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10、Young people nowadays are different _____ we used to be.

 A.from what              B.in which        C.in how       D.in what



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Young people nowadays are different _____ we used to be.

 A.from what              B.in which        C.in how       D.in what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Young people nowadays are different ______ we used to be.

A.from what    B.in which        C.in how         D.in what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

These days everyone wants to “get rich” fast.We all   1   marrying someone from a wealthy family, making a lot of   2  , or winning the lottery (彩票).But do these things really make us happy? Many of the richest celebrities (名人)happen to be some of the most   3   people.They buy expensive houses and clothes that they   4   use.They may become   5 and even become addicted to   6  .They have become so focused on money and material things that they forget about the people and activities they   7

Now, more young people have the opportunity for a better education, and better chances of making a high   8  .These are great achievement,   9   will they make you happy? In the U.S.many young people believe that being rich and being happy are two   10   things.When attending university, they often choose to study subjects that they are   11   rather than subjects that will get them   12   jobs.Instead of majoring in “business” or “management,” many American students today have majors like “theater”, or “modern dance.” The   13   is that your making a lot of money doesn’t mean that you will be satisfied with your   14  .Nowadays, young people are   15  careers that they love doing rather than careers that pay well.

I think that as being   16   becomes more possible, we need to   17   what the term “fortune” really means.Do we need to have money or material things to be fortunate? Or does   18  just mean having what we need to be happy?   19 , what things make you happy? Be honest with yourself.It may take   20   a rich spouse (配偶) or much money to make you happy!

1.A.think of                 B.dream of             C.care about           D.insist on

2.A.changes                B.friends                C.efforts                D.money


3.A.unhappy                B.happy                  C.unlucky               D.lucky

4.A.always                  B.really                   C.never                  D.personally

5.A.annoyed                B.depressed            C.satisfied              D.injured

6.A.work                    B.games                 C.charity                D.drugs

7.A.love                      B.hate                    C.enjoy                  D.know

8.A.salary                   B.goal                    C.degree                 D.fame

9.A.so                        B.and                     C.but                     D.or

10.A.difficult               B.different              C.pleasant               D.important

11.A.used to                B.familiar with        C.related to             D.interested in

12.A.high – paying                        B.prize – winning

       C.trouble – saving                                  D.long – enjoying

13.A.point                   B.purpose               C.result                  D.question

14.A.health                  B.future                  C.life                      D.major

15.A.creating               B.avoiding              C.missing               D.choosing

16.A.independent         B.wealthy               C.unselfish             D.famous

17.A.study                  B.understand           C.rethink                D.recall

18.A.fortune                B.career                 C.success               D.peace

19.A.Even so               B.If so                   C.Instead                D.To conclude

20.A.kind of                B.nothing but          C.as much as          D.more than


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田一中2010-2011学年高二下学期第一学段考试英语试题 题型:050


  Every person learns at least one language in his childhood that is routinely used for speaking and writing.However, many people are fond of learning two or more languages.There are numerous benefits of being bilingual such as an improvement in linguistic abilities as well as betterment of cognitive(认知)flexibility such as divergent thinking, concept formation, verbal abilities and general reasoning.

  Many people have the capacity to learn a second language.It may be another language in the same country or totally different language from another country.Nowadays, institutes and schools offering foreign language courses are popping up throughout the world.While learning another language, you need to understand its basic grammar and improve vocabulary.Being bilingual offers greater sensitivity to language, more flexibility in thinking and a better ear for listening.It also improves a person's understanding for the native language.It opens the door to other cultures.Moreover, knowledge of other languages increases the career opportunities, offering several job options.

  The bilingual people can have some specific advantages in thinking.They have two or more words for each idea and object and can develop a creative thinking and an ability to think more flexibly.The bilinguals are aware about which language should be spoken with which person in a particular situation.Therefore, they are more sensitive to the needs of the listener than the monolingual people.Being bilingual has a positive effect on intellectual growth.It enhances and enriches a person's mental development.The bilinguals are better at IQ tests compared to the monolinguals.What is more, being bilingual may keep your mind young.Juggling two languages as a child can slow mental decline.

  The bilinguals are able to switch between different languages and talk to different people in various languages.It increases a sense of self-esteem.Being bilingual creates a powerful link in different people from different countries.The bilinguals tend to show a higher performance in examinations and tests.

  The bilinguals enjoy reading and writing in different languages.They can understand and appreciate literatures in various languages.It gives a deeper knowledge of different ideas and traditions.It helps improve the ways of thinking and behaving.The pleasures of reading poetry, novels and magazines as well as the enjoyment of writing to family and friends are doubled for bilinguals.


Which is the best title of the passage?

[  ]


We should be Bilingual


Learning Language is of Great Help


Advantages of being Bilingual


Mastering Languages


Which of the following is not the cognitive benefits of being bilingual?

[  ]


It makes a person think creatively.


It makes a person more sensitive to the listener's needs.


It improves and enriches a person's mental development.


It does good to a person's character.


It can be inferred that when hunting for a job, ________.

[  ]


a person can increase his own sense of self-esteem


graduates are offered more opportunities.


the bilinguals have an advantage over others.


the bilinguals can understand the employers better


Whom is the passage written to?

[  ]


Foreign students


Exchange students


College students



