()2.danger A.ahead B.breakC.instead D.catch 查看更多



While I was standing at the kitchen window, five-year-old Spencer, my oldest son, ran into the house ___1___, "We need a doctor out here. Hurry, Mom." "What's wrong?" I asked. Spencer anxiously told me he had found a dead bird that needed a doctor.

Dutifully(顺从地), I seized a small plastic bag from the cupboard and took Spencer's hand-___2____, that's the sort of thing mothers do. While my son led me out of the door and ___3___ the bird, I explained that if the creature was indeed dead, a doctor could not ___4___. When we arrived at the ___5___ scene, it was obvious that the baby bird was dead. Spencer and I could see the nest high up in the tree. My son and I ___6___ the probable age of the baby bird, its inability to fly well, and exactly how the ___7___ had caused its death. "I think his mummy and daddy really ___8___ him," Spencer observed. I ___9___ my boy's hand and tried to reduce his ___10___ by saying that I was sure they did, and that everything would return to ___11___ because the little bird had gone to Heaven to be with God and Popo-my dead grandfather. I made Spencer believe the bird's mummy and daddy knew their little one would be ___12___ and loved. I told Spencer Popo loved little birds and that I ___13___ he was in Heaven holding and playing with the baby bird ___14___.

I picked up the little creature's body, slipped it into my plastic bag and ___15___ placed the bird in the rubbish bin. ___16___ was said about the matter for the rest of the day. Spencer went right back to play ___17___ he had never been interrupted, and I returned to my work in the kitchen.

At breakfast the next morning, Spencer mentioned it sadly to his father.

Trying to ___18___ Spencer's spirits and remind him that the little bird was really ___19___, I asked our son to tell Daddy ___20___ the baby bird was. Spencer, looking solemn-faced at his dad, stated, "In the rubbish bin with Mama's granddad, Popo."

1. A. saying               B. screaming          C. declaring           D. telling

2. A. in fact                  B. at least                     C. of course          D. after all

3. A. ahead                   B. toward                     C. over                  D. of

4. A. come                    B. save                  C. help                  D. support

5. A. accident               B. kitchen             C. danger                     D. terror

6. A. wondered             B. discussed          C. studied              D. looked

7. A. fall                    B. tree                   C. wind                 D. nest

8. A. hate               B. lose                   C. miss                 D. love

9. A. picked up              B. turned to           C. got to                D. reached for

10. A. excitement       B. regret                C. sadness             D. disappointment

11. A. normal             B. peace                C. sorrow                  D. safety

12. A. enjoyed            B. played            C. treated                  D. cared for

13. A. doubted                  B. found             C. believed             D. feared

14. A. right now            B. right then           C. from now on     D. now and then

15. A. gently                 B. loudly             C. strongly            D. firmly

16. A. Nothing else       B. Nobody else       C. Nothing           D. Something

17. A. as usual                  B. as if                  C. even though     D. though

18. A. break                  B. rise                  C. show                     D. lift

19. A. dead                   B. injured             C. OK                 D. alive

20. A. where                 B. what                 C. how                D. when


第一部分   英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)



1.early                        A. heart                      B. dear                        C. hear                       D. learn

2.fond                         A. among                 B. long                        C. close                      D. occur

3. recognize             A. lose                       B. sit                          C. sorry                      D. salty

4.now                         A. shadow                  B. show                      C. blow                       D. cow

5.uncle                       A. hand                      B. sink                        C. danger                  D. common





   A couple of weeks ago, my friend offered to sell some of our things for us. I thought it was a good chance to   26  my 7-year-old son’s room and   27  some toys that were no longer suitable for him to play with. We   28   that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money.

The night before the   29  , we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too   30  for him. In the yard he   31  the bike for the last time and then happily put it onto the truck. This little bike had at least two previous(以前的) owners as far as we   32  . It wasn’t in the best   33   and was certainly not new, but the tires were   34  good.

We put a price of $10 on it, but it didn’t sell. So, after the sale was  35  , my friend put it on the sidewalk, with a sign that   36  “FREE BIKE”. Within five minutes her doorbell rang. A little boy was   37_ there. In poor English he asked whether the bike was   38  free. She said yes and that he could have it for   39  . He smiled, got on the bike and rode away.

Later that evening when I told my son how much money he had made at the sale, he was very   40  , shouting happily. He asked about a few of his things, wondering   41  they had been sold. When he asked about the bike, I told him about the little boy and that made him   42 . He was much happier than when I told him how much he had   43  . He was so happy to   44  that someone else would make good  45  of that little bike!

1.A. clean         B. check            C. display          D. design

2. A. look for     B. go through     C. show off           D. deal with

3. A. refused          B. agreed       C. wrote            D. lied

4.A. trip              B. show        C. sale            D. decision

5. A. weak         B. small            C. new              D. thin

6.A. rode          B. found        C. watched          D. felt

7.A. doubted       B. knew             C. told            D. thought

8.A. time          B. chance        C. place          D. shape

9.A. also           B. never           C. still           D. hardly

10. A. ahead           B. on          C. near                 D. over

11.A. said           B. repeated       C. copied               D. expressed

12. A. jumping         B. standing         C. walking          D. shouting

13. A. barely         B. usually      C. really          D. always

14. A. something       B. anything         C. everything      D. nothing

15.A. calm             B. scared           C. excited         D. disappointed

16.A. when          B. whether        C. why           D. how

17.A. smile          B. worry          C. leave           D. cry

18.A. enjoyed        B. lost           C. bought          D. made

19. A. hear           B. understand     C. remember       D. think

20.A. interest        B. money        C. use            D. price





Born  in  America , I spoke English ,not Chinese , the language of my ancestors . When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese    1at my face , but I pushed them   2. My mom believed I would learn   3I was ready . But the    4never came.

