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科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:

    Shane has no sense of direction. His friends often make fun of him. They say he needs a map to find the bathroom in his own house. He gets lost every time he goes shopping. Every street looks the same, and he quickly forgets which way to go. Sometimes he has to take a taxi home because he cannot remember the way to his house. Once the police had to take him home because it was two o’clock in the morning and he got lost in a shopping mall.

       Shane watches a lot of films and reads a lot of books about animals. Each bird knows which way is south. Bats (蝙蝠) can fly at night and find their way with their ears. He feels embarrassed because all these animals have a good sense of direction. He tries to tell the direction with the help of the stars in the sky. There is a star called the North Star, and he knows how to find it.

       Of course, Shane’s friends are still making fun of him. He can only see the North Star outside when the sky is clear at night. He can still get lost during the day or when he is inside or when it is cloudy.

1. What does the underlined part “he needs a map to find the bathroom in his own house” really mean?

       A. Shane really has difficulty finding his bathroom.

       B. Shane often gets lost on his way to the bathroom.

       C. Shane has a very poor sense of direction.

       D. Shane needs a map wherever he goes.

2. Sometimes Shane has to take a taxi home because ___________________.

       A. he is tired after shopping                 B. he doesn’t know the way home

       C. he likes taking a taxi                       D. his friends want him to do so

3. What can help Shane tell the direction?

       A. Bats.                 B. Birds.                C. Stars.                D. Nothing.

4. What does the underlined word “embarrassed” mean in Chinese?

       A. 困窘的             B. 光荣的             C. 开心的             D. 自豪的

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

       A. Bats don’t find their way with their eyes.

       B. Many animals have a good sense of direction.

       C. Shane always gets lost when going shopping.

       D. Shane no longer loses his way on sunny days.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:

When trouble comes, what do we usually do? We pick up our mobile phones and call for help. That’s easy, right? People with mobile phones often think so. But in an emergency, many people are unable to call for help. Floods and earthquakes come suddenly. Wars can hurt or kill. Successful communication can sometimes mean the difference between life and death.

Meet French NGO Telecoms Sans Frontiers (Telecommunications Without Borders). Its goal is to use mobile communication technology to help people in need. TSF began in 1998. First, they opened their main base in France. Then in 2003, they started another base in Nicaragua. The next year they opened their Thailand base. Now if a disaster hits anywhere in the world, TSF is ready. They can send workers to a disaster area to set up communication systems within 24 hours.

Once TSF arrives at a disaster area, they set up telephone connections and Internet service. They share these services with other international helpers on the scene such as the UN or UNICEF. Mobile communication helps these other volunteers do their jobs better.

TSF also offers three-minute phone calls to local people who need to contact their loved ones. These communications can allow people to get together again after being separated(分开). Often the callers are moved to tears after speaking to a relative found to be still alive. Then the families can decide on a safe course of action for their family members.

Since 1998, TSF has helped thousands of people in many countries. Most of the TSF workers does not get paid with money, but the satisfaction(满足感) of helping others and changing lives is often a great reward.

1. Telecoms Sans Frontiers is ______________________.

       A. a mobile phone company from France            B. a charity group from France

       C. a mobile phone company from Thailand          D. a charity group from Thailand

2. What does TSF mainly do?

       A. They teach people how to use Internet service.

       B. They provide clean drinking water for people.

       C. They offer communication services for people in need.

       D. They help other volunteer groups do their jobs better.

3. How soon can TSF send workers to a disaster area?

       A. In one day.        B. In two days.             C. In three days.           D. In four days.

4. Which one shows the right order of the following events?

       a. People are moved to cry.

       b. TSF workers set up communication systems.

       c. A disaster hits somewhere in the world.

       d. TSF arrives at the disaster area in a short time.

       e. People make free calls to other family members.

