be bound to do 一定,注定(做) [典例] 1). The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. 明天天气一定会变好. 2). You’ ve done so much work that you're bound to pass the exam. 你下了这麽大工夫, 一定能考及格. [短语归纳] [练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入所给词适当的形式或短语. 1). These problems were almost bound . 2). When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes happen. Keys: 1). to arise 2). are bound to 查看更多




be bound to;   pay off;   cast down;   team up with;   keep up;

out of the question;   be dying to;   take in;    in vain


1.Tom works hard as usual and it has_______. He got the first in the final.

2.The marriage based on money ___________ break up.

3.She was ________ by her husband’s sudden death and the loss of her pet dog.

4.It is a 79km round-trip that ________ all the famous tourist spots.

5.Both class 3 and our class won’t be able to finish the work unless we _____ each other.

6.We should _______ the good customs.

7.He is now so tired that to walk another mile is _________.

8.The students ________ know the result of the interview in the classroom.

9.The girl tried _______ to catch the butterfly on the flower.



upside down,  be bound to do  , in favour of , take in,  for sure  , leave out

make any difference,  every time,  in the meantime, as far as ,take up,

1.___________ I returned after an absence , I felt stupid because I was behind the others.

2. This sentence is too long, so I have to __________ some words in it.

3. The doctor will be here soon. __________________, try to relax.

4. The child is so cute. He is holding the book _______________.

5. She ________________ stamp-collecting when she was young.

6. It doesn’t _______________ if you are late for my party. I just wish you to come.

7. Besides, _______________ he was concerned, what other people thought was not the most important thing.

8. While most of us are _____________________the plan, it remains to be seen whether it is practical enough.



Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 53-56.
Important words to learn: E Essential I Improver A Advanced
shoot [?u:t]
▲verb (shot, shot) WEAPON→1 E to fire a bullet or an arrow, or to hit, injure or kill a person or animal by firing a bullet or arrow at them: If he’s not armed, don’t shoot. ⊙The kids were shooting arrows at a target.⊙She was shot three times in the head.⊙He has a license to shoot pheasants on the farmer’s land. ⊙A policeman was shot dead in the city centre last night. ⊙ The troops were told to shoot to kill. SPORT→2 A to try to score points for yourself or your team, in sports involving a ball, by kicking, hitting or throwing the ball towards the goal: He shot from the middle of the field and still managed to score. MOVE QUICKLY→3 A to move in a particular direction very quickly and directly: She shot past me several meters before the finishing line. ⊙ He shot out of the office a minute ago ─ I think he was late for a meeting.⊙They were just shooting off to town so we didn’t stop to speak.
shooter ['?u:t?] noun[C]He’s thought to be the best shooter in the league.
▲idioms have shot your bolt UK INFORMAL to have already achieved all that you have the power, ability or strength to do and to be unable to do more: He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.
? shoot yourself in the foot to do something without intending to which spoils a situation for yourself
? shoot your mouth off INFORMAL to talk too much in a loud and uncontrolled way: It’s just like Richard to go shooting his mouth off about other people’s affairs.
? shoot for the moon US to ask for the best or the most you could hope for: You might as well shoot for the moon and ask for a promotion as well as a raise.
? shoot questions at sb to ask someone a lot of questions very quickly, one after the other: He shot questions at me so quickly that I didn’t even have time to answer.
? shoot the breeze US INFORMAL to talk with someone or a group of people about things which are not important: We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze.
▲ phrasal verbs shoot sth down to destroy an aircraft or make an aircraft, bird, etc. fall to the ground by shooting at it: He was killed during the war when his plane was shot down.
shoot sb down to shoot and usually kill someone, showing no sympathy: I saw Tom shoot him down like a dog in the street.
shoot for/at sth US to try to do something: It’s worth taking chances when you’re shooting at a chance of fame and wealth.
shoot out If opposing groups or people armed with guns shoot it out, they shoot at each other until one of the groups or people is dead or defeated.
shoot through AUSTRALIAN INFORMAL to leave a place very quickly, especially in order to avoid having to do something
shoot up INCREASE→INFORMAL to grow in size, or increase in number or level, very quickly: David has really shot up since I saw him last. ⊙Prices shot up by 25%.
▲ noun PLANT→1[C]the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from a seed, or any new growth on an already existing plant: Two weeks after we’d planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear. ⊙FIGURATIVE The first green shoots (="hopeful" signs) of economic recovery have started to appear.
FILM→2[C USUALLY SINGULAR] when photographer take a series of photographs, usually of the same person or people in the same place: We did a fashion shoot on the beach, with the girls modeling swimwear. WEAPON→3[C]an occasion on which a group of people go to an area of the countryside to shoot animals
shooting ['?u:ti?] noun 1 A [U]when bullets are shot from guns or other weapons: We heard some shooting in the night. 2 A [C]when someone is injured or killed by a bullet shot from a gun: There have been a number of shootings in the capital this week. 3[U]the sport of shooting animals or birds: pleasant/grouse shooting ⊙ He goes shooting most weekends.
【小题1】What does the phrase “green shoots” mean in “You will be bound to see that the green shoots of your English level start to grow.”?

