The hurricane happened on Sunday morning last month and did lot of damage to the province. A. /;/ B. a; a C. a; / D. the; a 查看更多



The hurricane happened on _____ Sunday morning last month and did ____ lot of damage to the province.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    a; a
  3. C.
    a; /
  4. D.
    the; a



The hurricane happened on _____ Sunday morning last month and did ____ lot of damage to the province.

A. /;/             B. a; a              C. a; /            D. the; a


The hurricane happened on _____ Sunday morning last month and did ____ lot of damage to the province.

A. /;/              B. a; a                C. a; /             D. the; a


The hurricane happened on _____ Sunday morning last month and did ____ lot of damage to the province.

A. /;/       B. a; a    C. a; /     D. the; a



 The hurricane happened on _____ Sunday morning last month and did ____ lot of damage to the province.

A. /;/            B. a; a         C. a; /             D. the; a


