A. success B. confidence C. activity D. invention [五] Most teachers agree that the first lesson of a teacher is often unforgettable. I remember getting into the class with the 1 of a beginner teacher: nervous, careful, excited-etc. The school I 2 my first lesson in was well-known to hold the most troublesome students in the city. With this in 3 , I was more nervous than I should be. But I tried my best not to 4 it out and went into the class. The first thing I did was taking a look at the whole class. My eyes 5 on a big black student. He was sitting in the back 6 of the class with no one in front of him. His body was much 7 than mine. I thought it would be better to 8 that boy untouchable. As soon as I started my lesson writing on the blackboard, I heard some noise from the back. I 9 the students to find out who did it, but the class looked very 10 . I went on writing and the noise went on. Then I stopped my lesson to 11 this problem because I believed that if I lost control of the class from the 12 I wouldn’t be able to get it back. I thought the big boy made the noise. To my 13 , a small boy was the source of trouble. Days went 14 and I discovered that the big boy was good and quiet and the great source of trouble came from a group of 15 students who became under control after some weeks. From then on, I realized that judging by appearance can often be wrong, not only with students! 查看更多





  The hospital was very busy. The nurses hurried from patient (病人) to patient. They did not have time to talk to them or answer their questions. Instead they just gave them their medicines, made their beds and moved on.

  The head nurse was as busy as her nurses. She had to walk around with the doctors, make sure the nurses were doing their work, complete(完成) her reports and answer the phone.

  Many of the phone calls were from the friends and relatives (亲戚) of the patients. They were telephoning for information about the people in the hospital.

  One phone call, however, was a little different from all the others.

  The phone rang and the head nurse answered it. “Hello,” she said.

  At the other end of the line a voice replied, “Good morning. I'm phoning about Fred Lee. Could you tell me how he is, please?”

  The head nurse looked at her notes and said, “Mr. Lee has had his operation, and is now resting.”

  “Can you tell me if his condition(状况) is good?”the voice asked.

   “Yes,”the woman replied. “He is comfortable(舒服的) and the operation was a success.”

  “When do you think he will be able to go home?”the voice asked.

   “Oh, probably at the end of the week,”the head nurse said. Then she asked, “May I tell him who is asking about him?”

  “Yes,”the voice replied. “Fred Lee.”

  “No, that's the patient's name, ”the head nurse said.

   “Yes. And I am the patient. Phoning you is the only way I can get any information about my condition.”

1.Why did so many people phone the hospital?

[  ]

A.They wanted to talk to the nurses.

B.They wanted to talk to the doctors.

C.They wanted to find out about their condition.

D.They wanted to ask about their friends or relatives.

2.How did the head nurse know what information to tell the person on the phone about Fred Lee?

[  ]

A.She asked the other nurses.

B.She asked the doctors.

C.She looked at her notes.

D.She knew Fred Lee.

3.When did the head nurse say Fred Lee would be able to go home?

[  ]

A.In a month.
B.The following week.
C.At the end of the week.
D.The end of the month.

4.What is the point of this story?

[  ]

A.Fred Lee was getting better.

B.Nurses are often too busy to talk to patients.

C.Patients are very difficult people.

D.Phoning someone is always the best way to get information.




  The hospital was very busy. The nurses hurried from patient (病人) to patient. They did not have time to talk to them or answer their questions. Instead they just gave them their medicines, made their beds and moved on.

  The head nurse was as busy as her nurses. She had to walk around with the doctors, make sure the nurses were doing their work, complete(完成) her reports and answer the phone.

  Many of the phone calls were from the friends and relatives (亲戚) of the patients. They were telephoning for information about the people in the hospital.

  One phone call, however, was a little different from all the others.

  The phone rang and the head nurse answered it. “Hello,” she said.

  At the other end of the line a voice replied, “Good morning. I'm phoning about Fred Lee. Could you tell me how he is, please?”

  The head nurse looked at her notes and said, “Mr. Lee has had his operation, and is now resting.”

  “Can you tell me if his condition(状况) is good?”the voice asked.

   “Yes,”the woman replied. “He is comfortable(舒服的) and the operation was a success.”

  “When do you think he will be able to go home?”the voice asked.

   “Oh, probably at the end of the week,”the head nurse said. Then she asked, “May I tell him who is asking about him?”

  “Yes,”the voice replied. “Fred Lee.”

  “No, that's the patient's name, ”the head nurse said.

   “Yes. And I am the patient. Phoning you is the only way I can get any information about my condition.”

1.Why did so many people phone the hospital?

[  ]

A.They wanted to talk to the nurses.

B.They wanted to talk to the doctors.

C.They wanted to find out about their condition.

D.They wanted to ask about their friends or relatives.

2.How did the head nurse know what information to tell the person on the phone about Fred Lee?

[  ]

A.She asked the other nurses.

B.She asked the doctors.

C.She looked at her notes.

D.She knew Fred Lee.

3.When did the head nurse say Fred Lee would be able to go home?

[  ]

A.In a month.
B.The following week.
C.At the end of the week.
D.The end of the month.

4.What is the point of this story?

[  ]

A.Fred Lee was getting better.

B.Nurses are often too busy to talk to patients.

C.Patients are very difficult people.

D.Phoning someone is always the best way to get information.



  Yesterday I read a report on a charity show in a newspaper.The aim of the show was to 1   money for the poor children.In the country areas,some children are out of school 2   their parents can't pay for their 3 ndline.

  To my surprise,many famous performers 4   the charity show,such as Andy Liu,Jay,Faye Wang,Kitty Chen and so on.The stars didn't ask for any pay.They did it for 5 ndline!There were a lot of performances 6   singing and dancing.The 7   were so excited that they 8   their hands from time to time.Of course,the show was a great 9 ndline.

  All the people 10   the stars' example.A great number of people showed their generosity in 11   their money to the show.Both the ticket money and the donated money were soon sent to the poor areas and some of the poor children can get back to school now.

  Now many charity shows are held in our country,not only to 12   education in poor areas but also to help people in trouble.13   the Chinese saying goes,"All the others will come to one's rescue(援助)14   one is in trouble."I 15   the whole world will become better if every one of us gives charity to others.


A.pay  B.raise  C.spend D.cost

[  ]


A.and  B.so  C.because D.or

[  ]


A.holiday  B.clothes  C.stationery D.education

[  ]


A.were the hosts of  B.played roles in

  C.took part in D.were busy with

[  ]


A.good  B.ever  C.long D.free

[  ]


A.like  B.as  C.of D.for

[  ]


A.student  B.parents  C.teachers D.audience

[  ]


A.raised  B.shook  C.clapped D.gave

[  ]


A.a success  B.successful  C.success D.successes

[  ]


A.took  B.followed  C.set D.made

[  ]


A.donating  B.bringing  C.collecting D.taking

[  ]


A.teach  B.think  C.give D.support

[  ]


A.As  B.Like  C.Since D.Because

[  ]


A.as  B.when  C.while D.because

[  ]


A.like  B.wish  C.hope D.want

[  ]


To work hard brings       .

A. success   B. succeed  C. successful  D. successfully


To work hard brings       .

A. success   B. succeed  C. successful  D. successfully


