, China is a country with a long history. 查看更多




know about了解,知道…的情况  know from区分  know of听说过,知道(有…)  be known as被称为,是有名的  be known for因…而出名  be known to all众所周知

(1)It happened that I ________ him.

(2)It isn’t easy for a child to ________ right ________ wrong.

(3)I ________ a shop where you can get things like that.

(4)China is a large country, as ________.

(5)Hangzhou ________ its beautiful West Lake.

(6)She was well ________ an excellent dancer.



  Exercise takes time.That's a given(众所周知的).People always don't have enough time.That's a given too.________1 Here are some ways to do it:

Do exercise in your daily life.

  Who says,“exercise”has to be done in a gym?Fitness experts use the term“lifestyle exercise”to describe everyday activities that are good for us.________2

  Wear a pedometer(记步器)

  Wearing an equipment that counts your footsteps can be surprising-either because you walk a lot more than you thought or a lot less.Whatever the case, you'll be encouraged either to build on your accomplishments(成就)or make up for lack of effort.In one recent study at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, people with arthritis(关节炎)who received instructions on using a pedometer increased their daily walking much more than those who received only arthritis self-management education.


  If you jump in the car for every neighborhood thing or visit to your friend down the street, you'd better make some chages.________4

  Use waiting time.

  Looking at your computer screen when waiting for the download to finish doesn't burn any energy.________5.Anytime you're waiting to meet a friend at the mall, for example, look for opportunities to go for a short walk, or perform some other physical movement.

A.You can walk or use bicycles for short-distance travel

B.And just stand there waiting for your turn.

C.But you can do some exercise in the place where you are waiting

D.But it's still possible to do some exercise in you daily life.

E.Don't always drive cars.

F.Examples include walking while shopping, and dancing

G.Drive to the places.



  众所周知,环境(environment)污染对人类危害很大。现在越来越多的人开始认识到这个问题的严重性。我国政府正努力采取措施(take measures)与污染做斗争。我们相信一定会取得斗争的胜利。


