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One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird,   1 a sparrow.

“What’s that?” I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball,” my wife, Anita, said. She   2  and listened more devotedly. “It’s coming from the  3 .” she said. “Maybe it’s one of the little kids.”

We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was  4 to make trouble. “If he’s making holes in the wall again…” I said as I searched there. No children       5  . But there was that  6  again, coming from right up there.

And that’s when I  7  the sparrow. It was flying  8 just inches below the ceiling. It was  9 trying to get out, but couldn’t see that the way out wasn’t up, but down 10  the open door. So the bird continued  11  its wings and hitting its head against the  12 .

“Poor thing,” Anita said. “It must be  13  .”  

“Well, maybe it’s because of us,” I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔) down to get outside, but that only seemed to  14   it more. “Why don’t we just 15 for a few minutes?” Anita suggested. “I’m sure he’ll    16 eventually.” So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing  17  .Then suddenly, it was silent. We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone.

“See?” Anita said. “I told you he’d succeed.”

“Yeah,” I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it 18  him?”

I’ve thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations we don’t know how to  19 . Born to go upward, we don’t even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide  20 a little bit.    

1.                A.for example     B.rather than      C.or rather well


2.                A.hurried         B.paused         C.ignored   D.confirmed


3.                A.basement         C.garage   D.hall


4.                A.easy           B.happy          C.sorry D.angry


5.       all  all           C.above all  D.after all


6.                A.guest          B.voice           C.noise     D.sound


7.                A.watched        B.found          C.realized  D.caught


8.                A.carefully        B.gently          C.patiently  D.anxiously


9.                A.eventually      B.unwillingly       C.obviously D.thoroughly


10.               A.through        B.over           C.below D.beyond


11.               A.shaking         B.breaking        C.striking    D.injuring


12.               A.wall           B.floor           C.door  D.ceiling


13.               A.clumsy         B.painful         C.amazed   D.terrified


14.               A.frighten        B.comfort        C.confuse   D.calm


15.               A.leave          B.scream         C.relax D.escape


16.               A.put it aside      B.leave it alone    C.give it up  D.figure it out


17.               A.accident        B.achievement    C.struggle   D.trouble


18.               A.cost           B.offer           C.earn  D.owe


19.               A.classify         B.handle         C.debate    D.conclude


20.               A.up            B.back           C.forth D.down





第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)  


My wife and I moved into our home nine years ago. We16 a lot of time and 17  in the yard to get it looking the way it does today. We live on a corner, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall.

We did the best to cultivate(耕种) it and called this area our rock garden. 18   We had found flowers and plants, Denise or I will plant them, just to bring some 19 to the area.

Last summer I found a tiny little  plant that I could not immediately

20. I was sure that we didn’t plant it. We decided to let it 21 to grow until we could  22  what it was.

Weeks passed, and as I made my way back to the 23  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I 24 to nurture(培育) it and weed around it. As I picked up rocks from the area to get to the 25, I noticed something 26 . The sunflower had not started to grow from where I first saw the stalks(茎)appear. 27  it had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to 28 the sun.

That's when I realized that if a tiny little sunflower wouldn't let a big rock stand in its way when growing up, then we have the29 to do the same.  30 we believe in ourselves, like that little sunflower, we can

31 the type of nourishment(营养)and growth. We need to believe in

32,  knowing that we have the ability to 33 our desires. If you stand all like the sunflower and are 34 of who and what you are, then the environment will begin to 35 you. You will find a way to go under or around your obstacles( 障碍)in order to reach your goals.

16. A. took         B. spent        C. cost         D. pay

17. A. strength      B. energy       C. power        D. force

18. A. However      B. When       C. Whenever     D. Whatever

19. A. weed         B. color        C. water        D. soil

20. A. classify       B. accept       C. clarify      D. identify

21. A. remain       B. prevent       C. continue     D. leave

22. A. figure out     B. hold out       C. stand out    D. try out

23. A. endangered   B. convenient     C. mysterious   D. enormous

24. A. refused       B. decided       C. adapted      D. proposed

25. A. seeds        B. stalks         C. rocks        D. weeds

26. A. unusual      B. common       C. fantastic    D. unnatural

27. A. Casually     B. Basically       C. Actually     D. Strangely

28. A. enlarge      B. expand        C. reach        D. spread

29. A. chance       B. choice        C. power        D. ability

30. A. What if      B. As far as       C. Only if      D. As long as

31. A. inspire       B. attain          C. lose         D. refuse

32. A. ourselves     B. yourselves      C. themselves   D. myself

33. A. preserve      B. comfort         C. achieve      D. suggest

34. A. ashamed      B. pride          C. proud        D. ambitious

35. A. ensure       B. support        C. satisfy      D. protect             





 A. adopt                  B. noble              C. observer          D. astronomy      


 A. reward                 B. appearance      C. target             D. forward    


 A. procedure      B. concern           C. associate         D. correction  


 A. distinguish     B. lemon             C. brand             D. pond            


 A. breath         B. birthplace       C. southern         D. healthy   




























My wife and I moved into our home nine years ago. We16 a lot of time and 17  in the yard to get it looking the way it does today. We live on a corner, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall.
We did the best to cultivate(耕种) it and called this area our rock garden. 18   We had found flowers and plants, Denise or I will plant them, just to bring some 19 to the area.
Last summer I found a tiny little  plant that I could not immediately
20. I was sure that we didn’t plant it. We decided to let it 21 to grow until we could  22  what it was.
Weeks passed, and as I made my way back to the 23  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I 24 to nurture(培育) it and weed around it. As I picked up rocks from the area to get to the 25, I noticed something 26 . The sunflower had not started to grow from where I first saw the stalks(茎)appear. 27  it had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to 28 the sun.
That's when I realized that if a tiny little sunflower wouldn't let a big rock stand in its way when growing up, then we have the29 to do the same.  30 we believe in ourselves, like that little sunflower, we can
31 the type of nourishment(营养)and growth. We need to believe in
32,  knowing that we have the ability to 33 our desires. If you stand all like the sunflower and are 34 of who and what you are, then the environment will begin to 35 you. You will find a way to go under or around your obstacles( 障碍)in order to reach your goals.
16. A. took         B. spent        C. cost         D. pay
17. A. strength     B. energy       C. power        D. force
18. A. However      B. When       C. Whenever     D. Whatever
19. A. weed         B. color        C. water        D. soil
20. A. classify      B. accept       C. clarify      D. identify
21. A. remain       B. prevent      C. continue     D. leave
22. A. figure out    B. hold out      C. stand out    D. try out
23. A. endangered   B. convenient    C. mysterious   D. enormous
24. A. refused      B. decided      C. adapted      D. proposed
25. A. seeds        B. stalks        C. rocks        D. weeds
26. A. unusual      B. common       C. fantastic    D. unnatural
27. A. Casually     B. Basically      C. Actually     D. Strangely
28. A. enlarge      B. expand       C. reach        D. spread
29. A. chance       B. choice       C. power        D. ability
30. A. What if      B. As far as      C. Only if      D. As long as
31. A. inspire      B. attain         C. lose         D. refuse
32. A. ourselves    B. yourselves     C. themselves   D. myself
33. A. preserve     B. comfort        C. achieve      D. suggest
34. A. ashamed      B. pride         C. proud        D. ambitious
35. A. ensure       B. support       C. satisfy      D. protect             

