weigh vt. 称-的重量 vi. 重达-. 重量为- put on weight lose weight by weight in meters/pounds/calories by the day/the week/the yard/the dozen/the ton 查看更多




    请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填l个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we don’t have a regular diet of proper food, we don’t have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people think not eating breakfast doesn’t matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common misconception and other meal frequency and timing meals.

Will eating breakfast every day help me lose weight?

Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you shed pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely to eat diet-busting(破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories — and then some — before day's end. Researchers found that 78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry — who have maintained an average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years — eat breakfast every day.

Is "grazing" really healthier than eating three square meals a day?

No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin (胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares, according to the American Dietetic Association.

I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy, is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?

Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet "one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol(胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy.

Will bedtime snacks make you fat?

No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your desk every afternoon.

The final word

Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight. Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone.

Title: Stop Obsessing Over Your Meals


Common misconception

Some people think it doesn’t matter to live and work   1  breakfast.



People having breakfast can actually help weigh  3 People not eating breakfast make up the calories now and then in the



Old studies   5  grazing is better than eating three square meals but later not.


  6   to say whether eating most the calories at dinner is a bad idea.

Eating less food one meal per day may keep you neat, but may lead to blood pressure   7  .

Bedtime snacks

Bedtime snacks won’t make you fat.

Overeating may cause you to gain more calories than you burn through8  activity.

A habit of snacking in front of TV can’t gain weight more than overeating at a meal.


No one plan is   10   for everyone



英汉互译 (共5分)

举动;表现n. ______________           6.represent   _____________

减少;缩减vt. ______________          7.struggle    _____________

考虑周到的adj.______________          8.expand    _____________

后悔;遗憾 vt.&n.____________          9.deliver     _____________

耳语;低语v.&n _____________          10.occupation _____________



The eastern Indonesian Island of Komodo is proving a hit with adventurous tourists eager to catch a glance of the world’s largest lizard species. The island is the home of the huge lizard called the Komodo dragon.

A later species of the Jurassic period dinosaurs 130 million years ago, the Komodo dragon is in danger and has been placed under protection by the Indonesian government.

The huge lizard is called “Buaya Darat” by the local people who show great respect for the species. Tales handed down over generations of islanders speak of the dragon warning people of getting close to crocodiles.

The animal can reach a length of three meters when fully grown, gain a weight of about 135 kilograms and may live to an age of about 100 years. It digs a hole in the ground as deep as 9 meters and lay eggs---up to 30 at a time---that hatch in April or May. The newly hatched lizards, about 45 centimeters long, live in trees for several months.

Komodo dragons have been known to eat smaller members of the species and sometimes even other grown-ups. The Komodo dragon was first discovered in 1912 by a group of fishermen who protected themselves from a storm in the Banda Sea on the island.

Various species of the Komodo dragons are also found in Asia, Australia and Africa, but it is only on Komodo and the western tip of the neighboring island of Flores that they grow up to three meters long.

46. The message is mainly about                                  .

the largest crocodile in the world                      B. the story of a dragon in Indonesia

a kind of huge lizard---the Komodo dragon 

D. how the Komodo dragon was found and protected

47. Newly-born Komodo dragons                                 .

A. dig very deep holes            

B. are hatched in cold weather

C. are 30 centimeters long and weigh 45 kilograms 

D. spend their first few months living in trees

48. Today Komodo dragons                                      .

A. are protected by the local government   

B. are hunted by Komodo fishermen

C. join in a special hatching program      

D. live only on the Komodo Island

49. According to the passage, Komodo dragons                              .

are 9 meters long and live up to 80 years

are 3 meters long and live up to 100 years

weigh up to 135 kilograms and are 9 meters long

weigh 45 kilograms and live up to 135 years

50. The local people have great respect for the Komodo dragon because they believe ___        

the dragon can prevent them from being attacked by crocodiles

the dragon has special curing power

the dragon is in great danger of dying out in its hometown

it takes thousands of years for the dinosaurs to become dragons         



Rabbits are easy to raise. They are clean and quiet. They don’t need a lot of room. And it costs a small amount of money to feed them, but you can get a big return.

One male and two females will produce as many as fifty more rabbits in a year. That is enough to provide enough meat for a family. Rabbit meat is high in protein and low in fat.

