The purpose of the writing is to . A. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week B. stress the role of technology in fashion C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week D. advertise New York Fashion Week B Most Americans are turning to charm school to gain an advantage over competitors in a job market stricken by the longest economic slowdown since the Great Depression. Etiquette trainers report business growing from clients who believe that good manners could be the key selling point that helps them get hired or keeps them off the unemployment line. “People are prepared to do whatever it takes to keep their job , said Gloria Starr, an adviser on image, etiquette and communications in North Carolina. Starr, who says business is up 40 percent in the past year at her school, said people were “realizing that it takes more than just ability and knowledge to keep or win a job. Peggy Newfield, who had been teaching etiquette for 30 years and runs a charm school, said business was “booming. “When the economy is down etiquette training will always be up. They’re focusing on`What I can do to survive, I really have to keep up my game because the competition is keen.’ Proper business manners, however, extend far beyond greeting or thanking a would-be employer. Etiquette classes deal with the basics of presentation in an interview, including what to say and how to dress. “It’s so much more than writing the thank-you note at the end, Newfield said. “It’s about walking in for the job interview, every hair is in place, your clothes are perfectly pressed, your shoes are polished, you’re groomed to the nines, you speak the part, and your English is correct. It’s great that we have seen this renewal in etiquette and manners and self respect. Studies have shown that 85 percent of the reason a person gets a job, keeps a job and moves up is related to their personal skills. There are very few jobs out there where your manners, where your socials skills, are not a big piece of being successful. If you have manners you can walk into any business or social situation. Teaching etiquette has become a tougher task. Some people point to bad public behavior by athletes and celebrities as a factor in ruining good manners in US society. Hotel owner Paris Hilton, actress Lindsay Lohan and singer Britney Spears are among those who have been charged with setting a poor example, especially for children and adolescents. Hilton is infamous for a sex tape that became an Internet hit, Lohan has long been gossip stuff due to her quarrels with the law and Spears was photographed partying without underwear. 查看更多



NEW YORK(Reuters)­—The Internet and advances in technology are transforming fashion, making it easier for designers to create collections and less expensive for them to show and sell their work, experts say.

Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on a runway(T形台)show at New York Fashion Week, some designers presented collections for spring and summer 2010 online, while others are expanding the reach of their brand by making it easier for shoppers to buy their clothes online.

Designer Norma Kamali and Polo Ralph Lauren Corp both have applications for Apple Inc's iPhone that allows shoppers to buy clothes from their phone."This is the technology that's changing our lives," said Kamali, who displayed her spring and summer 2010 collection as well as exclusive lines (专卖品) for eBay Inc and at the Apple store in Manhattan's Soho neighborhood.

Kamali's iPhone application has a "Try Before You Buy" option, which allows clothes to be sent overnight to a customer, who provides her credit card information, so she can try them on at home before deciding to buy.

Menswear designer Miguel Antoinne and womenswear designer Marc Bouwer both put on virtual fashion shows, while models at fashion designer Vivienne Tam's show carried a laptop computer adorned(装饰)with a Tam design.

Mazdack Rassi, co-founder and creative director of Milk Studios, a downtown space that showed about 70 collections during New York Fashion Week, and was considering projecting shows on the side of a building so people at nearby park could watch.

With cable TV and the Internet, designers know that their shows can be seen by many more people than just the editors and media who attend.

Designers are finding that technology can also help the actual design work by allowing artists to explore new ideas and processes.

But Simon Collins, the dean of fashion at Parsons----the new school for design, said even though technology is helpful, there is still no substitute for talent and hard work."Absolutely, there'll be people out there that have successful businesses that don't know the first thing about draping(剪裁) and construction, just think it up, put it on the computer, fire it off the factory and it works," Collins said."But they're the exception, not the rule."

