形容词 1医学的 2感激的 3自豪的 4温和的 5有意义的 6募集资金的 7严重的 名词(n.) 1口袋 2失明 3案例 4治疗 5手术 6病人 7录像 8疾病 9预防 副词 1大部分地 2真正地 动词(v.) 1影响 2治愈 3预防 4做手术 5治疗 6修补 7改进 8受训练 查看更多



1. 甜的  ______
2. 品尝     ______
3. 实际上 ______
4. 煎炸     ______
5. 主要的 ______
6. 主要地 ______
7. 它自己 ______
8. 实验室 ______
9. 种类  ______
10. 癌症 ______
11. 增加        ______
12. 风险           ______
13. 饼干        ______
14. 味道好的     ______
15. 使……震惊 ______


1. 科学的     __________ 
2. 因此         __________
3. 粉红色的 __________
4. 光线         __________
5. 坚硬的     __________
6.  服务,招待  __________
7. 公平的          __________
8. 运动              __________
9. 濒临灭绝的   __________
10. 泻湖             __________




  The Youth Hostels Associations of England and Wales and Scotland have more than 400 hostels, many of them in lovely countryside. They're a very good idea for travelers of all ages and families too, not only are they cheap and friendly, they're also good places to visit. Everyone in a Youth Hostel helps with the housework and prepares their own meals, though some hostels offer cheap meals too. As Youth Hostels are popular, especially in summer and at I3ank Holidays, it's a good idea to book. The YHA also organizes special interest holidays for different outdoor sports, activities and interests.

  To use the hostels you have to be a member. The cheapest way to do this is to join a YHA in your own country that is a member of IYHA. This makes finding a hostel and booking easy too, these association can offer you with the International Handbook, which has addresses and information about youth hostels in many countries, and with advance booking vouchers forms you can use to book a place in youth hostels in other countries.

  If you can't join in your own country, you can ask for an International Guest Card, either before you come or when you're in Britain. Write to or visit YHA Services for International Guest Cards, maps and handbooks, they can also offer information about booking hostels, travel and special interest holidays.

  注释:association n.联合;联盟  advance adj.提前的  voucher n.证件;证明


1.Where are most of Youth Hostels?


2.Why are youth hostels cheaper?


3.Who can use youth hostels?


4.What is IYHA short for?


5.Where can we find addresses and information about youth hostels?




1.thin ________ ________

2.friendly ________ ________

3.fat ________ ________

4.cheap ________ ________



1.happy ________ ________

2.angry ________ ________

3.nice ________ ________

4.good ________ ________

5.hot ________ ________

