Brad is than Dave. Dave doesn’t like exercise at all. 查看更多




  Dave and Michelle are husband and wife, but they’re very different.

  Dave is slow.He walks, talks, and works slowly.He’s late for everything.He’s late for work and for parties.

  Michelle is fast.She walks, talks, and works fast.She’s early for everything.She’s early for work, and when she’s not with Dave, she's early for parties.

  Dave is in the living room.He’s drinking a soda(苏打水) and eating cake.Dave is always eating something.Ice cream is his favorite.He weighs(重) 220 pounds.He never worries about his weight.

  Michelle is in the kitchen.She’s drinking a Diet Coke(低热量可乐).She never eats cake or candy.Vegetables and fish are her favorites.Michelle weighs 110 pounds.She is always careful about what she eats.That’s why she’s thin.



Dave talks faster than Michelle.

(  )


When Michelle is not with Dave, she's early for parties.

(  )


Michelle likes eating cake more than Dave does.

(  )


Dave is 110 pounds heavier than Michelle.

(  )


Michelle is thin because she is in bad health.

(  )




Dave is ________ than ________ ________ the kids ________ my class.


英汉互译, 根据汉语提示完成各句。
1. 蒂姆留的头发比萨姆短。 
   Tim has _____ hair _____ Sam.
2. 萨姆比汤姆安静得多。
   Sam is much _____ than Tom.
3. 我们俩都喜欢运动,尽管她看上去比我更健美。
    We _____ like sports , _____ she looks _____ _____ than me.
4. 蒂娜更外向一些,泰拉更严肃一些。
   Tina is _____ _____, but Tara is _____ _____.
5. 莉莉是我最好的朋友,和我相比她更镇静一些。
    Lily is my best _____. She is _____ than me.
6. 他们俩都喜欢参加晚会。
    They both enjoy _____ _____ _____.
7. 戴夫擅长打篮球。
    Dave is _____ _____ playing basketball.
8. 我妈妈没有爸爸高。
    My mother is not _____ _____ _____ my father.
9. 霍莉比玛利亚滑稽,她喜欢讲笑话。
    Holly is very _____ than Maria. She _____  jokes.
    My cousin is _____ than me. He is a _____ boy. He always helps others.
11. 汤姆在班里很受欢迎,彼得也一样。
     Tom is very _____ in his class, _____ _____ Peter.
12. 我和刘英都有黑色的眼睛。
     _____ Liu Ying and I _____ black eyes.


1.  My sister likes reading and she is very________(冷静的).
2. My brother is good at sports and he is very________(擅长运动的).
3. I have a________(双胞胎的)brother. He is more serious than me.
4. In America, people are________(狂野的)about basketball.
5. I think Peter has________(更多的)books than Dave.
6. Our math teacher is very________(严肃的)in the class.
7. "Tom is taller than me"________(意思是)"I am shorter than Tom".
8. There are many________(注释)in our book to help us understand it better.


      —Where are we going to have our party?
      —___    _we ran _______the dining room.
      —Do you like the winter here?
      —No, not really. I like winter in the past. It____   _                       a lot.
      —Which of these rabbits do you like best?
      —I prefer the one                           It's very special.
      —Have you finished all my letters?
      —Almost ,sir. The last letter____                                 soon.
      —他还不如 Mike高些 。
      —John has grown quite a lot. He is taller than Dave now. 
     —He is still                                     as Mike.

