There isn’t much in this city ,and it’s very clean. 查看更多



1. Turn right into the _______ (第十二) Street at the corner.
2. There isn't much _______ (污染) in this city,and it's very clean.
3. The three robbers were _______ (吃惊的) to see the poliemen.
4. The elephant is too big to go _______ (穿过) the door, I'm afraid.
5. The sofa is very _______ (舒适的)to sit.
6. We live on the same floor, so we are n_______ (live near another persons).
7. I i______ (ask sb. to come) Mr. Wu to come to Simon and Sandy's party.



In the big cities of Europe and America--London,Paris,New York,people are moving out of the city.They are usually families who have some money,and they want to live a quieter life.They are tired of the noises and the dirt of the city,tired of the crowded(拥挤的)streets,crowded trains and buses.They don't want to sit in traffic any more.They wall[a house with a garden,and clean air that is not polluted(污染).

So they move out.Some don't move very far,just a little way out of the city,to the towns near the cities.Other people move to real countryside,with sheep and cows and green fields(田野)! There,they start new lives and try to make new friends.

Not all those who move from the city to the countryside are happy.After two or three years,many people who have done this feel that it was a big mistake.They don't make much money and there isn't much to do.Country people are very different and aren't always friendly.

As a result,quite a lot of people who have moved to the countryside move back to the city.“It's wonderful to see crowds in the streets and cinema lights,” they say.“I'm so glad I'm back in the city!”

Moving out of the City


Those people who(1)_________ and are tired of city life.


They want to live(2)_________ and to live in a house(3)_________.


Some move to towns near the city while others move far away to(4)_________.


A few years later,quite a few who have moved out think it is a mistake and they(5)_________.

