make up:化妆.编造.组成.占- be made up of:一个整体是由几个部分组成 =be composed of =consist of make up for:弥补 查看更多



On the high-speed train Avignon to Paris, my husband and I landed in the only remaining seats on the train, in the middle of a car, directly opposite a Frenchwoman of middle years. It was an extremely uncomfortable arrangement to be looking straight into the eyes of a stranger. My husband and I pulled out books. The woman produced a large makeup case and made up her face. Except for a lunch break, she continued this activity for the entire three-hour trip. Every once in a while she surveyed the car with a bright-eyed glance, but never once did she catch my eye. My husband and I could have been a blanket wall.

I was amused, but some people would have felt uncomfortable , even repulsed(厌恶的).there is something about making up in public that calls up strong emotional reactions. Partly its a question of hygiene. And its a matter of degree. Making up --- a private act--- has a way of neglecting the presence of others. I was once seated at a party with a model-actress who immediately waved a silly brush and began dusting her face at the table, demonstrating that while she was next to me, she was not with me.

In fact, I am generally prohibited from making up in public, except when I am in the company of cosmetics moment. In a gathering more professional than social, I would do so.

Kathy Peiss, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst says that nose-powdering in the office was an occasion for outrage in 1920s and 30s. Deploring the practice as a waste of company time, trade journals advises managers to discourage it among workers. Peiss theorizes that it was females making up in what has been an all-male field that disturb some gentlemen.

Peiss tells me that after the 30s , pulling out a make-up case was no longer an issue. It became an accepted practice. I asked if she feels free to apply lipstick at a professional lunch herself. Sounding mildly shocked, she says she would save that for the privacy of her car afterward. Why? Because it would be a gesture of inappropriate feminity(女性化). One guess is that most professional women feel this way. There is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticks that remain in place all day without retouching.

1.According to the author, My husband and I could have been a blanket wall. (Line 6, Para.1) most probably means ________.

A. We were treated with an expressionless face.????

B. We looked at the French woman expressionlessly

C. We used books as a wall to avoid the womans eyes

D. We were of no existence in the French womans eyes

2.In the authors opinion, she _______.

A. allows public making up on certain occasions

B. feels comfortable when making up in public

C. only makes up on social occasions

D. makes up before any professional gatherings

3.According to Peiss, nose powdering in an office was criticized mainly for the reason that ____.

A. normal office work was disturbed??????

B. it discouraged womens interest in career

C. make dominance was emphasized there??

D. it distracted make workers focus on work

4.Why do most professional women give up using lipsticks in public?

A. Because they are worried about being looked down upon

B. Because it emphasizes their female features in wrong situations

C. Because it implies womens disadvantages in academic fields

D. Because they are ashamed to be seen making up in front of males/

5.It can be inferred that in a highly open society, the differences between men and women ______.

A. have attracted little attention??????

B. hinder the social development

C. are attractive topics in talk shows???

D. still call for great concern



American children aren't the only couch potatoes with nearly one third of children globally spending three hours a day or more watching TV or on computers, according to the study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations.

From Argentina to Zambia, Regina Guthold of the World Health Organization in Geneva and her colleagues found most children weren't getting enough exercise and that it made no difference if they lived in a rich or a poor country.“With regards to physical activities levels, we did not find much of a difference between poor and rich countries,” Guthold said.“Growing up in a poor country does not necessarily mean that kids get more physical activities.”The study was published in The Journal of Pediatrics, looking at 72,845 schoolchildren aged 13 to 15 from North and South America, Asia, Europe,and the Middle East. The children were surveyed between 2003 and 2007.

The researchers defined adequate physical activity as at least an hour of exercise outside of gym class at least five days a week. Children who spent three or more hours a day watching TV,playing computer games, or chatting with friends—aside from time in school or time spent doing homework—were classified as sedentary.

The researchers found only one quarter of the boys and 15 percent of the girls were getting enough exercise by these definitions. A quarter of boys and nearly 30 percent of girls were sedentary and didn't get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia.

Uruguay had the highest percentage of active boys, at 42 percent, while Zambia had the lowest, at 8 percent. Girls from India were the most active, with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendation, while girls from Egypt were the least active, with just 4 percent getting adequate exercise. Children in Myanmar were the least sedentary, with 13 percent of boys and 8 percent of girls classified as sedentary. The most sedentary nations were St. Lucia and the Cayman Islands, with 58 percent of boys and 64 percent of girls spending at least three hours a day in sedentary activities.

People show deep concern for kids' lack of physical activity in various nations. Why do they have a low level of physical activity? Guthold speculated(推测)that urbanization(都市化) could be a factor as well as access to cars and TVs.

16.If you are sedentary, you________.

A.are a diligent student spending much time doing homework

B.have at least an hour of exercise outdoors every day watching TV and playing computer games

D.spend a lot of time sitting down and not moving

17.Which statement is TRUE about the finding of the study, led by Regina Guthold?

