26.Please ask them for the meeting next time. A.not be late B.to not be late C.don’t to be late D.not to be late 查看更多





  If you ask me to tell how to get along in the United States, I think the following “dos” and “don'ts” would be helpful.

  Generally (通常) speaking, it isn't easy to find anyone to talk to in a busy city. So you should try to do the following. First, get or borrow a dog! Walk with him several times a day! Americans love dogs and cats and usually stop to talk to anyone with a dog. Then, try to eat in a restaurant. People generally share (分享) the same tables and will sometimes talk to you if they see you are new here. Next, take your dirty clothes to a laundry (洗衣店)! It takes about an hour to wash and dry them and people there often pass time?talking with each other. Always ask for information from a woman if you are a man, and from a men if you are a woman! Learn to say, “Please.”“Thank you”and “You are welcome”and use them all the time.

  There are some things you shouldn't do. Don't tell the truth when people ask “How are you?” The only a swer they want is “Fine”. Never ask people their age especially woman! Everyone wants to be young. Don't tell heavy people they are fat. Tell them they re losing weight. Everyone wants to be thin. Don't be late when meeting people! When someone says six o'clock, be sure to be there by six. Americans respect time and want everyone to be “on time”.

(1)It isn't easy to find anyone to talk to in a busy city in the USA because ________.

[  ]

A.the streets are empty

B.people don't want to talk to new-comers

C.people in the USA are busy

D.you don't have time

(2)Americans like talking to ________.

[  ]

A.dogs and cats
D.people with a dog

(3)When talking to people there, you may say,“________”

[  ]

A.How are you?

B.How old are you?

C.What is your weight?

D.You are fat.

(4)The words “heavy people”mean ________.

[  ]

A.people who do heavy work

B.people who are important

C.people who are thin

D.people who are fat

(5)The only answer to “How are you?”is“________”.

[  ]

A.Not well
B.I'm fine
C.Not very well
D.Just so-so

(6)If you are going to meet a friend, you ________.

[  ]

A.can be there at any time

B.may be a little late

C.had better arrive very early

D.should be there at the agreed time

