●重点单词1.declare 例句集锦 vt. (1)Peace was declared at last. 终于宣告了和平. The colonies declared their independence from England. 这些殖民地宣告脱离英国而独立. (2)She declared that she didn’t want to see him any more. 她声称再也不想见到他了. (3)She declared herselfinnocent. 她声称自己是清白的. The chairman declared the meeting open. 主席宣布会议开始. vi. (1)declare for/against赞成/反对 I declare for his opinion. 我赞成他的观点. (2)declare war on/against...对--宣战 Terrorists declared war on the United States,and war is what they got. 恐怖分子向美国宣战.而他们得到的就是战争. 用法归纳 declare用作及物动词和不及物动词.含义为:宣布.宣告.声称.用作及物动词时的主要用法为:+名词/从句/复合宾语. 查看更多


