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1.玛丽正要打算离开教室,这时她注意到黑板没有擦。(…be about to…when…)



2.虽然一方面,我认为英语很有用,但另一方面,我认为它又很不好学。(On the one hand, …, but on the other hand, …)



3.凡是有河流的地方,就必有一间像遵义四中这样的名校。(Where…, there be…)



4.我现在宁愿跟凯瑟琳老师学英语口语也不愿玩任何的电脑游戏。(…would rather…than…)



5.如果我们过多地到处乱扔垃圾,那么我们就可能正在扔掉我们的未来。(If…., we may…)



6.虽然在文化方面英语和汉语有很多共同之处,但是它们也有自身的特点。(…have…in common with…, but…)



第二节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5,满分15分)






Last year, on the day before Father’s Day, one             76._________

of my articles published in a newspaper.It was the           77._________

first time that I have an article published.I told my           78._________

friend Lucy and encourage her to write articles for           79._________

newspapers, but she said hers articles were not good          80._________

enough.I kept telling her, “Just to try.” Several             81._________

months later, she was glad to finding one of her             82._________

article in a newspaper.Sometimes things are not as           83._________

difficulty as you imagine.Have a try.You may fail but         84._________

you won’t feel sorry because that you have tried your best.       85._________


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66.We saw the ________ (废墟) of the church.

67.Last week I ___________ (拍照) our school basketball team.

68.This is a ___________ (职业的) painter.

69.This kind of machine always f_______ (运行) very well.

70.Who was the __________ (最初的) owner of the property?

71.He ________ (成功的) in passing the TOEFL last time.

72.I offered him a cigarette but he didn’t ________ (反应)to me.

73.Love, hatred and grief are __________ (感情).

74.Use your ___________ (聪明),and you’re sure to achieve something in the future.

75.We will take __________ (文学) and advanced mathematics next term.

