>

A. they are above the water     B. they are under the water 

C. they are very high          D. they are very low

4.Many people believe that dolphins can bring_______________.

A. good luck    B. health    C. wealth      D. danger  

5.Which of the following is TRUE ?

A.  Dolphins study in the school.

B. Dolphins travel in a group.

C. Dolphins like to be away from their school.

D. Dolphins sometimes kill people.



 Can you           good solutions to these problems?

A. think over     B. come up with                C. think about         D. catch up with


