感到无聊 / 不开心 feel bored / unhappy 查看更多



完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每句1.5分)
                      .Team spirit is also very important, children.
When I walked past the laboratory, Mr Lu                         do the experiment.
The disabled                         by people.We should treat them kindly.
At the beginning, Jack                         in the big company.He felt a little sad.
He                         everything differently.
Doctors                         with their eye problems in the past two years.


完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每句1.5分)


                      .Team spirit is also very important, children.


When I walked past the laboratory, Mr Lu                         do the experiment.


The disabled                         by people.We should treat them kindly.


At the beginning, Jack                         in the big company.He felt a little sad.


He                         everything differently.


Doctors                         with their eye problems in the past two years.



Millie is sending Daniel an e-card to cheer him up.Help Millie complete the e-card.


Dear Daniel

  I thought(1)something wasn't right today.You looked so sad.I think you need(2)________ like me to cheer you up!

  I wanted to buy you your favourite comic but there was(3)________ left in the shop.I had(4)________ else to give you so I thought I'd send you e-card.I couldn't think of(5)________ else to give you.I coloured the card orange to cheer you up! Has(6)________ told you that the colour orange represents joy?

  I hope you feel better now and that(7)________ will ever feel sad.

  Your friend


  PS Do you like the blue birds? I coloured them blue to bring you peace.







  附言 你喜欢蓝色的鸟吗?我把他们着上了蓝色,希望能给你带来。


假如你是Jane,你的好友Mary在微博上说最近很累很不开心, 而且很担心即将到来的期末考试,请你在Mary的微博中回复, 给她一些建议,使她振作起来。(注意:文中不能出现姓名和学校等相关信息)


1. 分析Mary 不开心的原因;

2. 给她一些建议使她减少压力;

3. 给她美好的祝福。



  The Zhao family live in a very nice city.They want to have the best of everything.They live next to the Wu family and watch them all the time.The Zhao family want their place to be better than the Wu's.They have a bigger television,bigger refrigerator and even brighter shoes.

  "Little Wu has a new bicycle.It goes faster than yours.Tomorrow I will buy you a better bicycle."

  "Mr.Wu has a large fish.I'm going to the market to buy a bigger fish."

  "Mrs.Wu has a new chair.I'm going to get a bigger,stronger,prettier one.My place is going to be better than hers."

  A friend asks Mrs.Wu,"Do you think the Zhao family have a better horse than you?"

  Mrs.Wu says,"The Zhao? Oh.the people next door.I don't think about them much.They always look a bit sad (有点不开心).I think we have a much better life and home.We are happier.We have more fun and our family life is warmer."


Mrs.Zhao wants _____________.

  A.to have the same as Mrs.Wu

  B.everything better than Mrs.Wu

  C.a happy home

[  ]


The Zhao family have a bigger refrigerator because _____________.

  A.their family is larger

  B.they have a lot of money

  C.they want to have a better place than the Wu's

[  ]


Mrs.Wu _____________.

  A.wants to have the same as Mrs.Zhao

  B.is not interested in Mrs.Zhao

  C.does not know Mrs.Zhao

[  ]


Which is Not right?

  A.The Zhao's life is not the same as the Wu's.

  B.The Wu family are happier than the Zhao family.

  C.The Wu family are richer than the Zhao family.

[  ]

