- I think Larry shouldn’t study every night. He looks tired. - Oh, . He needs time to do homework. A. I agree B. I disagree C. you are kidding D. No problem 查看更多



假如你是Tim,你的朋友Larry感冒了,请你根据以下提示用英语写一封60字左右的电子邮件给他:给他一些建议,并祝他身体健康; 你的理想职业是将来做一名英语老师并说明理由; 你的英语老师给你的评语。(所给提示语必须用上)
Advice: go to see a doctor, take some medicine, do more exercise
Dream job: an English teacher
Reason: like English very much
Your English report card: can do better
Dear Larry,
I’m sorry to hear that you have a cold. I think you should                        


Molly: Larry is 1_____ late tonight again, Kathy.
Kathy: I know, Molly. I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be 2_____ to work at night.
          Young people. need to get more sleep.
Molly: I 3_____ with you. Teenage boys never get tired.
Kathy: Well, maybe. But Larry 4_____ work every night.
Molly: Oh, I agree. He needs time to do homework.
Kathy: You know, Molly...He should 5_____ his hair.
Molly: Oh, I don't know. Do you think it's too long?
Kathy: Yes, I do. It doesn't look clean. And I think he should stop 6_____ that silly earrings.
Molly: Oh, I 7_____. I like the kind of it. It looks cool.
Kathy: You know what worries me-Larry doesn't seem to have many friends.
Molly: 8_____? I didn't know that.
Kathy: Yes, Molly. He needs to 9_____ time with friends.
Molly: Like you and 10_____?
Kathy: Maybe.


AHello, May I speak to Larry?

B    1    . Can I take a message?

AYes. This is his friend Bob calling. Would you please ask Larry to bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight?

B    2   . How on. please. I’ll get a pen to write this down. “Bob called. You should bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight. ” Is that it?

AYes,    3   . You may also tell him to call me back if he has a chance.

BAll right.   4    ?

AMy number is2818875. Now I’ll say again 2-8-1-8-8-7-5.

BOK. I think he will see the message when he comes back.

A    5   Good-bye.




A:Hello. May I speak to Larry?
B:1. _______________________________________________. Can I take a message?
A:Yes. This is his friend Bob calling. Would you please ask Larry to bring a videotape of popular songs to the
      evening party tonight?
B:2. _______________________________________________. Hold on, please. I'll get a pen to write this
     down. "Bob called. You should ask Larry to bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight.
     "Is that it?
A:Yes, 3. ___________________________________________. You may also tell him to call me back if he 
      has a chance.
B:All right. 4. ___________________________________________________?
A:My number is 89756326.
B:OK. I think he'll see the message when he comes back.
A:5. ____________________________________________. Good-bye.


I'm rally good at selling things. I also love helping people. But I'm not so good at solving
(解决) problems. I think I'd like to be a salesman or a detective (侦探).

I really like doing things with my hands. I also enjoy working with wood. I don't enjoy
working in the same place every day, and I hate being in noisy places. I think I'd like to be
a factory worker or a carpenter (木匠).

I'm good at explaining things and I really like children. I can't stand working long hours. I
think I'd like to be a doctor or a teacher.

I'm really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day.
I'm not so good at organizing(安排) my time and computers. I am going to be a model or
an accountant(会计).

I enjoy helping people, but I can't stand working nights and weekends. I want to be a nurse or a social worker.

1. Larry wants to be         
A. a worker or a teacher        
B. a nurse or a doctor  
C. a salesman or a detective    
D. a model or a carpenter  
2. Anita doesn't enjoy working in         
A. the same place      
B. different places  
C. noisy places        
D. A and C
3.          wants to be a teacher or a doctor. 
A. Anita    
B. Jill    
C. Maria    
D. Jim
4. Maria likes         
A. meeting people      
B. wearing different clothes
C. A and B            
D. working nights and weekends
5. What does "can't stand" mean in Chinese? 
A. 不能忍受  
B. 不能站立  
C. 不能坚持    
D. 不能适应