A.Great efforts.B.Signs of improving.
C.Learning ability.D.Change in method.
【小题2】Fill in the blank in the sentence “When it is achieved, there will be other plans to _________.”
A.shoot atB.shoot upC.shoot downD.shoot through
【小题3】If you are suffering from the consequence of the plan without full consideration, we say you are __________.
A.shooting the breezeB.shooting your mouth off
C.shooting yourself in the footD.shooting questions at somebody
【小题4】Choose a word to complete the sentence “__________ is one of the oldest sport events, which is popular with people both at home and abroad.”



Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 53-56.

Important words to learn: E Essential I Improver A Advanced

shoot [ʃu:t]

▲verb (shot, shot) WEAPON→1 E to fire a bullet or an arrow, or to hit, injure or kill a person or animal by firing a bullet or arrow at them: If he’s not armed, don’t shoot. ⊙ The kids were shooting arrows at a target. ⊙She was shot three times in the head.⊙ He has a license to shoot pheasants on the farmer’s land. ⊙ A policeman was shot dead in the city centre last night. ⊙ The troops were told to shoot to kill. SPORT→2 A to try to score points for yourself or your team, in sports involving a ball, by kicking, hitting or throwing the ball towards the goal: He shot from the middle of the field and still managed to score. MOVE QUICKLY→3 A to move in a particular direction very quickly and directly: She shot past me several meters before the finishing line. ⊙ He shot out of the office a minute ago ─ I think he was late for a meeting. ⊙ They were just shooting off to town so we didn’t stop to speak.

shooter ['ʃu:tə] noun[C]He’s thought to be the best shooter in the league.

▲idioms have shot your bolt UK INFORMAL to have already achieved all that you have the power, ability or strength to do and to be unable to do more: He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.

• shoot yourself in the foot to do something without intending to which spoils a situation for yourself

• shoot your mouth off INFORMAL to talk too much in a loud and uncontrolled way: It’s just like Richard to go shooting his mouth off about other people’s affairs.

• shoot for the moon US to ask for the best or the most you could hope for: You might as well shoot for the moon and ask for a promotion as well as a raise.

• shoot questions at sb to ask someone a lot of questions very quickly, one after the other: He shot questions at me so quickly that I didn’t even have time to answer.

• shoot the breeze US INFORMAL to talk with someone or a group of people about things which are not important: We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze.

▲ phrasal verbs shoot sth down to destroy an aircraft or make an aircraft, bird, etc. fall to the ground by shooting at it: He was killed during the war when his plane was shot down.

shoot sb down to shoot and usually kill someone, showing no sympathy: I saw Tom shoot him down like a dog in the street.

shoot for/at sth US to try to do something: It’s worth taking chances when you’re shooting at a chance of fame and wealth.

shoot out If opposing groups or people armed with guns shoot it out, they shoot at each other until one of the groups or people is dead or defeated.

shoot through AUSTRALIAN INFORMAL to leave a place very quickly, especially in order to avoid having to do something

shoot up INCREASE→INFORMAL to grow in size, or increase in number or level, very quickly: David has really shot up since I saw him last. ⊙ Prices shot up by 25%.

