Nanjing is the capital of . A. China B. Jiangsu C. Hunan D. Guangzhou 查看更多




  The city of Nanjing was the capital of China for over a thousand years.

  One of the main attractions of Nanjing is the memorial to Dr.Sun Yat-sen.Dr.Sun was one of the fathers of modern China.He helped to change China into a republic in 1911.

  Dr.Sun died in 1925.He is buried in Nanjing.There is a special park where you can vis it his memorial.The park is over 160 hectares in size.It consists of a forest of trees, and some beautiful building.

  The government of China looks after the memorial very well.In 1986, the government spent 1.2 million RMB.They repaired the roofs and walls of the buildings.About 8 million people come to visit the memorial every year.For many years, it was free.But since 1992, you must pay an entrance fee of five RMB.All the money is used to help with the repairs and cleaning work.

  Behind the Sun Yat-sen Memorial is the famous Purple Mountain.It is 449 metres high.You can get a cable car to go up the mountain.It is a beautiful place to go for a visit, and to remember this famous man.

1.What is one of the main attractions of Nanjing?


2.Why do we say Dr.Sun Yat-sen was one of the fathers of modern China?


3.What did the government spend 1.2 million RMB doing in 1986?


4.How can you get to the top of the Purple Mountain?


5.Why do people go to the memorial to Dr.Sun Yat-sen?



Nanjing is the _______ of Jiangsu _______ the _________ of China.

  A. city;on;south;in;south

  C. capital;to;north;in;east


There are ___________ ___________ twelve rooms in my dream home.
It is ___________ ___________ ___________ the ________ in Jingjiang.
There are ___________ ___________ in Beijing. ___________ is your _________?
I can __________ the __________field __________ the __________ window.
【小题5】Millie 住在他下面四层楼
Millie lives three floors ________ __________.
I have a room ___________ twelve___________ and ___________ ___________.


There are ___________ ___________ twelve rooms in my dream home.
It is ___________ ___________ ___________ the ________ in Jingjiang.
There are ___________ ___________ in Beijing. ___________ is your _________?
I can __________ the __________field __________ the __________ window.
【小题5】Millie 住在他下面四层楼
Millie lives four floors ________ __________.
I have a room ___________ twelve___________ and ___________ ___________.



1.Have you ever entered c   (竞赛)?

2.The plane t   off just now.

3.I have never v   New York.

4.The first   (奖品)is the holiday of your dreams in England.

5.Please write about a wonderful       (经验,经历) after the holiday.

6.That musician has w   many songs.

7.—Has your father been a   ?

—Yes,he has been to many countries.

8.Zhang Ziyi is very famous.He Meifeng has always wanted to m   her!

9.How many tickets can you buy if they are all s   out?

10.Wei Ming’s father is an Air China captain,so he has f    to many different countries.


