0  171392  171400  171406  171410  171416  171418  171422  171428  171430  171436  171442  171446  171448  171452  171458  171460  171466  171470  171472  171476  171478  171482  171484  171486  171487  171488  171490  171491  171492  171494  171496  171500  171502  171506  171508  171512  171518  171520  171526  171530  171532  171536  171542  171548  171550  171556  171560  171562  171568  171572  171578  171586  447090 

27.--- Alice, have you heard that the grocery store down the street was ____, and nearly all the things there were stolen?

   --- God! Really? That’s horrible!

    A.broken down                    B.broken up

    C.broken into                     D.broken out


26.____ a more comfortable life, the poor couple worked hard and took on more part-time jobs.

    A.Aiming at                       B.Adding to

    C.Relating to                      D.Taking advantage of


25.--- It is too cold for January this year.

  --- Yes, but it was still ____ when I first moved to the city years ago.

    A.coldest         B.the coldest      C.cold           D.colder


24.The hotel wasn’t particularly good, but I _____ in many worse hotels.

   A.was staying     B.stayed       C.would stay     D.had stayed


23.--- Do you think we should accept that offer?

  --- Yes, we should, for we ____ such bad luck up till now, and time ____ out.

   A.have had; is running            B.had; is running

   C.have; has been run             D.are having; runs


22.____ the working efficiency(工作效率), the boss allows the employees to have a coffee   break.

    A.Improving                      B.To improve

    C.Having improved                 D.Improved


第一节   单项选择(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)


21.Such ____ medical equipment is in ____ danger of breaking down, if not taken good care of.

    A.a; the          B.a; /            C./; the          D./; /

