A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 查看更多



You look worried . Is _______ all right ?

A. something    B. anything        C. everything        D. nothing



A nurse took a tired soldier to an old man , “Your son is here ,” she told the old man. The old man could hardly  1 the young soldier clearly. He reached out his 2 .The soldier held the old man’s hand. The nurse brought a chair so that he could sit  3 the bed. All through the night, the young soldier sat there   4  the old man’s hand. Now and then he heard him say a few words. The dying man said . He only held his son’s hand tightly all through the night.

The next morning, the old man died. The soldier freed his hand and went to  6  the nurse .While the nurse did  7 she had to do, he waited. Then he asked her, “Who was that man?”

The nurse was  8“Wasn’t he your father?” she said.

“No, he wasn’t”, the soldier answered.” I 9 saw him before.”

“Then  10 didn’t you say anything when I took you to  11 ?”

“I knew right away there had been a  12 , and I also knew he needed his son ,_13  his son just wasn’t here. When I found that he was too  14 to tell whether or not I was his son, I knew  15 he needed me, I stayed.

1.                A.see            B.look           C.saw  D.seeing


2.                A.head           B.foot            C.hand D.hair


3.                A.besides         B.beside          C.under    D.on


4.                A.held           B.holds           C.holding   D.was holding


5.                A.everything      B.nothing         C.anything  D.something


6.                A.cry            B.speak          C.tell  D.say


7.                A.how           B.who           C.what D.when


8.                A.surprising       B.surprised       C.surprise  D.surprises


9.                A.sometimes      B.usually         C.always    D.never


10.               A.where         B.why           C.which D.who


11.               A.him           B.he            C.his   D.her


12.               A.bed           B.chair           C.mistake   D.hand


13.               A.and           B.or             C.but   D.then


14.               A.sick           B.healthy         C.strong D.nice


15.               A.how many      B.how long       C.how much D.how old




A man died and was on his way to another world,either Heaven (天堂)or Hell (地狱).He saw a very beautiful palace halfway and the owner of the palace asked him to 56___ in the palace.

The man said,“I have been working hard  57 my life and now I just want to eat and sleep without any work.”

The owner of the palace said,“If so,there is nowhere else 58 than here for you.There is enough delicious food in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone stopping you.Moreover,  59 needs to be done by you.”Then,the man stayed in the palace.

60 ,the man felt very happy,eating and sleeping,without thinking about other things.But gradually,he felt a bit lonely and bored.So he went to the owner and said,“It’s too boring to live by just eating and sleeping every day.Now I have no  61 in this kind of life any more.Would you mind  62 me find a job?”

The owner replied,“ Sorry,there is no job here at all.”

After another several months,the man could not  63 his present life any more and went to the owner again and said,“I really can not live here.  64  you do not offer me a job,I would like to go to hell at once.”

The owner of the palace laughed   65  and then said,“Do you think it is Heaven here? It is actually Hell! ”

56.A.play           B.rest           C.stay        D.visit

57.A.to              B.with          C.at           D.for

58.A.better           B.nearer        C.safer        D.funnier

59.A.something    B.nothing         C.anything     D.everything

60.A.In the end    B. After all     C. At last    D. At the beginning  

61.A.confidence    B.trouble        C.interest       D.agreement

62.A.help            B.to help        C.helping       D.helped

63.A.enjoy           B.imagine         C.believe       D.stand

64.A. But       B. Though     C. Because    D. If

65.A.slowly           B.quickly    C.loudly         D.clearly


A rich father wanted to show his son how poor people can be. One day, he took his young son  36  a trip to the country. They  37 a day and night in the farm of a very 38 family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, "how was the  39  ?"

"Very good, Dad!"

"Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked.


"And what did you  40  ?"

The son answered, "I saw that we have a dog at home, but they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden. They have a small river that has no  41 . We have expensive lamps in the garden, but they have the 42 . Our…"

When the little boy was finishing, his father was   43  .

His son added, "Thanks, dad, for showing me   44  poor we are!"

Isn't it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude(积极的态度) toward life, you've got 45 !

(  )36. A. on    B. in      C. at      D. to

(  )37. A. took   B. paid     C. spent     D. cost

(  )38. A. rich    B. poor     C. good     D. happy

(  )39. A. trip    B. idea     C. way     D. life

(  )40. A. say    B. learn     C. remember  D. write

(  )41. A. top     B. bottom    C. end    D. cover

(  )42. A. suns    B. stars   C. tents   D. cages

(  )43. A. wordless  B. happy     C. excited  D. pleased

(  )44. A. what   B. how     C. why      D. when

(  )45. A. nothing  B. something C. anything  D. everything


She was fine, _______ was wrong with her.  
[     ]
A. something  
B. anything  
C. everything  
D. nothing

