What should the woman do when she gets to the tall building??A. Turn right. B. Turn left. C. Go straight. C. 短文理解下面你将听到2篇短文.请根据听到的短文.选出正确的选项.每篇短文读两遍.听第1篇短文.完成第16-20小题. 查看更多



1. What's wrong with the woman? ? 
A. She can't find her way.
B. She's ill.
C. She can't find her son.
2. How far is the museum?
A. About 7 minutes' walk.
B. About 9 minutes' walk.
C. About 5 minutes' walk.
3. What should the woman do when she gets to the tall building??
A. Turn right.
B. Turn left.
C. Go straight.

