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68.(   ) It’s time _____ me _____ to bed.

A. for, go    B. to, go    C. for, to go   D. to, to go


67.(   ) My shoes are too _____. I want to buy a new ____.

A. big, pair   B. old, pair   C. small, one   D. old, one


66.(   ) Miss Wang is our teacher. _____ is very friendly ______ us.

A. He, to    B. He, for   C. She, to    D. She, for


65.(   ) ---________room is it?   ---It’s ________.

A. Whose,Peter’s  B. Whose, Peter  C. Who’s, Peter  D. Who’s, Peter’s


64.(   ) Let him ______a song for you.

A. singing   B. sing  C. to sing  D. sings


63.(   ) Do you like _____ shopping with me?

     A. going   B. go   C. to going  D. goes


62.(   ) ---_____I have your name, please?  --- Ben.

     A. Do    B. Am   C. Is    D. May


61.(   ) ---Can you play _____ guitar?

     ---No, but I can play ____ soccer.

     A. /,  /   B. /, the    C. the, /   D. the, the


60.(   ) Does she _______ Chinese?

     A. say    B. speak   C. tell   D. talk


59.(   ) ---Who ____ you _____?    ---My brother.

     A. do,talk B. are,talking C.do,talking about D.are,talking about