You don’t have to be a farmer to raise rabbits. You can raise them in the city.

Rabbit houses are easy to make with wood and wire. They don’t have to be very big. But each rabbit must have its own little room in the house. This is very important. Each room should be about 75 centimeters wide, 60 centimeters high and one meter deep.

Fencing is used for the sides and floor of the rabbit house. The holes in the wire fencing should be about one centimeter square. Waste from the animals will drop through the holes. This keeps the rabbit house clean and dry.

Rabbits need a lot of fresh air and sunlight. Cover the sides of the rabbit house only to protect it from rain.

Rabbits eat mostly grass and leaves. Hang feeding containers on the outside of the house to let the rabbits eat whenever they want. They simply pull the grass and leaves through the holes in the fence.

Each room should have fresh water. The water containers should be heavy so the rabbit cannot turn them over. Or you can tie the containers to the fence.

One month after mating(交配), female rabbits give birth to about eight babies. In two months, a baby rabbit should weigh about two kilograms. This is big enough to make a meal for a small family.

Rabbits are also valuable for their fur. It takes time, skill and money to prepare the fur and skin for use. If you have only a few rabbits, it probably would be best to let a tanner(制革工) prepare the fur for you. Skill is also needed to remove the fur from the rabbit.

But rabbits do not have to be dead to be valuable. Many people enjoy keeping rabbits as friendly pets. And rabbit waste makes an excellent fertilizer(肥料). It can be mixed directly into the soil to improve the growth of vegetables, trees, and flowering plants.

1.The text is written mainly_______.

A.to explain why rabbits are clean and quiet

B.to let people know more about rabbits

C.to tell readers how to raise rabbits

D.to introduce a small friendly animal pet

2.What is important if you raise rabbits?

A.Holes are needed for waste to drop through.

B.Each rabbit must be given a separate room.

C.Each room must have clean water every day.

D.Feeding containers are hung on the fence.

3.Why should the holes in the wire fence be about one centimeter square?

A.Because the holes let in sunlight.

B.Because rabbits like these holes.

C.Because rabbits get food from them.

D.Because waste of rabbits drops through the holes.

4.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A.You don’t have to kill rabbits to make more money.

B.Rabbits cannot be sold to make money when they are alive.

C.Rabbits are more valuable when they are alive.

D.Rabbits have to be killed to be more valuable.



Children at a school in Italy have today begun an experiment to replace all their books with personal computers. The pupils involved will each be given a special laptop that contains their entire courses.

Until today, the Don Milani di Rivoli elementary school in central Turin was like any other. Children turned up, got out their books and pens and began the process of learning. But now, in what's being described as a unique experiment, 60 fifth-grade pupils and a number of third-graders, will start using computers only.

The mini-laptops, which run Windows software, all have a full curriculum programmed into them. The pupils will use the computers to do all their reading and writing. Security systems within the laptops mean the children's access to the Internet is strictly controlled. The machines weigh less than a kilogram, can be dropped from a height of 1.5 metres and are waterproof.

Instead of spending 700 dollars a year on books, the laptops, built by the Italian company Olidata, cost less than 400 dollars. One of the teachers involved in the scheme says that, for the first time, schools will be able to verify in a scientific way how a computer alone can improve the learning process. The experiment, which has the backing of parents, is due to last a year.

In other countries, such a programme is also being carried out. Venezuela is ordering one million low cost laptops for its school children. The machines will be based on the Intel Classmate laptop that has been designed for school children. Many see the deal as a blow for the One Laptop Per Child organization that has also been introducing its child- friendly machine to developing nations.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about the mini-laptop?

A. It is heavy for pupils to carry.         B. It can't be damaged by water.

C. It is one and a half meters high.              D. It is easily broken or damaged.

2. The pupils use the laptop to ____ in class.

A. learn their lessons as an aid

B. have a course named computer studies

C. surf the Internet mainly to find information

D. do what they used to do with books and pens

3. How much money can a pupil save by using the mini-laptop to replace all the books in a year?

A. Less than 400 dollars.                            B. More than 400 dollars.

C. More than 300 dollars.                   D. Less than 300 dollars.

4.Which of the following about the experiment is TRUE?

A. It has been carried out for over one year.

B. It has already turned out to be a success.

C. The pupils' parents are against it in fact.

D. The pupils' parents are supportive to it.