On a Chinese New Year’s Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could do was    5at him , confused , scratching my head . “ Still can’t speak Chinese?” He     6me , “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown .”

“Hey ,this is America , not China. I’ll get some    7with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for     8.

“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu ,” she said ,handing over a $20 bill . I     9the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish    10surrounded in a sea of customers. “I’d like to buy some fresh fish,” I should to the fishman. But he     11my English words and turned to serve the next customer .The laugh of the people behind increased     12their impatience. With every   13, the breath of the dragons (龙) on my back grew stronger—my blood boiling—    14me to cry out . “ Xian Sheng Yu , please.” “Very Xian Sheng ,” I repeated .The crowd erupted into laughter . My face turned    15and I ran back home    16, except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cry? They’re Chinese. I should feel right at     17. Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.

Sometimes, I laugh at my fish      18, but , in the end, the joke is on    19. Every laugh is a culture     20; every laugh is my heritage (传统) fading away.

1.A. custom         B. games        C .characters .         D. language

2.A. ahead          B. around           C. along           D. aside

3.A. when           B. before           C. unless               D. until

4.A. success       B. study            C. time                 D. attempt

5.A. aim            B. joke             C. nod             D. stare

6.A. cared about        B. laughed at       C. argued with          D. asked after

7.A. right now          B. from now         C. at times             D. in time

8.A. decision      B. permission       C. information          D. preparation

9.A. repeated           B. reviewed         C. spelled         D. kept

10.A. farm          B. stand            C. pond            D. market

11.A. guessed           B. forgot           C. doubted         D. ignored

12.A. by           B. as               C. with            D. from

13.A. second       B. effort           C. desire               D. movement

14.A. forcing           B. allowing         C. persuading           D. leading

15.A. bright            B. blank            C. pale                 D. red

16.A. open-mouthed      B. tongue-tied    C. empty-handed       D. broken-hearted

17.A. service           B. home         C. risk                 D. root

18.A. trade             B. deed        C. challenge       D. incident

19.A. it                B. us          C. me               D. them

20.A. thrown            B. lost             C. divided              D. reflected



Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still in his mother’s tummy(肚子), she had had an accident, which   36   that Charlie couldn’t walk. But that had never been a(n)   37   for him; he had always been happy. When he became older, they had started calling him Cheerful Charlie because of his joyful and   38   nature. He really brightened everything up for those around him.

    There wasn’t a postman, or a taxi driver who wasn’t   39   to see Charlie. “Cheer up, Mr Postman, that way you’ll   40   more letters today!” he would say, or “That was great, Mr Taxi Driver. You   41   that thing better than anyone else.” He also had great ideas and   42   for everything; and he shared them so   43   that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job, or   44   something new, thanks to Charlie’s ideas.

    One day, though, he came up against a real   45  . A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as Waterworks and was a real crybaby. No matter what Charlie said to him, Waterworks would always find some   46    to be sad: “I don’t have many sweets…my parents didn’t buy me that toy…” Everything seemed so bad to him. But Cheerful Charlie wasn’t going to be   47  , and he kept spending more time with Waterworks,   48   trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone.

    Then, one day, when they were together in the street, someone   49   a pie from a window above by chance, and it landed   50   on Charlie’s head. He got such a fright that he couldn’t even move his lips. He was speechless, and   51   Waterworks was just about to cry, he   52   Charlie’s happy words so much that he finally said, “Wow, Charlie, that’s a nice clown mask (小丑面具) you just   53  !”

    On saying those words, Waterworks felt so   54   that he finally understood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realized that he was so used to Charlie’s enthusiasm that he couldn’t help but see the fun   55   of everything.

1.A. reflected          B. meant            C. told             D. predicted

2.A. problem            B. mistake          C. excuse           D. topic

3.A. sensitive          B. humorous         C. responsible      D. enthusiastic

4. A. surprised         B. moved            C. pleased          D. disappointed

5.A. send               B. write                C. print                D. find

6.A. paint              B. play             C. park             D. repair

7.A. theories           B. solutions            C. comments     D. impressions

8. A. eagerly           B. carefully            C. quickly          D. generously

9.A. cleared            B. noticed          C. enjoyed          D. invented

10.A. difficulty            B. surprise         C. risk             D. disaster

11.A. means         B. reason           C. method           D. value

12.A. let down          B. taken up         C. set free         D. driven away

13.A. hardly            B. quickly          C. constantly       D. specially

14.A. aimed             B. moved            C. threw                D. dropped

15.A. ahead             B. right                C. almost           D. even

16.A. because           B. but              C. therefore            D. although

17.A. missed            B. loved                C. envied           D. disliked

18.A. set on                B. put on           C. build up         D. make up

19.A. ordinary          B. sorry                C. good             D. curious

20.A. result                B. wonder           C. side             D. influence


