Near the city was a volcano called Vesuvius. On 24th August AD 79, the volcano e and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. 查看更多



After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced  16   for a few days. I was  17   to wait tables on my own. All went   18   that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily  19   the tables not far from the kitchen.  20  , I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays(托盘).

         Before I knew it, the   21   was full of people. I moved slowly,   22   every step. I remember how  23   I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was   24   on. It had nice handles, which made it  25   to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to   26   I was a natural at this job.

         Then, an old man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved   27   you work. It seems your tray stand has been very   28   to you, but we are getting ready to   29   now, and my wife needs her  30   back.”

         At first his  31   did not get across. “What was he talking about!” Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker(助步器). I stood frozen as ice, but my face was   32  . I wanted to get into a hole and   33  .

         Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just   34  . I have learned to be more   35   and not to be too sure of myself.

1.A. manager                       B. assistant                           C. cook                                  D. waitress

2.A. promised            B. invited                              C. advised                   D. allowed

3.A. well                      B. quickly                    C. safely                           D. wrong

4.A. left                                 B. shown                               C. brought                            D. given

5.A. However             B. Therefore                        C. Otherwise                 D. Finally

6.A. kitchen                         B. street                                C. restaurant                  D. table

7.A. taking                            B. changing                          C. minding                            D. saving

8.A. angry              B. happy                                 C. sad                                    D. calm

9.A. fixed              B. trained                                 C. loaded                        D. waited

10.A. slower                  B. lighter                                  C. quieter                       D. easier

11.A. believe                 B. agree                              C. regret                     D. pretend

12.A. letting                   B. making                            C. watching                     D. having

13.A. useful                   B. familiar                           C. unusual              D. interesting

14.A. rest             B. order                              C. eat                     D. leave

15.A. bag              B. tray                        C. walker                        D. coat

16.A. message                     B. praise                               C. idea                             D. need

17.A. cold                   B. full of joy                          C. pale                                   D. on fire

18.A. lie                                B. defend                             C. hide                             D. stay

19.A. repeated          B. discovered                      C. corrected                   D. described

20.A. patient                        B. careful                       C. honest                            D. practical



Moving to a new city and state was difficult for me, especially in winter. Little did I know that a Colorado snowstorm would greet me after I had been in my new home for only a week.

I just missed home. But more than the old house and the beach, I missed Stacey, my best friend. And I missed our lovely tea. Going to a sweet little tearoom, we had discovered was a special treat for us. The place was a Victorian dream, with delicate teacups and tablecloths with flower prints. The hat shelf near the front door swept us back to childhood. Stacey and I became little girls, trying on different hats until we found the perfect one for our dress-up tea party. We would then choose a lovely table and order our tea. That was a precious time, filled with laughter between scones(煎饼) and sharing our lives between tiny cucumber sandwiches.

Springtime descended upon Denver, and the sun lightened my heart. But I still fought loneliness almost every day. I decided to explore the Denver area. While my husband went to the office, I took time to see what our new area had to offer.

One day, I was walking along the street when suddenly the words "Tea Leaves" caught my eye. A tea room? Here, in the land of loneliness and pain?

I walked through the doors, and tears came to my eyes. It was a beautiful room, not Victorian, but simple and lovely.

I sat down and ordered a pot of tea, a cucumber sandwich, and some scones. It felt silly and wonderful --- and it felt like home. For the first time since moving, I felt as if this new city and state could be, would eventually be, my home. I would come back here and bring new friends. When Stacey visited, we would come here.

I lifted my cup and made a silent toast. I toasted Stacey, whom I missedly, and I toasted the sweet little tearoom that lessened my pain.

1.The author's hometown ______________.

A.never snows                  still warm in winter

C.has a long history              in an area by the sea

2.The underlined word "treat" in Paragraph 2 probable means ____________.

A.delicious food                          B.something pleasant

C.service                               D.a kind of tea party

3.We can know from Paragraph 3 that the author ______________.

A.didn't adapt to the new life

B.felt comfortable in the new environment in spring

C.didn't feel lonely any more in spring

D.wanted to actively adapt to the new environment

4.Which of the following about "Tea Leaves" is true?

A.It made the author recall her childhood.

B.It looks silly and wonderful.

C.Cucumber sandwiches and scones are its specialties.

D.It touched the author.

5.We can infer from the text that the author would probably ____________. her own teahouse

B.ask the owner of the teahouse to decorate it like a home

C.make new friends in Denver

D.go back to her hometown to visit Stacey



The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside, but was asked by the police _________.     

A .not to do                  B. not to            C. not do           D. do not



 It’s hard not to feel cheated and over-charged when you receive unexpected roaming (漫游) charges while traveling abroad—whether they come from making phone calls or checking e-mails.

Jeff Gardner received an $ 11,000 bill from Verizon after spending four days in Jamaica. Before the trip, Mr. Gardner, who runs a fly-fishing business in Grayling, Michigan, said he called Verizon to find out what it would cost to use his cellphone for calls and his wireless card to check e-mails while in Jamaica. He said he was told that calls would be about $ 2 a minute and that there would be no extra charges for data as he was on an unlimited plan. The latter part turned out to be wrong.

“I don’t mind paying a fair amount for fair service, but $11,000 for four days is ridiculous,” said Mr. Gardner, who used his phone carefully and economically on the trip. He also tried to check and send e-mails using his wireless card, but quickly gave up after the e-mails didn’t go through. Still, his Verizon bill said more than 500,000 kilobytes (千字节) of data was delivered while he was in Jamaica, an amount Mr. Gardner said is 100 times what he normally uses in a month.

As travelers increasingly use smart phones abroad in the same way they do at home—to check e-mails, update Facebook and Twitter and pull up online maps—many are facing costly roaming fees, which providers charge when customers use their phones outside their service area. In fact, roaming charges have gotten so out of hand that the Federal Communications Commission has proposed a plan that would require wireless companies to send their customers a voice or text message when they are approaching their plan’s limit, when they have reached that limit and when they are starting to result in roaming fees.

1. Why did Jeff Gardner call Verizon before his trip to Jamaica?

A. To hand over his business.    

B. To check his cellphone bill

C. To find out information about Jamaica.

D. To find out information about roaming charges.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Extra charges were made for Jeff Gardner’s data delivery.

B. Jeff Gardner’s calls were charged over $2 per minute.

C. Jeff Gardner’s plan turned out to be limited.

D. Jeff Gardner had difficulty delivering data abroad.

3.During the trip, Jeff Gardner______.

A. was careless with phone use

B. delivered no more data than at home

C. received quite poor e-mail services

D. frequently used his wireless card to send e-mails

4.What should wireless companies do according to the Federal Communications Commission?

A. Make customers know when they’re outside their service area.

B. Get customers informed when they’re near the limit of their plan.

C. Stop serving customers when they’ve reached their plan’s limit.

D. Limit some services to reduce the amount of roaming charges abroad.



Two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killed at least 3 people and injured more than 180 others, and currently FBI has figured out how it __________.

A.came up          B.came out          C.came across       D.came about


