What can we learn from the conversation? A. They want to put on three shows this spring. B. Three people will appear in the play. C. The man will sing.act and dance in the show. Conversation 6 查看更多






1.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.Bob is leaving for Hong Kong.

B.Maria is leaving for Hong Kong.

C.Bob wants to leave Hong Kong.

2.When did the plane leave?




3.On which day of the week will the magazine arrive?




4.What does the woman speaker think of the new color TV set?

A.It’s too cheap.

B.It’s still expensive to her.

C.It’s reasonably priced.

5.What is the woman?

A.A student.

B.A teacher.

C.An Italian engineer.




6.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to Ottawa during the vacation?

A.To visit a Canadian family.

B.To go sightseeing.

C.To learn English.

7.Why did the woman like staying with the Smiths?

A.They were her relations.

B.She could speak English with them.

C.She could eat Western food every day.

8.What did the woman particularly like about the Canadian classes?

A.The students have more freedom.

B.Listening,speaking,reading and writing were all included in one class.

C.There were a lot of activities.


9.What did the man ask the woman to do on Sunday afternoon?

A.To come to a dinner party.

B.To watch a volleyball game.

C.To meet his friends.

10.What did the woman have to do then?

A.To invite some friends.

B.To go to Mexico City.

C.To pick up her brother-in-law at the airport.

11.What did the man suggest?

A.She come over after she gets back from the airport.

B.She bring something to eat.

C.She order pizza for dinner.


12.Why will they put on a show?

A.For fun.

B.For money.

C.For nothing.

13.What can we know from their dialogue?

A.They want to put on three shows all.

B.They are going to choose one out of three shows.

C.They will sing three songs in the play.

14.What can we learn about the man?

A.He often gets up on a stage.

B.He sings popular songs for money.

C.He will sing and dance in the show.


15.Why does the girl work hard at her lessons?

A.She wants to be an engineer in the future.

B.She is going to be a biologist after she graduates.

C.She is going to take an exam.

16.What can we learn about the boy?

A.He is an engineer.

B.He is a doctor.

C.He is a friend of the girl’s.

17.What are those technical words about?





18.Which of the following people are unlucky?

A.People who have boring jobs.

B.People who have a lot of spare time.

C.People who earn a lot of money.

19.Why are many successful sportsmen young people?

A.Because they are under 35.

B.Because they can move fast.

C.Because they are interesting.

20.Which of the following group of people work till they die?

A.Writers,artists and actors.

B.Artists,musicians and teachers.

C.Writers;musicians and engineers.





例:How much is the shirt?





1.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.Bob is leaving for Hong Kong.

B.Maria is leaving for Hong Kong.

C.Bob wants to leave Hong Kong.

2.When did the plane leave?




3.On which day of the week will t he magazine arrive?




4.What does the woman speaker think of the new color TV set?

A.It’s too cheap.

B.It’s still expensive to her.

C.It’s reasonably priced.

5.What is the woman?

A.A student.

B.A teacher.

C.An Italian engineer.




6.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to Ottawa during the vacation?

A.To visit a Canadian family.

B.To go sightseeing.

C.To learn English.

7.Why did the woman like staying with the Smiths?

A.They were her relations.

B.She could speak English with them.

C.She could eat Western food every day.

8.What did the woman particularly like about the Canadian classes?

A.The students have more freedom.

B.Listening, speaking, reading and writing were all included in one class.

C.There were a lot of activities.


9.What did the man ask the woman to do on Sunday afternoon?

A.To come to a dinner party.

B.To watch a volleyball game.

C.To meet his friends.

10.What did the woman have to do then?

A.To invite some friends.

B.To go to Mexico City.

C.To pick up her brother-in-law at the airport.

11.What did the man suggest?

A.She come over after she gets back from the airport.

B.She bring something to eat.

C.She order pizza for dinner.


12.Why will they put on a show?

A.For fun.

B.For money.

C.For nothing.

13.What can we know from their dialogue?

A.They want to put on three show all.

B.They are going to choose one out of three shows.

C.They will sing three songs in the play.

14.What can we learn about the man?

A.He often gets up on a stage.

D.He sings popular songs for money.

C.He will sing and dance in the show.


15.Why does the girl work hard at her lessons?

A.She wants to be an engineer in the future.

B.She is going to be a biologist after she graduates.

C.She is going to take an exam.

16.What can we learn about the boy?

A.He is an engineer.

B.He is a doctor.

C.He is a friend of the girl’s.

17.What are those technical words about?





18.Which of the following people are unlucky?

A.People who have boring jobs.

B.People who have a lot of spare time.

C.People who earn a lot of money.

19.Why are many successful sportsmen young people?

A.Because they are under 35.

B.Because they can move fast.

C.Because they are interesting.

20.Which of the following group of people work till they die?

A.Writers, artists and actors.

B.Artists, musicians and teachers.

C.Writers; musicians and engineers.



第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.Why can’t the woman go to the west coast?

A.She will take a course.

B.She has to take another training.

C.She is busy with her new job.

2.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At a store.

B.At an office.

C.At a hospital.

3.What information can we get about the man from the conversation?

A.He feels uneasy.

B.He had an operation not long ago.

C.He is in the hospital.

4.What did the man have for lunch?

A.Steak and ham.



5.At what time does the first show start?







6.Why is the man surprised?

A.The article he wants to read have all been checked out.

B.No one has read the article about anthropology(人类学)

C.Reserved material can’t be taken out of the library.

7.What can be concluded about the articles for anthropology 311?

A.They are out of print.

B.They are no longer in short supply.

C.They are in short supply.


8.What did the two speakers do just now?

A.They watched a football match.

