We have dinner in the restaurant tonight. We tonight. 查看更多



     When someone asks you to his or her home in the USA, it's very clear who the guest is and who the
host is. But invitation to restaurants are usually different. In many cases, it is the inviter who pays. But in
some cases, each one pays his or her own bill(账单). For example, when your friend says "Let's go and
get a beer," or "Want a cup of coffee?", it may be more of advice than an invitation.
     Some people like taking their friends to a restaurant for dinner instead of having dinner at home. In this case, the host is expected to pay and the guest may leave the tip(小费). If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant, tell him or her: "I'd like to take you to …".
     There are also phrases that sound like invitations, but in fact they are not. People may say things like "We'll have to get together sometime," or "You'll have to come over and visit us sometime." They are the
expressions of saying goodbye. So you could answer "Yes, that would be nice," or "I'd love to," or
something similar.

1. If your friend asks you to a restaurant for dinner, you'd better _______.
A. have a free dinner
B. leave the tip
C. pay the bill
2. If someone says "Want a cup of coffee?", it may be more of ______.
A. a joke
B. advice
C. an invitation
3. Which of the following statements is an invitation?
A. We'll have to have a dinner together sometime.
B. Let's go to a sea-food restaurant and have a dinner.
C. I'd like to take you to have a dinner tonight.
4. The best title of this passage is "________".
A. Is it an invitation or advice?
B. Who will pay the bill?
C. Who will be invited?



  Fred telephoned his wife, " I've got two tickets for the theatre tonight, " he told her. " Meet me outside the office. We'll have  something to eat and then go on to the theatre." 

  Fred's wife was so happy. It was quite a long time since they had  been to the theatre and she liked it very much. She met her husband  as they had arranged(安排). They had dinner and got to the theatre  in good time.

  Before they entered the theatre, Fred took out his wallet(钱包)  to get the tickets. " It's very strange, " he said. " They aren't  here !" " Try your pockets, " said his wife. But the tickets weren't there, either.

  Then Fred looked very worried. "What's the matter ?" asked his  wife. "Well ," Fred explained. " I remember what I did with the  tickets. I put them in my bag. But I wasn't coming home, I left them in the office ! " 


1. Fred telephoned his wife to meet him ______.

[    ]

A. at the theatre    B. near his office

C. in a restaurant   D. at home 

2. Fred also promised (许诺)his wife a _____.

[    ]

A. talk  B. drink   C. walk   D. meal

3. They reached the theatre _______.  

[    ]

A. as quickly as they could

B. a little late

C. very early

D. on time

4. When Fred couldn't find his tickets, he was ______.

[  ]

A. worried  B. angry  C. afraid  D. unhappy

5. Fred had _______.   

[    ]

A. lost the tickets   B. left the tickets in his office

C. lost his bag     D. left his bag at home


1. My pen pal is American.
    My pen pal _______ _______ the USA.
2. My father is a doctor.
    My father _______ in the _______.
3. My mother and father work in the office.
    My _______ are _______ office workers.
4. My brother is at school.
    My brother _______ _______ a school.
    My brother is _______ _______.
5. I have a big family.
    _______ _______ people in my family.
6. My mother doesn't have a job.
    My mother is _______ _______ work.
7. My mother is Kay.
    Kay is my _______ _______.
8. Do you do me a favor?
    Do you _______ me a _______?
    _______ you _______ me?
9. Why don't you go there to have a look?
    Why _______ _______ there to have a look?
10. We have dinner in the restaurant tonight.
     We _______ _______ tonight.


1. Which city will Judy probably visit?
[     ]
A. Sydney.
B. New York.
C. Beijing.
2. How is the weather tonight?
[     ]
A. Cloudy.
B. Rainy.
C. Snowy.
3. Which subject does Lily like best?
[     ]
A. Science.
B. Chinese.
C. English.
4. Who will get the gift?
[     ]
A. Ann.
B. Ann's mother.
C. Ann's father.
5. How often does the boy go to his hometown?
[     ]
A. Twice a month.
B. Twice a year.
C. Once a year.
6. Will the plane offer super?
[     ]
A. Yes, it will.
B. No, it won't.
C. We don't know.
7. Where will the man go?
[     ]
A. New York.
B. London.
C. Sydeny.
8. What are the two speakers going to do this evening?
[     ]
A. Have dinner in a restaurant.
B. Go to see friends.
C. Make Sichuan food.
9. Why doesn't the man feel like having Sichuan food today?
[     ]
A. Because it's too expensive.
B. Because it's too hot.
C. Because the restaurant is too far.
10. What kind of food do they both like?
[     ]
A. Chinese food.
B. Fast food.
C. Italian food.

