 0  19242  19250  19256  19260  19266  19268  19272  19278  19280  19286  19292  19296  19298  19302  19308  19310  19316  19320  19322  19326  19328  19332  19334  19336  19337  19338  19340  19341  19342  19344  19346  19350  19352  19356  19358  19362  19368  19370  19376  19380  19382  19386  19392  19398  19400  19406  19410  19412  19418  19422  19428  19436  97155 

科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

13、Compared with that article, this one is ______ but not ______.

A.longer; as good        B.long; good        C.longest; best        D.long; so good


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

12、With water ______ constantly, the brave solider jumped into the river to save the drowning villager.

A.to rise            B.rising            C.risen          D.rose


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

11、There is not much time left, but ______ we must get there in time.

A.somehow         B.somewhat          C.however      D.anyway


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

10、I wonder how it ______ that he studied very hard but didn’t pass this important exam.

A.came about          B.came out          C.came over          D.came up


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

9、I know the medical team ______ for that mountain village to help the local people very soon.

A.had left          B.would leave          C.has left        D.is leaving


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

8、The greatest source of inspiration for me has always been my father.Though he's been gone for 17 years, hisstill resonate(产生共鸣).He taught me how to run my ownin life.But the most inspiring thing he taught me was to3  

One incident isin my mind.It happened when I was a teenager.My sister and I weren’t very fond of a so-called friend of5   .Dad was a very generous man, and as he'd done with so many people, he'd given this fellow great help.But when he asked for a favor , the guy didn't deliver.

Dad’s outlook(人生观)on most things was "Live and let live." In this case, however, his calmnessTerre and me, and we let him know it.

"How can you be nice to that man?" we said to him."You've been so kind to him,he's not being kind back.Why would you want to give him the time of day again?"

My father shrugged(耸肩)and said to us, "I do not bend my back with."

I didn't 10   it at first, but over the years I came to understand the11   .Holding a grudge(怨恨) doesn't 12   the person you're angry with, but it changes you.It makes you 13  and gives you more weight to drag around.

After my father died in 1991, a(n)14  came from a fellow I'd had a quarrel with years before to15  his sympathy.He wrote: "I thought I'd tell you how sorry I am16  the loss of your father.I know he 17  the world to you.I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts."

Much moved, I wrote back.I thanked him for his 18   .And then, because he'd 19   our disagreement, I recalled Dad's20  words."I am my father's daughter," I wrote."And like him, I do not bend my back with yesterday."

1.A.lectures              B.suggestions          C.lessons             D.pictures

2.A.engine                B.race                  C.route                   D.car

3.A.forgive               B.persuade           C.forget               D.excuse

4.A.vital                    B.obvious             C.visual                D.vivid

5.A.sister’s               B.mine                 C.father's             D.mother’s

6.A.in exchange         B.in turn               C.by return           D.by turn

7.A.relaxed                B.moved                 C.interrupted        D.bothered

8.A.and                    B.however             C.still                   D.so

9.A.anger                  B.disappointment  C.worry               D.yesterday

10.A.make                B.get                    C.work                D.hear

11.A.reason               B.word                C.philosophy        D.sentence

12.A.change              B.hurt                  C.upset                D.disturb

13.A.stronger              B.weaker                C.rougher               D.heavier

14.A.news                  B.letter                 C.message            D.information

15.A.explain              B.express              C.produce            D.present

16.A.in                     B.with                  C.about                  D.at

17.A.showed             B.represented          C.equaled             D.meant

18.A.kindness           B.sympathy          C.understanding     D.consideration

19.A.referred            B.mentioned         C.reminded           D.retold

20.A.well-known       B.exciting               C.inspiring              D.forgiving







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、A wallet misplaced during a romantic embrace has been returned to its forgetful owner after 55 years.

Two classic car collectors from the US state of Idaho found the wallet after it fell out of the back of a vintage (旧式的)car they were planning to restore.After an Internet search they found and contacted the owner, Glenn Goodlove.Mr. Goodlove said he probably lost the wallet in the back seat of his 1946 Hudson car while kissing a girl when he was home on leave from the US Navy.

Jon Beck, 61, and Chuck Merrill, 72, bought the now-vintage vehicle in Idaho after placing an ad in a local newspaper to buy a classic car in need of restoration.Driving the car home after buying it, the collectors stopped at a restaurant and saw something from below the back seat.

“Like a couple of kids, we thought we had a goldmine,” Mr. Beck said.Instead, they found some small change — the leather wallet held a $10 bill, Mr. Goodlove’s military ID, his social security card, his driver’s licence and several jewellery receipts from 1952.But they were all in the name of Glenn Putnam.

After searching online, Mr. Beck discovered that Mr. Putnam had since changed his name to Glenn Goodlove and moved to San Diego, California.He called Mr. Goodlove, asking to speak to a man who used to drive a ’46 Hudson.

“There was a silence for about 15 seconds,” Mr. Beck told the Twin Falls Times-News.“Then he said, ‘Who is that?’” Mr. Goodlove, now 75, says he did not even remember losing the wallet, but the find has brought memories of his youth in Everett, Washington, flooding back.“I could see the house and the car and the town and all the good stuff from living there,” he said.“They’ve been flowing ever since he talked to me.”

