0  171408  171416  171422  171426  171432  171434  171438  171444  171446  171452  171458  171462  171464  171468  171474  171476  171482  171486  171488  171492  171494  171498  171500  171502  171503  171504  171506  171507  171508  171510  171512  171516  171518  171522  171524  171528  171534  171536  171542  171546  171548  171552  171558  171564  171566  171572  171576  171578  171584  171588  171594  171602  447090 

27.---I’m sorry for losing your book.I will buy a new one for you.

  ---________.I have another copy.

   A.Thank you        B.Happy to hear that   C.Never mind           D.Of course


26.---Dear, why not _______money by yourself for your 8th birthday present?

  ---Good idea.I’ll not let a pence (便士) go to waste.

   A.save             B.spend            C.keep             D.take


25.---Attention, boys and girls! Our class will see a film tomorrow at Caihong Theatre.

  ---OK.But when ______ we meet?

   A.will             B.shall             C.should           D.must


24.---Don’t _______too late, or you will feel tired in class.

  ---I won’t, Mum.Good night!

   A.wake up         B.get up           C.stand up          D.stay up


23.---Can you help clean the window?


   A.I’d like that                         B.Sure, go ahead  

   C.Sorry, but I have to meet my uncle         D.It’s none of my business


22._______is the population of Shandong Province?

   A.How many        B.Which            C.How much        D.What


第一节 单项填空(语法与词汇)



21.People, especially teens, think it ______ great fun to surf on _______ Internet.

A.a; the           B.a; 不填           C.不填; the         D.the; the

