, facing them honestly will serve one better than burying them. A. Whatever feelings one might have B. what are feelings one might have C. No matter what feelings might one have D. Whatever are feelings one might have 查看更多



完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

Are you carrying too much on your back at school? Lots of kids at the same age as you are. Not only are students in China ___36___ from this problem, but kids in the United States are ___37___ fed up with(饱受…之苦) heavy school bags.

Experts are starting to___38___ that more and more young students are having back and neck problems as a result of school bags ___39___ too heavy for them. “It’s hard for me to get up the___40___ with my bag because it’s so heavy,” said Rich Hammond, ___41___ 11-year-old student in the US. Rick is among the students who have ___42___ backpacks with two straps (带子) to carry them, ___43___ a number of other students choose rolling backpacks. However, even with rolling backpacks, ___44___ up stairs and buses with them is ___45___ a problem for kids. Many of them have hurt their knees, backs or necks because of heavy school bags.

But how much is too ___46___? Experts say students should carry ___47___ more than 10 to 15 per cent of their own body weight. Scott Bautch, a Wisconsin ___48___ doctor, said kids under 4th grade should ___49___ with 10 per cent. But it’s also important that older kids don’t go ___50___ 15 percent, because their bones are still growing. Bautch explained that there are other injuries caused by backpacks. “Kids are ___51___ their balance and falling down with these backpacks,” he said.

Parents and teachers are starting to tell the kids to only take ___52___ library books they will be reading that night. Some teachers are using worksheets (作业纸) or ___53___ workbooks for students to take home. One of the best answers is, as some ___54___ themselves suggested, to have no homework ___55___!

36. A.meeting                B.facing                    C.experiencing   D.suffering

37. A.already       B.always             C.yet              D.also

38. A.explain             B.say               C.worry               D.announce

39. A.being              B.be                C.are               D.is

40.A.schools              B.stairs            C.houses             D.homes

41.A.this                 B.that             C.a                    D.an

42.A.special               B.unusual          C.ordinary            D.regular

43.A.when                B.but             C.then                  D.and

44.A. getting               B.climbing     C.going                D.turning

45.A.only                 B.still              C.even                D.just

46.A.more                B.very              C.much              D.many

47.A.no                  B.not              C.any                 D.much

48.A.children              B.student           C.bag                  D.back

49.A.carry               B.stay         C.take               D.bring

50.A.about              B.under        C.beyond               D.before

51.A.keeping             B.missing       C.losing              D.making

52.A.home              B.class         C.school              D.city

53.A.valuable             B.thin         C.important           D.interesting

54.A.reports              B.teachers      C.parents       D.kids

55.A.at all                B.after all      C.in all         D.for all



More than one million children in the United States do not go to school. Instead, they learn at home. Most often, their parents are their teachers. Educational companies, libraries and the Internet provide many families with teaching materials.

    Parents choose home schooling for several reasons. Some choose it because of their religious beliefs. Others say it provides more time for the family to be together. They say the home offers a better place for learning. Some parents believe home schooling avoids learning. Some parents believe home schooling avoids problems of national schools. Critics, however, say children need to attend school with other children.

    All fifty American states and the District of Columbia permit home schooling. Some states do not require much preparation by parents or testing of children. Other states have more requirements for home schooling. Home schooling in the United States began when the country was established. In farm areas, people often lived far from a school. Widespread home schooling took place until about the middle of the nineteenth century. Then, in 1852, the state of Massachusetts passed the first law requiring children to attend school.

    Over the years, the American public education system strengthened and grew. By the 1960s and 1970s, however, some Americans believed that traditional education was not helping their children. So a number of parents began home schooling.

    Home schooling expert Linda Dobson says many people have helped the movement grow. She says many kinds of people have joined the movement. These include rich people and poor people. They represent many races, religions and political beliefs. Ms. Dobson says the number of home-schooled children has increased an estimated fifteen to twenty percent each year during the last fifteen years.

Teaching materials for home schooling do NOT come from _______.

   A. parents                                  B. libraries       

C. the Internet                            D. educational companies

Which of the following is one of the reasons why parents choose home schooling?

A. it makes parents and their children have less time together.

  B. Some people have different religious beliefs from the others.

   C. It can’t provide a comfortable place for children to be in.

   D. There are too many students in a home classroom.

Home schooling was started in ________.

   A. the 1960s                 B. the 1970s       C. the 1850s          D. the 1776

Home schooling in the United States now is __________.