B.They visited a museum.

C.They saw a film.

9.Why don’t they have Chinese food?

A.The woman doesn’t like it.

B.The woman had it last night.

C.The man doesn’t like it.

10.What do they decide to eat finally?


B.Curry and rice.

C.Hot dog.


11.Where does the man want to go?

A.Tokyo Subway Station.

B.Tokyo Art Museum.

C.Tokyo Tower.

12.How much does the train cost?

A.130 yen.

B.140 yen.

C.150 yen.

13.Where should the man get on the train?

A.Platform number 3.

B.Platform number 4.

C.Platform number 5.

14.How often does the train come?

A.About every five minutes.

B.About every six minutes.

C.About every seven minutes.


15.What will they put on a show for?

A.For money.

B.For fun.

C.For others.

16.What can we conclude from the dialogue?

A.They want to put on three shows in all.

B.Three people will appear in the play.

C.They will sing three songs in the play.

17.What can we learn about the man?

A.He will sing and dance in the show.

B.He often gets up a stage.

C.He sings pop songs for money.


18.Who was Helen?

A.A headmaster.

B.A student.

C.A teacher.

19.Who caught the flying bee finally?

A.The speaker.


C.The boy.

20.How did the students feel when hearing the teacher’s words?








W:Don’t you have any good news?

M:No.Yesterday, I had to stay after school, because I was talking during my biology teacher’s class.

W:You’d better keep quiet during class.

M:Sometimes I do.The day before yesterday, I was very quiet during my history teacher’s class and I still had to stay after class.

W:I don’t understand.

M:Because I fell asleep during his class, but it wasn’t my fault.The lesson was very dull.

W:I advise you to take school more seriously.If you don’t pass your exam, you’ll have to go out and work as a result.

M:I don’t see that it makes much difference.If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day, but if I’m in school I must listen to dull teachers every day.

1.What is the possible relationship between the man and woman?

A.Good friends.

B.Mother and son.

C.Teacher and student.

2.What did the boy often do at school?

A.He was often late for school.

B.He often fell asleep in class.

C.He often stayed after class.

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The boy prefers to go out and work.

B.The boy has neither interest in school nor in work.

C.The boy is discouraged because he hasn’t passed the exam.


M:How long have you been studying English?

W:For about six years.I started when I was ten.My teacher was from America.He was a very good teacher.I enjoyed studying English with him.

M:Are you still studying English?

W:Yes, I go to an evening school now.

M:How often do you have classes?

W:Twice a week usually.

M:Do you find English difficult?

W:Yes, it’s rather difficult, I think.Do I make many mistakes?

M:No, your English is very good.Do you often listen to the radio?

W:Yes, I listen to the radio every night.

M:Do you enjoy reading English books?

W:Yes, I read a lot of English books.But I prefer conversation.I like talking to foreigners.

4.How old is the girl?




5.What does the woman think of the study of English?




6.What did the woman enjoy most?





M:You look worried.Is anything the matter?

W:It’s my son.He hasn’t come home yet.I can’t understand him being so late.

M:Where’s he gone?

W:To visit a friend.I didn’t want him to go.I don’t like him going out at night.

M:Well, it isn’t very late.

W:It’s nine o’clock.I expected him to be back about eight.And it’s already dark.


W:I can just imagine him losing his way.Or falling off his bicycle.

M:Er…how old is your son?


7.Why does the woman look worried?

A.Her son has lost his way.

B.Her son hasn’t come back yet.

C.Her son has gone out at night.

8.Where has her son gone?

A.To school.

B.For a ride.

C.To visit a friend.

9.What do you think has happened to the woman’s son?

A.He has got lost.

B.He has fallen off his bicycle.

C.We don’t know.


W:We’re thinking about putting on a show this spring.

M:Do you think you’ll be able to make some money?

W:Oh, no, we just want to do it for the fun of it.You know there are a lot of us who like to get up a stage and perform.

M:What kind of show?

W:A musical play.

M:Have you decided who to do it?

W:We have three in mind, and of course we’ve been thinking about you.

M:Me? Why me?

W:You sing, don’t you? Everyone says you have a wonderful voice.

M:Well, I have sung a little, but I’ve never really appeared on a stage.

W:I thought you sang in church every Sunday.

M:That’s different.There are so many others singing too.

W:Then here’s your chance to find out how good you are.And not just to sing but to act and dance too.

M:Oh, it might be exciting.

10.What will they put on a show for?

A.For money.

B.For fun.

C.For others.

11.What can we conclude from the dialogue?

A.They want to put on three shows in all.

B.Three people will appear in the play.

C.They will sing three songs in the play.

12.What can we learn about the man?

A.He’ll sing and dance in the show.

B.He often gets up a stage.

C.He sings pop songs for money.


Now back to the news.

Ten people died yesterday morning when a boat sank off the Gold Sand Coast.Eight were able to swim to the shore and were saved by the coast guard.The boat was on its way to Beill Island.

Police are looking for a man and a woman in their early twenties who broke into a bank in the early hours this morning.This was reported by people working in the shop opposite who heard the breaking of glass.Two people were seen running away.The man is said to be very well-built, with dark hair which is very long.The woman with him is said to be small with short hair cut very close to her head.She was wearing blue trousers and a brown jacket.Anyone who has any information please gives further details to the police.

13.What were the eight people doing after the boat sank?

A.Saving the others.

B.Swimming to the shore.

C.Helping the captain.

14.When did the robbers break into the bank?

A.In the afternoon.

B.At midnight.

C.Early in the morning.

15.What was said about the man?

A.Tall and strong.

B.Strong with long hair.

C.Fat and well built.