71. According to the passage, one advantage of the Internet is that it allows the designers to_________.

A. share their collections with other designers

B. receive information about the popular fashion trend

C. display their work at a lower cost

D. inform the editors and media of their collections

72. Which of the following is TRUE about Kamali?

A. She's against buying clothes online.

B. She's aware of the importance of the Internet.

C. She thinks New York Fashion Week will attract fewer and fewer people.

D. She's considering holding a show on the side of a building.

73. We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A. designers are finding various ways to make their shows known to the public

B. it's dangerous to do online shopping

C. few people pay attention to virtual fashion shows

D. it's difficult to become a well-known designer

74. According to the last paragraph, we know that Collins ____________.

A. is a successful businessman

B. does not agree that technology is helpful in designing works

C. does not understand the fashion of actual design work

D. pays more attention to people's natural gift and hard work

75. The purpose of the writing is to ____________.

A. stress the role of technology in fashion

B. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week

C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week

D. advertise New York Fashion Week


     The Internet and advances in technology are transforming fashion, making it easier for designers to
create collections and less expensive for them to show and sell their work, experts say.
      Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on a show at New York Fashion Week, some
designers presented collections for spring and summer 2010 online, while others are expanding their
brand by making it easier for shoppers to buy their clothes online.
     "It is the technology that is changing our lives, "said Designer Norma Kamali, who displayed her
spring and summer 2010 collection as well as exclusive lines(专卖品) for eBay Inc and
at the Apple store in Manhattan's Soho Neighborhood.
     Kamali's iPhone application has a"Try Before You Buy"option, which allows clothes to be sent
overnight to a customer, who provides her credit card information, so she can try them on at home
before deciding to buy.
     Menswear designer Miguel Antoinne and womenswear designer Marc Bouwer both put on virtual
fashion shows, while models at fashion designer Vivienne Tam's show carried a laptop computer
adorned with a Tam design.
     Mazdack Rassi, cofounder and creative director of Milk Studios, a downtown space that showed
about 70 collections during New York Fashion Week, was considering projecting shows on the side
of a building so people at a nearby park could watch.
     With cable TV and the Internet, designers know that their shows can be seen by many more people
than just the editors and the media who attend.
     Designers are finding that technology can also help the actual design work by allowing artists to
explore new ideas and processes.
     But Simon Collins, the dean of fashion at Parsons-the new school for design, said even though
technology is helpful, there is still no substitute for talent and hard work."Absolutely, there'll be people
out there that have successful businesses that don't know the first thing about draping and construction,
just think it up, put it on the computer, fire it off the factory and it works, "Collins said."But they're the
exception, not the rule."

1.According to the passage, one advantage of the Internet is that it allows the designers to    ___.
A. share their collections with other designers
B. display their work at a lower cost than usual
C. get information about the popular fashion trend
D. inform the editors and the media of their collections

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Kamali?
A. She's aware of the importance of the Internet.
B. She's strongly against buying clothes online.
C. She thinks highly of New York Fashion Week.
D. She' s running a "Try Before You Buy" website.

3.We can infer from the passage that   ___.
A. it's difficult to become a wellknown designer
B. it's very dangerous to do online shopping now
C. few people pay attention to virtual fashion shows
D. designers are struggling to promote their shows

4.According to the passage,    ___values people's natural gift and hard work.
A. Norma Kamali    
B. Miguel Antoinne
C. Mazdack Rassi    
D. Simon Collins

5.The purpose of the writing is to   __ .
A. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week
B. stress the important role of the Internet and technology in fashion
C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week
D. advertise New York Fashion Week on the Internet



Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

NEW YORK(Reuters)----The Internet and advances in technology are transforming fashion, making it easier for designers to create collections and less expensive for them to show and sell their work, experts say.

Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on a runway(T形台)show at New York Fashion Week, some designers presented collections for spring and summer 2010 online, while others are expanding the reach of their brand by making it easier for shoppers to buy their clothes online.

Designer Norma Kamali and Polo Ralph Lauren Corp both have applications for Apple Inc’s iPhone that allows shoppers to buy clothes from their phone.

“This is the technology that’s changing our lives,” said Kamali, who displayed her spring and summer 2010 collection as well as exclusive lines (专卖品) for eBay Inc and at the Apple store in Manhattan’s Soho neighborhood.

Kamali’s iPhone application has a “Try Before You Buy” option, which allows clothes to be sent overnight to a customer, who provides her credit card information, so she can try them on at home before deciding to buy.

Menswear designer Miguel Antoinne and womenswear designer Marc Bouwer both put on virtual fashion shows, while models at fashion designer Vivienne Tam’s show carried a laptop computer adorned(装饰) with a Tam design.

Mazdack Rassi, co-founder and creative director of Milk Studios, a downtown space that showed about 70 collections during New York Fashion Week, and was considering projecting shows on the side of a building so people at nearby park could watch.

With cable TV and the Internet, designers know that their shows can be seen by many more people than just the editors and media who attend.

