十.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 查看更多




  Although there is no formal process of selection, in larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment(招募).

  Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades(十年)of research have failed to produce evidence that there are any “natural leaders”.It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common; or rather, any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.

  Research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals.Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks by a social group.Group members look to instrumental leaders to “get things done”.Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-beings(福利)of a social group's members.Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them.

  Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members.They give others and may discipline group members who inhibit(阻碍)attainment of the group's goals.Expressive leaders develop a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group.They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties and try to solve problems that threaten to divide the group.As the difference between these two roles suggests, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.


What does the passage mainly discuss?

[  ]


The problems faced by leaders.


How social groups determine who will lead them.


How leadership differs in small and large groups.


The role of leaders in social groups.


The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


specific leadership training


formal election process




traditional cultural patterns


Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

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An effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in another group.


Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.


A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.


Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person.


In mentioning “natural leaders” in Line 4, the author is making the point that ________.

[  ]


few people qualify as “natural leaders”


“natural leaders” share a similar set of characteristics


there is no proof that “natural leaders” exist


“natural leaders” are easily accepted by the members of a group


The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on ________.

[  ]


sharing responsibility with group members


achieving a goal


identifying new leaders


ensuring harmonious relationships



  Laziness is regarded as wrong or shameful, as everyone knows.We have probably had lectures pointing out that laziness is not good, not following accepted principles, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life.But laziness can be more harmful than that, which is often caused by complex reasons than simple wish to avoid work.Some people who appears to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems.They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of being laughed at or fear of having their ideas stolen.These people who seem lazy may be paralyzed by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work.Or other sorts of fantasies may prevent work; some people are so busy planning, sometimes planning great deals or fantastic achievements that they are unable to deal with whatever“less”work is on hand.Still other people are not avoiding work; strictly speaking, they are merely delaying doing things

  In spite of that, laziness can actually be helpful.Some people may look lazy when they are really thinking, planning, contemplating(沉思)or researching.We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries occurred by chance or while someone was goofing off.Newton wasn't working in the orchard when the apple hit him and he discovered the theory of gravity.All of us would like to have someone“lazy”build the car or stove we buy, particularly if that“laziness”were caused by the worker's taking time to“lazy”-that is, taking time off for a rest is good for the overworked student.Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who is simply working himself overtime too many evenings at the clinic.So be careful when you see someone lazy.That person may be thinking, or planning his or her next book.


Please find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1:________________

Paragraph 2:________________


The main idea of this passage is ________.

[  ]


laziness is wasteful, harmful and distrustful


lazy people are unsure of themselves


there are advantages and disadvantages in being lazy


laziness is the sign of deep-seated problems of feelings


In this passage, there are many“-ing”participles or gerunds, what are their functions in the sentence?

1)“pointing out”is used as ________

2)“not following”is used as ________

3)“being laughed at”and“having their ideas stolen are used as ________

4)“planning”is used as ________

5)“strictly speaking”is used as ________

6)“doing things”is used as ________

7)“taking time off for a rest”is used as ________


1)“which is often caused by”can be changed into ________.

A.often caused by

B.often causing by

C.being caused by

D.to be caused by

2)Please use participle as noun modifier to replace the attributive clauses:

(1)“who appears to be lazy”can be changed into“________”.

(2)“who is trying too hard”can be changed into“________”.


Can we change“while someone was goofing off”into“while goofing off”in the sentence?



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had __1__ me to this spot in a small  town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered __2__.
“Look __3__, Elsa,” Father said. I gathered all my __4__ and looked down. I saw the square in the centre of the village. And I saw the crisscross(十字形) of twisting, turning streets leading to the __5__. “See, my dear,” Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square. __6__ is like that. If you can’t get to the place where you want to go __7__ one road, try another.”
Now I understood why I was there. __8__ that day I had begged my mother to do __9__ about the terrible lunches that were served at school. But she __10__ because she could not believe the lunches were as __11__ as I said.
When I __12__ my father for help, he would not help. _13__, he brought me to this high tower to __14__ me a lesson — the value of an open, searching mind. By the time we reached home, I had a __15__.
At school the next day, I _16__ poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to _17__ it to mother at dinner. The plan __18__ perfectly. She swallowed one spoonful and said, “The cook must have gone mad!” Quickly I told what I had done, and mother said firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day.
In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn’t stop working __19__ I tried every possible means to my goal. Father’s wise words always __20__ me that there is more than one way to the square.

