A slow B. slower C. slowlier D. faster 查看更多



Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls.She 1 ndline  chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the 2 ndline.Sometimes the new classes 3 ndline  rapidly(迅速地),but sometimes they were very 4 ndline,and then Miss Richards had to 5 ndline  things many times.

  One year,the first class had been studying chemistry for several 6 ndline  when Miss Richards suddenly asked,“What is water? Who knows? 7 ndline  up!”

  There was silence(沉默) for a few seconds,and Miss Richards felt saddened(难过),but then one boy 8 ndline  his hand.

  “Yes,Dick?”said Miss Richards encouragingly(鼓励地).He was not one of the brightest children in the class,so she was 9 ndline  that he could answer.

  “Water is a liquid which has no 10 ndline  until you wash your hands in it,Miss.Then it turns black,” the boy replied with great confidence(信心).


A.teaches B.teaching  C.taught      D.teach

[  ]


A.schooling B.school   C.schools     D.home

[  ]


A.learned B.learning  C.had been learned D.were learned

[  ]


A.slow   B.being slow C.slowly      D.slowest

[  ]


A.repeated B.repeating C.do        D.repeat

[  ]


A.years   B.minutes   C.weeks       D.seconds

[  ]


A.Put   B.Hands   C.Get       D.Look

[  ]


A.lows   B.ride    C.put down     D.put up

[  ]


A.sad   B.glad    C.angry       D.hungry

[  ]


A.colour B.colourful C.colourless    D.with colour

[  ]


We live in“the computer age(时代)”. People like scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do ____71____ work. But more than 30 years ago, ____72____ couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very ___73_____ people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and ____74____. ____75____ they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people even have them at home.

Computers become very important because they can work ____76____ than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can ___77_____ people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to study and children use them to play games. Computers can also remember what you put ____78____ them. Computers are very ____79____ and helpful. They are our good friends.

Do you want to ___80_____ a computer?

( )71. A. many of   B. all kinds of         C. a lot             D. very much

( )72. A. scientists  B. teachers           C. students           D. computers

( )73. A. few     B. little             C. a few             D. a little

( )74. A. cheap     B. cheaper            C. expensive         D. more expensive

( )75. A. But      B. And             C. Since             D. If

( )76. A. slow      B. slower           C. fast             D. faster

( )77. A. help     B. make             C. use              D. stop

( )78. A. in        B. into              C. on               D. up

( )79. A. beautiful   B. careful           C. useful            D. heavy

( )80. A. pay      B. lend             C. have              D. sell




His watch doesn't keep good time.    

[  ]

A. slow  B. quick  C. well  D. right


Will you please say it again more______?

A. slow              B. fast           C. slowly         D. quick



Mrs. Green was seventy, but she had a small car, and she always drove to the shops in it on Saturday and bought her food.

She did not drive fast, because she was old, but she drove well and never hit anything. Sometimes her grandchildren said to her, “Please don’t drive your car, Grandmother. We can take you to the shops.” But she always said, “No, I like driving. I’ve driven for fifty years, and I’m not going to stop now.”

Last Saturday she stopped her car at some traffic lights because they were red, and then it did not start again. The lights were green, then yellow, then green again, but her car did not start.

“What am I going to do now?” she said.

But then a policeman came and said to her kindly, “Good morning. Don’t you like any of our colors today?”


1.Mrs. Green was ______.

A. very busy      B. very old       C. very young        D. very clever

2.She had a small car and she always droves ______.

A. slow           B. fast         C. slowly          D. quickly

3.Her grandchildren asked her ______.

A. not to drive the car ever          B. not to go shopping

C. not to eat more                D. to take a bus to the shop

4.One Saturday she stopped her car at some traffic lights because ______.

A. the lights were green            B. the lights were yellow

C. the lights were red               D. she liked the light’s color

5.The policeman said to her, “....Don’t you like any of our colors today?” It means “______”.

A. He asked her if she liked the color of the traffic lights.

B. He asked her to stay here.

C. He asked her what color she liked best.

D. He asked her to leave right now.