A.Most children around the world don't meet the exercise recommendation.

B.Girls in every country are no more active than boys.

C.Children in rich countries relatively get less physical activities.

D.Only 4 percent of the girls from Egypt are not active in exercise.

18.Which could be the best title of the passage?

A.American children are addicted to TVs and computers

B.Nearly one third of children globally are couch potatoes

C.Effects of physical activities on health

D.Unimaginable standard of physical health

19.What would the writer be most likely to discuss in detail in the following paragraphs?

A.The suitable amount of physical activities for students.

B.Some of the factors for the popularity of cars and TVs among the kids.

C.The reasons behind the lack of physical activities.

D.The ways to make the most of physical activities.



  Do not live in the past whether you are thinking about your personality or your life; success means focusing on the here and now.While it is important to acknowledge the choices and experiences which resulted in you being where you are today, it is equally important not to allow yourself to become so caught up in thoughts of the past that the present day passes you by.

  Self-motivation is the key to ensuring that you do not continue repeating the same mistakes.You may have had one or more errors in judgment which led you to take the wrong path, or to make mistakes that were not in your best interest.You can acknowledge this without rehashing(重复谈论)them over and over again in your mind, and simply be determined to make different, better decisions today.

  Then is over; this is now.The less time and effort you put into looking at the past, the more you will have for living and experiencing this day.You will also find that letting go of the past will give you a deeper sense of strength.Instead of allowing past mistakes and worries to drain your energies, you will have a renewed energy to live your life to the fullest and enjoy it more.

  Being content with yourself and optimistic(乐观的)about your future is not difficult.Whatever is in the past is over; learn from it and move on.When you are self-motivated enough to do this, you will see that moving ahead is the best definition of living life.

  With that said, what can you do now?Sure it is easy for me to tell you to forget the past, yet it is a whole different practice to actually do it.Life is a complex set of events, much of which of course is real, yet a large amount is just your view of what really happened.

  The first step in trying to minimize(最小化)the effects of your past in order to concentrate on your future is to find out how much of the past that you are certain happened was just mistakes on your part.


In order to enjoy one's life fully, one should ________.

[  ]


think more about his personality and life in the past


be determined to make different and better decisions


acknowledge his choices and experiences


let go of the past and experience today


Which of the following best summarizes the writer's view of the past?

[  ]


One should be content with himself and optimistic about the future.


Moving ahead without looking back can help concentrate on one's life.


One should be self-motivated to learn from the past and concentrate on future.


Finding out the mistakes on one's part can help minimize the effects of the past.


Which of the following can be the best title?

[  ]


Work with the“Now”


Being Where You Are Today


Concentrate on Your Future


Self-motivation, a Key to Future


Do not live in the past whether you are thinking about your personality or your life; success means focusing on the here and now. While it is important to acknowledge the choices and experiences which resulted in you being where you are today, it is equally important not to allow yourself to become so caught up in thoughts of the past that the present day passes you by.

    Self-motivation is the key to ensuring that you do not continue repeating the same mistakes. You may have had one or more errors in judgment which led you to take the wrong path, or to make mistakes that were not in your best interest. You can acknowledge this without rehashing (重复谈论) them over and over again in your mind, and simply be determined to make different, better decisions today.

Then is over; this is now. The less time and effort you put into looking at the past, the more you will have for living and experiencing this day. You will also find that letting go of the past will give you a deeper sense of strength. Instead of allowing past mistakes and worries to drain your energies, you will have a renewed energy to live your life to the fullest and enjoy it more.

Being content with yourself and optimistic (乐观的) about your future is not difficult. Whatever is in the past is over; learn from it and move on. When you are self-motivated enough to do this, you will see that moving ahead is the best definition of living life.

With that said, what can you do now? Sure it is easy for me to tell you to forget the past, yet it is a whole different practice to actually do it. Life is a complex set of events, much of which of course is real, yet a large amount is just your view of what really happened.

The first step in trying to minimize (最小化) the effects of your past in order to concentrate on your future is to find out how much of the past that you are certain happened was just mistakes on your part.

68. In order to enjoy one’s life fully, one should ________.

A. think more about his personality and life in the past

B. be determined to make different and better decisions

C. acknowledge his choices and experiences

D. let go of the past and experience today

69. Which of the following best summarizes the writer’s view of the past?

A. One should be content with himself and optimistic about the future.

B. Moving ahead without looking back can help concentrate on one’s life.

C. One should be self-motivated to learn from the past and concentrate on future.

D. Finding out the mistakes on one’s part can help minimize the effects of the past.

70. Which of the following can be the best title?

A. Work with the “Now”                            B. Being Where You Are Today  

C. Concentrate on Your Future                    D. Self-motivation, a Key to Future