Designers are finding that technology can also help the actual design work by allowing artists to explore new ideas and processes.

But Simon Collins, the dean of fashion at Parsons----the new school for design, said even though technology is helpful, there is still no substitute for talent and hard work. “Absolutely, there’ll be people out there that have successful businesses that don’t know the first thing about draping(剪裁) and construction, just think it up, put it on the computer, fire it off the factory and it works,” Collins said. “But they’re the exception, not the rule.”

56. According to the passage, one advantage of the Internet is that it allows the designers to____________.

A. share their collections with other designers

B. display their work at a lower cost

C. receive information about the popular fashion trend

D. inform the editors and media of their collections

57. Which of the following is TRUE about Kamali?

A. She’s aware of the importance of the Internet.

B. She’s against buying clothes online.

C. She thinks New York Fashion Week will attract fewer and fewer people.

D. She’s considering holding a show on the side of a building.

58. We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A. it’s difficult to become a well-known designer

B. it’s dangerous to do online shopping

C. few people pay attention to virtual fashion shows

D. designers are finding various ways to make their shows known to the public

59. According to the last paragraph, we know that Collins ____________.

A. is a successful businessman

B. does not agree that technology is helpful in designing works

C. pays more attention to people’s natural gift and hard work

D. does not understand the fashion of actual design work

60. The purpose of the writing is to ____________.

A. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week

B. stress the role of technology in fashion

C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week

D. advertise New York Fashion Week




Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

NEW YORK(Reuters)----The Internet and advances in technology are transforming fashion, making it easier for designers to create collections and less expensive for them to show and sell their work, experts say.

Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on a runway(T形台)show at New York Fashion Week, some designers presented collections for spring and summer 2010 online, while others are expanding the reach of their brand by making it easier for shoppers to buy their clothes online.

Designer Norma Kamali and Polo Ralph Lauren Corp both have applications for Apple Inc’s iPhone that allows shoppers to buy clothes from their phone.

“This is the technology that’s changing our lives,” said Kamali, who displayed her spring and summer 2010 collection as well as exclusive lines (专卖品) for eBay Inc and at the Apple store in Manhattan’s Soho neighborhood.

Kamali’s iPhone application has a “Try Before You Buy” option, which allows clothes to be sent overnight to a customer, who provides her credit card information, so she can try them on at home before deciding to buy.

Menswear designer Miguel Antoinne and womenswear designer Marc Bouwer both put on virtual fashion shows, while models at fashion designer Vivienne Tam’s show carried a laptop computer adorned(装饰) with a Tam design.

Mazdack Rassi, co-founder and creative director of Milk Studios, a downtown space that showed about 70 collections during New York Fashion Week, and was considering projecting shows on the side of a building so people at nearby park could watch.

With cable TV and the Internet, designers know that their shows can be seen by many more people than just the editors and media who attend.

Designers are finding that technology can also help the actual design work by allowing artists to explore new ideas and processes.

But Simon Collins, the dean of fashion at Parsons----the new school for design, said even though technology is helpful, there is still no substitute for talent and hard work. “Absolutely, there’ll be people out there that have successful businesses that don’t know the first thing about draping(剪裁) and construction, just think it up, put it on the computer, fire it off the factory and it works,” Collins said. “But they’re the exception, not the rule.”

56. According to the passage, one advantage of the Internet is that it allows the designers to____________.

A. share their collections with other designers

B. display their work at a lower cost

C. receive information about the popular fashion trend

D. inform the editors and media of their collections

57. Which of the following is TRUE about Kamali?

A. She’s aware of the importance of the Internet.

B. She’s against buying clothes online.

C. She thinks New York Fashion Week will attract fewer and fewer people.

D. She’s considering holding a show on the side of a building.

58. We can infer from the passage that ____________.

A. it’s difficult to become a well-known designer

B. it’s dangerous to do online shopping

C. few people pay attention to virtual fashion shows

D. designers are finding various ways to make their shows known to the public

59. According to the last paragraph, we know that Collins ____________.

A. is a successful businessman

B. does not agree that technology is helpful in designing works

C. pays more attention to people’s natural gift and hard work

D. does not understand the fashion of actual design work

60. The purpose of the writing is to ____________.

A. celebrate the success of New York Fashion Week

B. stress the role of technology in fashion

C. introduce the activities in New York Fashion Week

D. advertise New York Fashion Week

