We should take the actions to help the wild animals. 4 can’t kill the wild animals any more . 查看更多



1.My boss doesn’t a      me to use the telephone.

2.We should not p      the environment.

3.He promised to be here at four o’clock, but didn’t a       until six.

4.This two photographs are almost a      .

5.I tried to w      him but he didn’t listen.

6.Don’t e       without knocking.

7.He wanted to b      a hotel room.

8.She looks very p      in that hat.

9.I asked him w      we should take the exam.

10.That music s      beautiful.



One evening, a country maid (年轻姑娘) was walking along the path with a can (罐)of milk on her head, when she fell into the following imaginations. “I shall sell the milk. And I shall get some money. The money will help me to buy more than three hundred eggs. Maybe some of the eggs will go bad, or will be destroyed by vermin (害虫), but the good ones will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens. If the poultry are always dear, I will carry all the chickens to the market and sell them. By the new year, I can have enough money to buy a new dress. I like green, and green fits me best. OK, green the dress shall be. In this dress I will go to the party, and all young men there will want to invite me to be a partner of them. And I shall refuse every one of them, going away without looking at them.”

   When she was excited at this idea, she could not help moving her head. She shook her head again and again. Suddenly, the milk on her head poured down. And all her imaginary(想象的) happiness disappeared in a moment.


66. The country maid was _______ when the story happened.

A. going to cook at home                    B. going to buy a new green dress

C. going to buy some chickens     D. going to sell the milk

67. The girl wanted to buy ______ with the money that she could get from the milk. 

A. some eggs    B. some chickens     C. some ducks           D. a dress

68. What does the underlined word “poultry” mean in Chinese? 

A. 豆制品      B. 肉类                  C. 禽类                D. 乳制品

69. Why couldn’t she help shaking her head at last?

A. Because she was tired.

B. Because she was too excited to remember the can on her head.

C. Because she saw someone.

D. Because the can was too heavy.

70. What is the main idea of the story?                    

A. If you work hard, you can get what you want.

B. We should take the chance to do everything we want to do.

C. Don’t plan too much before it happens.

D. A beautiful girl has a good chance to do everything.


1. My cousin plays soccer. He is an a         .
2. He had to work on a building site to make a l         .
3.We won the football match a         that team yesterday
4. This is the most important e         of the year.
5. I hope our football team will be l         in Asia Cup.
6. We can find the kind-hearted person e         .
7. He got a c         to go to Tsinghua University
8. I r         that getting up early is good for our health.
9. Did you c         the best one? We have no time.
10. We should take the i         person to the hospital at once.



We should take the ________(homeless; harmless)cat to the SPCA.



We should take the ________(follow)actions to help the wild animals.