▲ noun PLANT→1[C]the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from a seed, or any new growth on an already existing plant: Two weeks after we’d planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear. ⊙ FIGURATIVE The first green shoots (=hopeful signs) of economic recovery have started to appear.

FILM→2[C USUALLY SINGULAR] when photographer take a series of photographs, usually of the same person or people in the same place: We did a fashion shoot on the beach, with the girls modeling swimwear. WEAPON→3[C]an occasion on which a group of people go to an area of the countryside to shoot animals

shooting ['ʃu:tiŋ] noun 1 A [U]when bullets are shot from guns or other weapons: We heard some shooting in the night. 2 A [C]when someone is injured or killed by a bullet shot from a gun: There have been a number of shootings in the capital this week. 3[U]the sport of shooting animals or birds: pleasant/grouse shooting ⊙ He goes shooting most weekends.

53. What does the phrase “green shoots” mean in “You will be bound to see that the green shoots of your English level start to grow.”?

         A. Great efforts.                                                     B. Signs of improving.

         C. Learning ability.                                                 D. Change in method.

54. Fill in the blank in the sentence “When it is achieved, there will be other plans to _________.”

         A. shoot at                          B. shoot up                C. shoot down          D. shoot through

55. If you are suffering from the consequence of the plan without full consideration, we say you are __________.

         A. shooting the breeze                                         B. shooting your mouth off

         C. shooting yourself in the foot                          D. shooting questions at somebody

56. Choose a word to complete the sentence “__________ is one of the oldest sport events, which is popular with people both at home and abroad.”

A. Shooter                           B. Shoot                      C. Shot                        D. Shooting




Old words are wise words

  EDITOR’S note:The works of British essayist(散文家)Sir Francis Bacon(1561-1626)are well-known throughout Chinese high schools.

  Nearly 400 years ago in April he breathed his last breath.Today, his essays on friendship, self-love and being young, for example, still remain relevant(相关的)to students throughout the world.

  Here, the School Edition presents Sir Bacon’s essay on studying.Some of the words have been simplified.

  Studies serve to delight, for ornament(装饰), and for ability.Their chief use for delight, is in private; for ornament, is in conversation; and for ability, is in the judgment of business...To spend too much time in studies is not healthy; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation(矫揉造作); to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the characteristic of a scholar(学究).

  Studies perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning(修剪); and studies themselves, give too many general directions in life, they need to be bound(约束)by experiences...

  Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention...

  Reading makes a full man; discussion a ready man(明辨是非的人); and writing an exact man.

  And therefore, if a man writes little, he has need for a great memory; if he discusses little, he has need for a ready wit(睿智); and if he reads little, he has need for much cunning(狡黠)to pretend he has more knowledge than he does...

  Bowling(球类运动)is good for kidneys(肾); shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like.

  So if a man’s wit lacks focus, let him study mathematics.For if his mind starts wandering(走神), even a little, he must go back to the beginning of his problem again.If his wit is not able to find differences, let him study the philosophers; for they are cymini sectores(Latin for “hair-splitters”- people who examine problems very closely).If he is not able to use one thing to prove another, let him study the lawyers’ cases.

  So every defect(缺陷)of the mind may have a special remedy(治疗法).


When you talk with someone, your studies enable you to.

[  ]


enjoy the discussion


understand others


contribute something to the discussions


make judgements


What does the writer mean by saying:“Studies are perfected by experiences”?

[  ]


There are so many directions in life, you may get lost without experiences.


Without your own experiences, you won’t know what to believe in life.


Without your own experiences, you won’t really understand what you’ve studied.


Without your own experiences, you won’t know what directions to follow.


In the eighth paragraph,the sentence:“Reading makes a full man”, “full” means.

[  ]










Studying law helps a person.

[  ]


examine problems


learn to prove things




find differences