       A. a-b-c-d-e           B. c-b-d-a-e                C. c-d-b-a-e             D. c-d-b-e-a

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

       A. Most TSF workers are volunteers.         

       B. TSF has a history of over 20 years.

       C. TSF provides services for local people only. 

       D. TSF had opened 4 bases worldwide by 2004.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:


1. John’s parents had a party yesterday to celebrate his           (twenty) birthday.

2. Look! Many fans are waiting for the           (arrive) of Yao Ming outside the gate.

3. Cats like to sleep in the day, but they catch          (mouse) at night.

4. Neither Jim nor Tom sings well .Who sings           (bad) , Jim or Tom?

5. It’s          (use) to argue with such a foolish and stubborn woman.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:


1. We went to an           (展览) of Chinese paintings at the museum yesterday.

2. TV sets are          (可获得的) in any shopping mall.

3. Many animals            (消失) long ago because of hunting.

4. If you see the suspect, you must call the police            (立即).

5. The             (工程师) are designing a new bridge.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:


1. I’m afraid this is the best way we can think of ________(help) you.

2. In the United States, lunch __________(provide) for students for free at school.

3. The roads were full of people. We__________(not think) of that.

4. Mary told me the film is interesting and it’s worth _________(see) again.

5. I           ( eat ) up a big bowl of noodles. I am very full now.

6. One of the boy’s front teeth _________(lose) in that accident.

7. John has to go at once. He_______(see) a friend off at the airport in an hour.

8. Why were you so busy the whole afternoon last Sunday?

  We         ( plan ) to have a fashion show for poor children.

9. No one was sure how long the snowstorm          (continue). All they could do was to wait.

10. David didn’t use to           (chat) with me much when we were at school.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:


1. 雷锋把所有精力都投入到为人民服务中了。

  Lei Feng                                      serving the people.

2. 我在学习和兴趣之间得到一个平衡有困难。

  I have                                              my schoolwork and hobbies.

3. 你已经决定如何来处理这台旧电脑了吗?

Have you                                            the old computer?

4. 为了能赚到足够的钱,他经常放弃休息日。

  ____                         , he gives up rest days quite often.

5. 我确信他会和疾病进行顽强的斗争。

  I’m sure he                                        his illness.   

6. 没有团队精神要完成这项艰苦的工作是不可能的。

  It’s                                                        team spirit.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:


Today is April Fools’ Day. Do you like playing jokes on o          (1)? If you do, today is your day! April Fools’ Day is quite p         (2) in the West. In many countries, the day is celebrated with h          (3) tricks and jokes. In France, people try to put a paper fish on someone’s b          (4). Then they shout “April fish! April fish!” In Portugal, friends happily t         (5) flour(面粉) at each other. And in England, tricks are p            (6) only before noon; anything later is considered bad luck.

Newspapers and radio and TV stations have also j            (7) in the fun. The BBC played a famous trick in 1957 c         (8) “The Spaghetti Tree.” It was a TV special that     e         (9) how spaghetti(意大利面) was grown on trees in Switzerland. Many people were fooled and called BBC to ask how to p         (10) a spaghetti tree. The BBC answered, “place a piece of spaghetti in … tomato sauce() and hope for the best.”

Today is a day for laughter and lots of f           (11). No matter what tricks you are going to play, remember not to h          (12) others.


科目: 来源:2011年5月江苏省无锡新区初中毕业升学二模试卷 题型:

假如你是阳光中学的一名学生,你的名字叫李辉,想以Sports change my life为题给校刊写一篇英语报道。内容要点如下:

1.    过去由于作业很多,没时间锻炼,我感到疲劳和有压力;

2.    现在学校确保每个学生每天有一个小时的体育运动;

3.    学校正在开展各种比赛,我都能积极参加;

4.    我的健康和学习已经发生了很大变化……


    1.    4 要点的内容须用34句话作适当发挥;

2.    英语报道须包括个人信息及所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;

3.    词数80个左右,标题已给出,不计入总词数。

Sports change my life






科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度阳谷县实验中学第二学期期中学业水平检测与反馈 题型:

That’s _______ used carMr Grey has driven it for many years

Aan                Ba                  Cthe        D./


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度阳谷县实验中学第二学期期中学业水平检测与反馈 题型:

______ in the sun is bad _______ your eyes

AReadfor    BReadingto    CReadto        DReadingfor

