0  171396  171404  171410  171414  171420  171422  171426  171432  171434  171440  171446  171450  171452  171456  171462  171464  171470  171474  171476  171480  171482  171486  171488  171490  171491  171492  171494  171495  171496  171498  171500  171504  171506  171510  171512  171516  171522  171524  171530  171534  171536  171540  171546  171552  171554  171560  171564  171566  171572  171576  171582  171590  447090 

35.-Going to the party on Saturday?

    -_____ .I' 11 be free then.

    A.You bet        B.You too         C.I've got it       D.Believe it or not


34.In front of our house stands a tall tree, ______top well above the tops of other trees.

    A.which          B.what          C.its            D.whose


33.We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case ______ from practice.

    A.should theory separate              B.theory should be separated

    C.theory should separate              D.should theory be separated


32.-John, how did your English exam go?

    -I thought I ______have failed, but in fact I came in the top 10 in the class.

    A.might          B.couldn't        C.should         D.mustn't

