It was my job to introduce each other. It is / was + n. / adj. to do sth. e.g. 1)学好每一门学科是我们的职责. It is to learn every subject. 2)对于我来说独立做飞机模型并不简单. It is for me by myself. 查看更多



I've been a student reporter for more than two years. And it is hard work. But it's more than that. Sometimes I get to do really cool things. When Yang Liwei went to Shanghai Science Museum last October, it was my job to interview him. Hu Mengdie met Yang Liwei at the Shanghai Science Museum. But when I got there, there were so many people!  I thought there were a thousand other reporters trying to talk to Yang.

    When Yang came closer to me, I tried to ask him some questions.  "Was it cool to go into space?" I said. There were too many people. And they were talking so loudly that he couldn't hear me. But he was so close!  I wanted to remember that day. I put out my hand to him and shouted, "Uncle Yang, could I have your autograph?" I tried my best to give my pen to him, and he took it!

    But because there were too many people, I was soon pushed away.

    He smiled (微笑) at me and said, "I'm sorry, there are too many people." I tried to ask again, but a policeman pushed me away.

    After I tried six times, Uncle Yang finally saw me. He told everyone else, "This little girl has been here for a long time. Her pen is still in my hand, so I should sign (签名) something for her first."

When I held Yang's autograph in my hands, I was so excited. And when I looked up, he smiled at me again. Whenever I look at that piece of paper, I'll always remember his smile.


1. What does the writer do?


2. What does the underlined word "that" mean here?


3. Who did the writer interview last October?


4. Did the writer get Yang Liwei's autograph at last?


5. Translate the sentence "Whenever I look at that piece of paper, I ll always remember his smile." into Chinese.




It was my job to introduce each star.

My job ________ ________ introduce each star.


1. Most _______ (busy) letters are written in English. 
2. Project hope is an _______ (organize) that helps children go to school.
3. He is one of _______ (famous) actors in our country.
4. The principle will give us a _______ (speak) tomorrow afternoon.
5. There will be a musical _______ (perform) in the show.
6. The girl often give out leaflets _______ (ask) people to donate money.
7. It was my job _______ (introduce) each star.
8. I _______ (help) with a charity show this time last week.
9. This is the best model I _______ ever _______ (see) .
10. I hear the show _______ (hold) in a middle school next week.
11. A new bridge_______ (build) in my hometown last year.
12. I hope _______ (be) a doctor after I know something about ORBIS .


Dear Kitty,

I am sorry that I did not write ___1__ you earlier because T have been very busy.I was helping ___2__ a charity show to raise money for Project Green Hope.A lot of work needed to be I did not have ___3__ free time.

I felt very happy when I ___4__ to be the host.It was ___5__,but I was also very nervous ___6__ the TV cameras.I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous ___7__ would come too.

We started working on the show ___8__ ago,so we could do everything on time.1t was my job to introduce each star.I also had many other duties.It was hard work but I was ___9__ to do it.

We practised a lot ___10__ the show.I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time.___11__,I thought l would never be able to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time.Slowly,everything became ___12__.

The big day came very quickly,and suddenly it was the night before the charity show.I couldn't ___13__ at all that night because l was so excited.‘Will it be a ___14__?’ I kept ___15__ myself.

Twenty minutes before the big event,the doors opened and many people came into ___16__.‘No time to be nervous any more.This is it,’ I told myself.A lot of people came to watch the show.The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise,so I __17__ speak loudly.

Everything seemed to happen so fast,and now it is all over.A lot of money has been donated to Project-Green Hope.Everyone was very ___18__ and we had a lot of support from local businesses.I hope more events like this ___19__ to raise money for charity and I think more people should be invited ___20_ part in them.

I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes

Ricky                         B.for                      C.before          

2.A.of                                       C.with                             D.after

3.A.many                    B.much                   C.few                       D.a few

4.A.choose                         B.was chosen          C.chosen                   D.choosing

5.A.frightened              B.frightening           C.excited                   D.exciting

6.A.because                 B.because of                  C.instead of             D.instead

7.A.pop teachers            B.pop scientists         C.pop doctors            D.pop stars

8.A.two minutes            B.half an hour          C.two months            D.two seconds

9.A.sad                       B.energetic              C.angry                     D.happy

10.A.after                    B.behind                 C.before           front of

11.A.In the beginning      B.In the end            C.In the middle of      D.At last

12.A.easy                    B.easier                   C.easiest                   D.more easy


C.drink                                                        D.have a good time

14.A.successful                  B.succeed               C.Success                       D.successfully

15.A.ask             ask                  C.asks                             D.asking

16.A.the theatre            B.the factory                  C.the classroom         D.the library

17.A.have to                B.has to                  C.had to                    D.must

18.A.selfish                 B.generous                 C.silly                     D.polite

19.A.organize                                                  B.organizes

C.wilt organize                                              D.will be organized take                 B.takes                   C.taking                    D.took


When I was told to play for a drama competition, I became nervous. I had never done anything like this before. But after reading Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, I was excited about what was to come. The story was great and the sentences were so funny. I wanted to give it a go.

I was playing Sir Toby Belch, a very funny old knight(骑士). I had to remember a lot of sentences and very funny old words. I worked hard in order to act well, like a real knight from the old days. But the most different job was to be funny in all my acting. This is quite different from the way I am in real life.

“OK. It’s time to be a different me now!” I said to myself. At first, I couldn’t do anything naturally. I didn’t know what to do when acting in this silly way. But I always told myself that I was Sir Toby now and I should forget who I really was. Even when I was in the bath, I was thinking about Sir Toby’s words and actions and trying to do everything like Sir Toby did.

The competition day finally came. When it was my turn to perform, I took a deep breath and began my part. I tried hard to make my words clear enough to be understood and my actions funny enough to make everybody laugh. When the results were finally read out, I immediately knew we had won first prize. I made it.

From this experience, I’ve come to know that I can be a different person. It’s doesn’t mean I’ve changed my personality, but I can do something I had never imagined possible.

38. When the writer finished reading the story,      .

A. he was excited                   B. the competition began

C. he became nervous                D. he forgot who he really was

39. The expression “give it a go” in Paragraph 1 most probably means      .

A. come on                B. give up

C. run away                D. have a try

40. The writer thought it was very difficult to be funny in all his acting because      .

A. it was an old story

B. it was different from the way he was in real life

C. he was not interested in it

D. his classmates and teachers would laugh at him

41. From the last paragraph, we can learn that the writer      .

A. has learned nothing from the experience

B. plans to meet and talk to different people

C. is looking forward to the next competition

D. can do something which seems impossible

