such as:用于列举事物.且只列举部分 for example/instance:用来举例说明.不表列举或等同 namely=that is 查看更多




  Robots have been a part of the manufacturing work force for decades-one in 10 auto-workers, for instance, is now made of metal and electronics.Robots for the house have been slower to come.Household chores(家务杂事)are less predictable and repetitive than those of the assembly line(装配线), making them difficult to explain in the simple language of a machine.Then how can we solve this problem? One answer is to design robots that are flexible for specific tasks, such as cacuuming(用真空吸尘器清扫).Another is to figure out a way to make robots simple-and cheap-enough that ordinary people can build their own from parts and program them to do whatever they please.

  With funding from Google, Intel and Microsoft, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University(CMU)in Pittsburgh have created a series of build-it-yourself robots which they say are simple and cheap enough for almost anyone to create.

  It starts with a black box called Qwerk-the robot “brain” that CMU built and sells for $349 on its Website.Using off-the-shelf parts(wheels, screwdrivers, electrical tape)and some simple instructions, anybody can build a 10-centimeter-high robot and program the Qwerk brain.You might make a wheeled robot with a video camera that can keep an eye on your house and sound the alarm in case someone enters.

  Scientists hope that by bringing simple robot technology to the marketplace, they can open up the industry to the greater public-maybe even make robotics fun.They’ve tested prototypes(原型)in classrooms and workshops, and even tried them out with young kids.While most of the robots serve practical uses, their goal, scientists say, is to get the public to start contributing its own designs, and even make robots a form of self-expression.One student, for example, made a robot that sits on the side of the road and when it sees a car going too fast, puts up a sign that says slowly down!


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Robots have been used in manufacturing for decades.


Robots are used to do housework more often than in the assembly line.


Robots make up 10% of the auto-workers nowadays.


Robots are made of metal and electronics.


Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh get money for their research from ________.

[  ]


some IT companies


the university




the government


If you want to make a robot that can keep an eye on your house, which of the following might you NOT need?

[  ]


A black box called Qwerk


Some wheels


A real gun


A video camera


Scientists brought simple robot technology to the public in order to ________.

[  ]


help people solve household chores


get people to start their own designs


give people more chances to know robots


change manufacturing robots into household ones


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Mobile robots


Home-made robots


Factory robots


Teaching robots



  Robots have been a part of the manufacturing work force for decades-one in 10 auto-workers, for instance, is now made of metal and electronics.Robots for the house have been slower to come.Household chores(家务杂事)are less predictable and repetitive than those of the assembly line(装配线), making them difficult to explain in the simple language of a machine.Then how can we solve this problem? One answer is to design robots that are flexible for specific tasks, such as cacuuming(用真空吸尘器清扫).Another is to figure out a way to make robots simple-and cheap-enough that ordinary people can build their own from parts and program them to do whatever they please.

  With funding from Google, Intel and Microsoft, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University(CMU)in pittsburgh have created a series of build-it-yourself robots which they say are simple and cheap enough for almost anyone to create.

  It starts with a black box called Qwerk-the robot“brain” that CMU built and sells for $349 on its Website.Using off-the-shelf parts(wheels, screwdrivers, electrical tape)and some simple instructions, anybody can build a 10-centimeter-high robot and program the Qwerk brain.You might make a wheeled robot with a video camera that can keep an eye on your house and sound the alarm in case someone enters.

  Scientists hope that by bringing simple robot technology to the marketplace, they can open up the industry to the greater public-maybe even make robotics fun.They’ve tested prototypes(原型)in classrooms and workshops, and even tried them out with young kids.While most of the robots serve practical uses, their goal, scientists say, is to get the public to start contributing its own designs, and even make robots a form of self-expression.One student, for example, made a robot that sits on the side of the road and when it sees a car going too fast, puts up a sign that says slow down!


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Robots have been used in manufacturing for decades.


Robots are used to do housework more often than in the assembly line.


Robots make up 10%of the auto-workers nowadays.


Robots are made of metal and electronics.


Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in pittsburgh get money for their research from________.

[  ]


some IT companies


the university




the government


If you want to make a robot that can keep an eye on your house, which of the following might you NOT need?

[  ]


A black box called Qwerk


Some wheels


A real gun


A video camera


Scientists brought simple robot technology to the public in order to________.

[  ]


help people solve household chores


get people to start their own designs


give people more chances to know robots


change manufacturing robots into household ones


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Mobile robots


Home-made robots


Factory robots


Teaching robots


目前,一些诸如GG、MM、Konglong等的网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并出现在家庭作业、报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited(禁止)为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文。
1. 网络语言缺乏思想性,太简单;
2. 没有被大部分人理解和接受;
Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?
At present, Internet Slang, such as "GG",, "MM", "Konglong", has become popular among the teenagers.








Our English club was set up two months ago.Now,we have members of 25.We met once a week on Saturday afternoon.So far,we have been conducted a variety of activities on English learning,such as watching English films,including a Christmas party and get together with the foreign students.Last week we held an English story-telling competition.We required that the entries would be original and interesting and be presented in English within five minutes.Every member took an actively part in it.Two foreign English teachers were invited to act as judge.At last,LiBing won the first place.Many members said that the activity benefited them many ways.

Not only did it improve their speaking English,but also it brought them more fun.They hope many such activities can be held.




You will probably try harder to get more sleep once you see how much better you feel with even 30 minutes more sleep.

Getting more sleep is sometimes merely a matter of scheduling. In the next couple of weeks, try to get rid of one or two things from your morning and evening routine. If morning is your downfall, shift(转移) some of your morning routines to the night before or putting something off until your break at lunch. If late afternoon and night are your downfalls, do the same.

You don’t really need to watch the news. It’s depressing. If something important happens today, you will find out tomorrow at work. At least skip(略过) the weather. Right after dinner, go to a major search engine, and type in “national weather” and the name of your town. You will see a two-line weather report from the National Weather Service. This will save you several minutes of watching the weather on television.

If reading helps you, take a boring book or magazine to bed with you. Paperbacks(平装本) are not as heavy and are easier to read in bed. 

If you have a partner or roommate, maybe you can take turns with a neck and shoulder massage at night instead of television.

Make sure you are ready for sleep when you go to bed. __________ such as televisions, computers, and video games wake us up. Avoid them for at least an hour before you plan to go to bed. 

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 5 words.)

3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Often, sleeping more depends on how you manage your time.

4.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.

5.As a senior student, how can you make sure you get enough sleep?  (Please answer within  30 words.)