   A. facing many difficulties             B. struggling

   C. growing fast                      D. decreasing in large numbers 


Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a small pool of water ahead on the path.I angled my direction to go around it on the part of the path that wasn't covered by water or mud.As I reached the pool, I was suddenly attacked! Yet I did nothing for the attack.It was so unpredictable and from somewhere totally unexpected.I was surprised as well as unhurt though I had been struck four or five times.I backed up a foot and my attacker stopped attacking me.Had I been hurt I wouldn't have found it amusing.And I was laughing.After all, I was being attacked by a butterfly!

    Having stopped, laughing, I took a step forward.My attacker rushed me again.He charged towards me at full speed, attempting to hurt me but in vain.For a second time, I took a step backwards while my attacker paused.I wasn't sure what to do.After all, it's just not everyday that one is attacked by a butterfly.I stepped back to look the situation over.My attacker moved back to land on the ground.That's when I discovered why my attacker was charging me only moments earlier.He had a mate and she was dying.

    Sitting close beside her, he opened and closed his wings as if to fan her.I could only admire the love and courage of that butterfly in his concern for his mate.He had taken it up on himself to attack me for his mate's sake (缘故), even though she was clearly dying and I was so large.He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on her.His courage in attacking something thousands of times larger and heavier than himself just for his mate's safety seemed admirable.I couldn't do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the pool.He had truly earned those moments to be with her, undisturbed.    

    Since then, I've always tried to remember the courage of that butterfly whenever I see huge barriers facing me.

1.Why did the writer change his direction while walking down a path?

   A. To get close to a butterfly.          B. To look over the bad situation.

   C. To escape a sudden attack.            D. To avoid getting his shoes dirty.

2.What made the man feel funny?

   A. Making the attacker pause.            B. Being attacked by a butterfly.

   C. Being stepped on by his mate.         D. Discovering the energetic butterfly.

3.From this experience the man learned        .

A. what he should do when faced with troubleB. people should show sympathy to the weak

 C. how he should deal with attacks        D. people should protect butterflies

4.Which of the following words can best describe the butterfly?

    A. Careless.       B. Amusing.   C. Courageous. D. Aggressive.




Fear plays no part in this latest problem.“I’m not afraid I'll lose my children.I won't lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing,” she repeats, her voice rising when speaking to John's lawyer, “will stop me from being with my children. A law? Year, right. Don't disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. He's their father??—I want them to see him! However, his visit in his present condition will disturb the children's stable (稳定的) life.”  John, who has spent much of his time in California recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. "If he'd like to stick to a regular life, I'd be more than happy to do that," Jane says. "The best thing for any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our children's lives more stable. "

  While matters of money and care won't be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week the ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other moms.Jane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series of Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventures.It’s a rest for Jane.who insists that she needs her new,busy life to provide for her family.“I have to lead such a life.and I’m thankful that I’ve built it to the top where now I can support my children.”she says.

And whether a bellicose(好斗的)dance judge or a bellicose former wife,Jane plans to keep 0n facing attacks on her. “Some people try to knock me down—only to make me more fierce,more protective,more determined to do better,”she says.“Go ahead,take me on.This will just make me stronger.”

57. According to Jane in the first paragraph,the low        

A. can’t take her children away from her

B. can’t do anything with the case

C. will best settle the problem

D. will disturb her children

58. What does “to do that” refer to in the second paragraph?

A. To live with John.

B.To hire a house for John.

C.To allow John to see the children

D.To ask John to set up a regular life.

59. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?

A.Jane’s life is very difficult.

B.Jane continues to live as usual.

C.Jane almost can’t control her lire

D.Jane works very hard to live a happy life.

60. Which word can best describe Jane?

A. Proud.








Question: I have recently got a serious position within my company. One of my new tasks is to make monthly progress reports on my department in front of other senior officials. During my first meeting, I presented and then opened the floor to questions.   71   . My first reaction was to answer defensively. Later, I realized that I shouldn’t have felt that way. But how can I keep cool and effectively answer questions in this type of settings?

Answer: Congratulations on your new position! Presenting in front of your peers(同事)is a hard task in itself, and it    comes much more difficult when a question-and-answer per is required question-and-answer periods as a great way to clarify the message and strengthen key points,     72   


When a person is asking a question, show interest and a desire to understand the question by listening and asking for clarification.

●Buy time.

When facing a hard question, most people can’t give an answer immediately. Buy time by repeating the question in your own words.    74   . These techniques allow you to quickly organize your thoughts as well as to make sure you will be correctly answering the question.

●Suggest a private meeting.

A one-on-one meeting is a calmer setting than speaking in front of your peers.    75    

A.Show your true interest.

B.Reslate the question with respect.

C.Some ideas can be quite concrete.

D.There were many difficult questions.

E. It can also be more effective in exchanging ideas.

F. You many also ask for clarification on the question.

G. Here are some ideas that can help you prepare for your next meeting.


