D 这里提到受训之前与受训之后进行比较,对比.因此选before. 查看更多



  In the atmosphere,carbon dioxide actd rather like a one-way mirror or the glass in the roof of a greenhouse which allows the sun's rays to enter but prevents the heat from excaping.
  According to a weather expert's prediction,the atmosphere will be 3 warmer in the year 2050 than it is today, if man continues to burn luels at the present rate. If this warming up took place,the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt,thus raising sea level several meters and severely flooding coastal cities.Also,the increase in atmospheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of the northern hemisphere(半球),psooicbly resulting in an alteration of earth's chief food growing zones.
  In the past,concern about a man - made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thicker ice sheet.But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic,which may be affected by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from on burning of fuels.
  Satellite pictures showthat large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing.The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place.This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.
  However,most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere,where temperatures seem to be falling.Scientists conclude,therefore,that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man.The question is:Which natural cause has most effect on the weather?
  One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.Astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and cold spots(that is,the relatively less hot spots) on the sun. As the sun rotates(旋转),every 27.5 days,it presents hotter or colder faces to the earth,and different aspects to different parts of the earth.This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth's atmospheric pressure,and consequently on wind circulation.The sun is also variable over a long term:its heat output goes up and down in cycles,the latest trend being downward.
  Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years ,including the last Ice Age.The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not.
  One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia(不活动,惰性) of the earth's climate.If this is right,the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter balance to the sun's diminishing heat.
  68.It can be concluded that a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would ___.
   A.mean a warming - up im the Arctic
   B.raise the temperature of the earth's surface
   C.prevent the sun's rays from reaching the earth's surface
   D.account for great changes in the climate in the northern hemiphere
  69.Although the fuel consumption is greater in the northern hemisphere,temperatures there seem to be falling.This is _______.
   A.mainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are rising
   B.partly due to variations in the output of solar energy
   C.possibly because the ice caps in the poles are melting
   D.exclusively due to the effect of the inertia of the earth's climate
  70.On the basis of their models,scientists are of the opinion that ________.
   A.the climate of the world should be becoming cooler
   B.the new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effect
   C.the man - made warming effect helps to increase the solar effects
   D.it will take thousands of years for the inertia of the earth's climate to take effect



    Award­winning author Emma Donoghue's latest book, Room, is a unique and amazing story about a boy's experience living in a small,windowless room with his mother. The 11' x 11' space between the walls of the room is actually all the boy knows because he was born there and has never left. Room will horrify ,surprise, sadden, and finally delight you. Attracted from the start, readers of all sorts won't want to put Room down.

◆First published in the U. S. in September 2010

◆Publisher: Little Brown

◆321 Pages                                                                                                                                     

  Literary master Ian McEwan returns with Solar, a novel about a Nobel prize­winning physicist. The physicist's personal life is in a mess as his fifth marriage breaks,but this time he actually loves his wife and wants to make things better. Solar is a funny story, completely unusual and as good as anything the writer has ever written.

◆Published in March 2010

◆Publisher: Knopf Doubleday

◆304 Pages                                                                                                                                     

  One Day by David Nicholls was an international bestseller before it was released in the U. S. in June. Although it is well written and funny at times, don't be fooled—this isn't a good­feeling romantic comedy. If you decide to read it, be prepared for some heavy moments.

◆Published in the U.S. in June 2010

◆Publisher: Vintage Contemporaries

◆437 Pages                                                                                                                                     

  Fall of Giants by Ken Follett is the first book in a new trilogy (three books)that will take readers through the major events of the twentieth century by following five families. In Fall of Giants, most of the action centers on World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. Although Fall of Giants is more than 1,000 pages and has many characters,the story is remarkably connected.

◆Published in September 2010

◆Publisher: Dutton

◆1,008 Pages                                                                                                                                  

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. Ian McEwan once won the Nobel Prize.

B. Fall of Giants is mostly set in wars.

C. One day is written by David Nicholls.

D. Solar is a funny story about a physicist.

2.We can know from the text that ________.

A. the main character of Room has a wide range of knowledge

B. Solar is the only book that Ian McEwan has ever written

C. all the four books were not published in the same month

D. One Day is a funny romantic comedy that sells very well

3.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. the sixth of Ian McEwan's marriages broke

