What color is your T-shirt? H. Thank you all the same. (三) 查看更多



--- what  color  is  your  ruler ?  --- _________ .

A.  It’s a blue      B. It’s blue.           C. It’s blue hat.



【小题1】Who’s that man?
【小题2】What’s her name? 
【小题3】Is he your uncle?
【小题4】What’s this in English?
【小题5】What color is your pencil?
【小题6】Is this your jacket? 
【小题7】Do you have a brother?
【小题8】Where are my rulers ?
【小题9】Does she have any keys?
【小题10】Let’s play computer games.
A.That sounds boring.
B.It’s red.
C.Her name is Mary Green.
D.Yes,it is.
E.No,She doesn’t.
F.They are in the desk. 
G.No, he isn’t.
H.He is my cousin.
I.It’s an easer.
J.No, I don’t.





1.Who’s that man?

2.What’s her name? 

3.Is he your uncle?

4.What’s this in English?

5.What color is your pencil?

6.Is this your jacket? 

7.Do you have a brother?

8.Where are my rulers ?

9.Does she have any keys?

10.Let’s play computer games.

A.That sounds boring.

B.It’s red.

C.Her name is Mary Green.

D.Yes,it is.

E.No,She doesn’t.

F.They are in the desk. 

G.No, he isn’t.

H.He is my cousin.

I.It’s an easer.

J.No, I don’t.



1--        ?

         --It's red and blue.

A. Where's your shirt

B. What color is your shirt

C. What's color your shirt

D. How old is your shirt



--What color is your backpack?


A. Yes, it’s red              B. It’s an orange   

C. It’s orange               D. It’s a red one