A.her bestB.a favorC.somethingD.everything
A.belonged toB.turned toC.tried toD.led to
A.if B.onceC.since D.until





1.When was the fire put out?

A.1∶30 a. m

B.2∶30 a. m

C.3∶30 a. m

2.What is Nancy going to receive?.

A.A letter

B.A book

C.A pen

3.What will John do tomorrow?

A.Write a term paper.

B.Take an exam.

C.Have a science class.

4.What does the man invite the woman to?

A.A picnic.

B.A bicycle ride.

C.A lunch at a restaurant

5.What is the time now?







6..Why does the man find King’s paper amusing?

A.It contained some jokes.

B.It had pictures

C.It had got jam on it.

7.Who wrote a twenty-page paper?

A.The man’s daughter.

B.The woman

C.The man

8.What is the relationship between the man and the woman?[来源:学科网]

A.Fellow workers.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Boss and secretary.


9.How does the woman feel about moving?




10.What is the woman now?

A.A student.

B.A bank clerk.

C.An office worker.

11.Why are they going to have dinner at a restaurant?

A.She couldn’t find her cooking wares.

B.She didn’t have time to cook.

C.She would like a special meal.

12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.



13.Who does the man try to phone?

A.Mr White’s secretary.

B.Mr White


14.What has happened to the telephone conversation?

A.The phone line went dead in the middle of the conversation.

B.Mr White interrupted the conversation.

C.Mr White’s secretary suddenly stopped the conversation.


15.What do you know about the man?

A.He’s a Japanese living in Tokyo.

B.He’s a visitor just arriving in Tokyo.

C.He’s a foreigner who’s been staying in Tokyo

16.What is the woman worrying about?

A.She can’t deal with the time difference.

B.She doesn’t know how to use chopsticks.

C.She won’t see her family or friends for some time.

17.What is the woman going to do in the afternoon?


B.Visit Tokyo.

C.Go to Tokyo.


18.How much is the actual price for a dish of ice cream?

A.Fifty cents.

B.One dollar.

D.Nine dollars.

19.Why did the waiter give the deer the wrong change?

A.He made a mistake.

B.he wanted to cheat him.

C.He knew nothing about money.

20.What can one learn from the story?

A.be friendly.

B.be careful.

C.be honest.





1、What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A、Policeman and thief.

B、Policeman and driver.

C、Teacher and student.

2、What is the woman going to do tomorrow night?

A、To dine out with the man.

B、To enjoy a film.

C、To study at home.

3、How old is Ann now?




4、Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A、In a grocery store.

B、In a bookstore.

C、In a department store.

5、what does the sign read?







6.How does the woman feel about the new lob?




7.What’s the woman’s new job?

A.Truck driver.

B.Office secretary.

C.Telephone operator.


8.Why is the woman stopped from getting on the train?

A.Because her luggage is too heavy,

B.Because she hasn’t got a ticket yet.

C.Because she refuses to pay the extra money.

9.Who is the woman probably talking to?

A.A train conductor.

B.An airport guard.

C.A Luggage man.

10.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.In a ticket office.

C.on a platform.


11.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Brother and sister

12.What was the boy’s problem at school?

A.He was often late for school.

B.He often escaped from school.

C.He often had to stay after class.

13.Which of the following statements is TRUE.

A.The boy prefers to go out and work.

B.The boy has not passed the history exam.

C.The boy has no interest in school or work.


14.How long did the woman stay in Australia?

A.4 weeks.

B.2 weeks.

C.2 weeks and 2 days.

15.What is the weather like in the southeast of Australia?

A.It’s neither too hot nor too cold throughout the year.

B.it’s very hot and dry all the year round.

C.it’s very hot in summer and cold in Winter.

16.What do we know about Australia?

A.It’s the fourth largest country in the world.

B.The geography of Australia is very varied.

C.There are only two seasons in Australia.


17.What is the available way to get someone to talk to in American big cities?

A.Walking a dog in streets.

B.Eating alone in public places.

C.Taking dirty clothes from a washing shop.

18.Who should he ask for help if a man loses his way?

A.A woman.

B.A man.

C.A Child.

19.What would probably happen when d young 1ady is asked about her age?

A.She would tell you the false age.

B.She would like to tell you the true age.

C.She Would think you are impolite.

20.What can we learn about American people?

A.They care about others ‘privacy.

B.They advise heavy people to lose weight.

C.They like people who respect time.

