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Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. When he was young, he was shy and didn’t like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short. In the beginning, he didn’t play very well in his high school. When he joined the university basketball team, he became famous, and he played so well that people called him “Air Jordan”. After college, Jordan became a basketball team member in the Chicago Bulls. He is so popular in the world.


1. W: How do you usually come to school?

M: By bike.

2. W: What’s the time, please?

M: Let me see. Well, it’s ten thirty.

3. W: Could you help me put the bag in the car?

M: Certainly.

4. M: Would you like a bottle of orange juice?

  W: No thanks. I’d like a cup of tea, please.

5. M: Jane, you have a TV set, don’t you?

  W: No, Dick. I don’t have a TV set. I only have a radio.


2.Would you like to go shopping with me?

3.How often are you late for school?

4.Have you ever been abroad?

5.Do you mind if I open the window?


   假如你叫李雷。毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你的英语老师(Miss Zhao)写一封信表达感激之情;回忆印象至深的一件事(一次帮助,或一次鼓励,或一次批评……);你的感想或建议。 要求:



Dear Miss Zhao,                             




                                Li  Lei



   We have been in Australia for three days. We’re having a  1  time here. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. There is so 2 to see that it is impossible for me to tell you everything. Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big  3 and beautiful flowers around the houses and they  4 really beautiful. There are also some special 5 in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are really lovely.

   During the past three days we’ve visited many 6 of interest around Sydney. I’d like to spend more time here. But we will 7 to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds(珊瑚礁) tomorrow. It is said that words cannot 8 the beauty of the colourful corals. Many famous cartoon films were made there. Now we are 9  packing our bags so that we will not lose time when we leave. We can enjoy 10in Cairns this time tomorrow, I’m looking forward to going there!

1. _________   2. _________   3. __________   4. _________   5. _________

6. _________   7. _________   8. __________   9. _________   10. _________


5. I like to go out to play, and I don’t like to stay at home. (变为同义句)

I prefer to play outside   _      _     stay at home.


4. We will hold the graduation ceremony at nine o’clock next Friday in the hall.(对划线部分提问)

  ________ and_________ will you hold the graduation ceremony?


3. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office? (被动语态)

Can I __________  ________  the way to the nearest post office?


2. Tom wrote us a funny story.(用yet作时间状语变一般问句) 

_________Tom __________you a funny story yet?


1. The man’s never hurt any animals. (变为反意疑问句)

The man’s never hurt any animals,            ?