B. Room by Emma Donoghue has a happy ending

C. the publisher of One Day is Little Brown

D. Dutton and Ken Follett are both publishers



Koeler took special notice of the tall woman who was nicely dressed, but she was wearing ugly, thick-soled(厚底) shoes.
  Now the woman was taken to a room for questioning. There it was found that the soles of the shoes were hollow(中空的). They were opened. Some diamonds fell out on the floor. Their total weight was 3377 carats(克拉).
  The young woman broke down in tears. Then she told her story. For years she had dreamed of coming to live in America, she said. At last she had managed to get the papers she needed to come to the U.S. Then a strange man called on her. He said he would pay for her trip and give her one hundred dollars. All she had to do was to smuggle the diamonds past the U.S. Customs. The man gave her the shoes and also bought her a plane ticket. Just before she got on the plane, he gave her an envelope. He said that it was the hundred dollars he had promised.
  The weeping woman handed the envelope to Koeler. He tore it open. There was only eighteen dollars. She was cheated. In the end the woman was trialed and sentenced to eighteen months in prison for her part in the smuggling.
60. Where did the story happen?
A. At an airport.                           B. At a police station.
C. At a railway station.                     D. In a custom office in China.
61. The underlined word “smuggling ” in this passage most probably means_____.
A. 偷税              B. 盗窃          C. 走私                         D. 交换
62. The woman had agreed to smuggle the diamonds______.
A. in order to get the papers she needed                           B. in hope of selling them
C. in return for some money and a free trip D. so as to share them with the man
63. Which is the right order of the events(事件)given in the passage?
a. She wanted to live in the U.S.
b. She arrived in the U.S.
c. She was given an envelope.
d. She was given a plane ticket.
e. She was found out.
f. She was put into prison.
A. a, d, c, b, e, f      B. a, b, c, e, f, d 
C. a, c, d, b, e, f                    D. a, b, d, c, e, f



“I grew up on Jackson’s music and I still have all his stuff on My iPod. I think that Michael Jackson will go down in history as one of our greatest entertainers. His brilliance as a performance also was paired with a tragic and in many ways,sad personal life.”

Michael Jackson was a singer,songwriter,dancer and celebrity icon with a vast catalog of hit records and countless awards to his credit. Beyond that,he had transfixed the world like few entertainers before or since. As a solo performer,he had enjoyed a level of superstardom previously known   ——Barack Obama

only to Elvis Presley,the Beatles and  Frank Sinatra.

Michael Jackson was unquestionably the biggest pop star of the 80s’,and certainly one of the most popular recording artists of all time.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29,1958.The fifth and youngest son of steelworker Joe Jackson,Michael displayed a talent for music and dance from an extremely young age. His father began to organize a family musical group around his three eldest sons in 1962,and Michael joined them the following year,quickly establishing himself as a dynamic stage performer. Dubbed the Jackson 5,the group signed to Motown in 1968 and issued their debut single in October 1969,when Michael was just 11 years old. I Want You Back,ABC,The Love You Save and I’ll Be There all hit number one in 1970,making the Jackson 5 the first group in pop history to have their first four singles top the charts. Later in 1972,Jackson had his first number one solo single,Ben. In 1977,he met producer/composer Quincy Jones for the first time. With Jones producing,Jackson recorded his first solo album as an adult,Off the Wall.

Released(发行) in 1982,the Quincy Jones produced Thriller refined the strengths of Off the Wall:the dance and rock tracks were more driving,the pop tunes and ballads softer and more soulful,and all of it was recognizably Michael. There was no surprise that Thriller was a hit;what was a surprise was its staying power .Jackson’s duet with McCartney,The Girl Is Mine,was a natural single choice,and it peaked at number two;then Billie Jean and the Van Halen track Beat It both hit number one,for seven and three weeks respectively.

Michael Jackson died from heart disease on June 25 at age 50.

1.What does Barack Obama mean by saying “His brilliance as a performance also was paired with a tragic and in many ways,sad personal life”?

A.Michael Joseph Jackson was a success in his career as well as in life.

B.Michael Joseph Jackson was a success in his career.

C.Michael Joseph Jackson led a happy life.

D.Michael Joseph Jackson gained a lot in his career,but he also suffered a lot in his life.

2.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

A.Barack Obama likes Michael Jackson’s song very much.

B.Barack Obama and Michael Jackson are good friends.

C.Michael is good at music as well as at dance.

D.Michael Jackson had his first number one solo single when he was 14 years old.

3.Choose the right time order of the following events.

a.Barack Obama,President of the US,assessed the whole life of Michael Jackson.

b.The family musical group signed to Motown.

c.Michael joined the family musical group.

d.His father began to organize a family musical group.

e.Thriller became a hit.

A.a-c-e-b-d      B.d-c-b-e-a

C.b-e-a-c-d      D.d-e-b-c-a

4.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

A.Michael Jackson’s job.    B.How Michael Jackson performed.

C.Michael Jackson’s great achievements.  D.Michael Jackson’s life.




A. Goods for auction (拍卖) sales

  B. Definition of bidding

  C. Way to sell more goods by auction

  D. Auction sales in history

  E. Brief introduction to auctions

  F. Making a larger profit as an auctioneer


Auctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers, or “bids”, for the various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures, and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called “knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer strikes a small hammer on a table at which he stands.

2. ______

The ancient Roman probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auction, meaning “increasing”. The Romans usually sold in this way the goods taken in war. In England in the eighteenth centuries, goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.

3. ______

Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, skins, wool, tea, furs, silk and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art.

4. ______

An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by potential buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, catalogues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together, called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in the order of numbers: he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.

5. ______

The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding as high as possible. He will not waste time by starting the bidding too low. He will also play on the opponents among his buyers and succeed in getting a high price by encouraging two business competitors to bid against each other.