1.The lost wallet contained all the following EXCEPT ______.

       A.some money                                       B.some jewellery

       C.some receipts                                      D.some cards

2.Which of the following happened last?

       A.The vintage car was purchased.          B.An advertisement was placed.

       C.Mr. Goodlove’s name was changed.    D.Some personal belongings were found.

3.What difference did the wallet make to Glenn?

       A.He gained unexpected wealth.             B.He got back his lost car as well.

       C.He improved his poor memory a lot.    D.He recalled what had long been forgotten.

4.The most proper title for the passage is ______.

       A.A Forgetful Wallet Owner                     B.Two Car Collectors and a Good Deed

       C.Price Paid for Romance                        D.Lost Wallet Found after 55 Years


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、Writing being largely a self-taught occupation, texts on how to get about it —though great in number— seldom are of much use.

You try, and fail.Then try again, and perhaps fail not quite so grievously.Until at last, if you have some gift for it, the failures become less frequent, or at any rate less noticeable.

It is this ability to conceal one’s defects(瑕疵)that passes, finally, for accomplishment.

Along the way there are the discouragements of unkind criticism, outright rejection, nagging insecurity and irregular inability to meet debts.

It is uncommon, therefore, to come across a book containing advice of much practical value for anyone toying with the dangerous idea of staring on a writing life.

A friend recently loaned me such a book, however — one I wish I’d had the luck to read years ago, and which I would commend to any young person bent on making a career of words.It is the autobiography of the English novelist Anthony Trollope, first published in 1883, the year after his death.

Needing some means to support himself, Trollope at age 19 signed on as a junior clerk in the British postal service.He was at his desk at 5:30 each morning to write for three hours.And he remained in the mail service 33 years, long after reputation and prosperity had come to him.

Now, what of his advice?

1.For safety’s sake, arm yourself with some other skills, some other line of work to fall back on.That way, failure at writing, though the disappointment may be keen, will not mean utter ruin.

2.Do not depend overly much on inspiration.Writing is a craft, which Trollope compared to the craft of shoemaking.The shoemaker who has just turned out one pair of his work sets to work immediately on the next pair.

3.Have a story to tell, but, more important than that, people it with characters who will speak and move as living creatures in the reader’s mind.Without memorable characters, story alone is nothing.

4.Meet your deadlines.Life is endlessly “painful and troublesome” for writers who can’t finish their work on time.

5.Do not be inflated by praise.And, above all, do not be crushed by criticism.

6.Understand the risks of writing for a living.“The career, when successful, is pleasant enough certainly; but when unsuccessful, it is of all careers the most painful.”

1.This passage mainly discusses _____.

       A.the difficulties and risks of making a career of words

       B.the uselessness of instructions in writing manuals

       C.the autobiography of the 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope

       D.sound advice provided in a Trollope’s autobiography

2.From the context we can figure out that the phrase “pass for” in Paragraph 3 means _____.

       A.focus on            B.be regarded as          C.be equal to          D.lie in

3.According to the author, writing _____.

       A.is basically a self-taught occupation and few instructions are of much practical use

       B.is a “trial and error” process and it does not count whether you have the gift or not

       C.for a living is the most pleasant of all careers, full of praise and enjoyment

       D.sometimes provides good hopes of winning public praise and escaping poverty

4.From the passage we may infer that the author is most probably _____.

       A.an instructor of writing                        B.a writer

       C.an educator                                         D.a publisher


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、Schools have been blamed for giving kids access to soda in vending machines (自动售货机).But new data suggest that school soft drink sales may not be an important factor in how much soda kids drink.

In the current issue of The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, researchers compared soda consumption among nearly 500 students in Maine who attended seven schools over two school years.Four of the schools cut back on soft drink availability at the schools, while three of the schools made no changes.

All the students were drinking less soda by the end of the study period, but there were no meaningful differences in overall soft drink consumption among the different schools.The data suggest that limiting soft drink availability at school doesn’t result in meaningful changes in drink consumption patterns.While there were no changes in overall soda consumption, there was a notable shift in diet soda drinking among girls.If the school cut back on soda availability, girls were less likely to drink diet soda, compared to girls in schools that made no changes.

The data are the latest to suggest that schools may not play as big of a role in kids’ poor eating habits as widely believed.Last year, The American Journal of Public Health published a provocative (引起争论的) study showing that childhood weight problems often get worse in the summer, when kids are out of school.

Data from kindergarteners and first graders found that body mass index(指数)increased two to three times as fast in summer as during the regular school year.Minority children were especially at risk, as were children who were already overweight.

Even children who were too thin and needed to gain weight appeared to have better eating habits during the school year.They actually gained more weight while in school and less in the summer.

Even so, much of the focus on childhood nutrition and obesity (肥胖)remains in the nation’s schools.Today, The Times reported that even the school bake sale is disappearing as districts impose strict standards on the food served on school grounds.

1.What can be learned from The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior?

       A.Soft drink remains a problem in schools.

       B.Girls tend to consume less soda at school.

       C.Soft drinks may not be to blame for eating problems.

       D.Vending machines are not available in all schools.

2.Better eating habits may be best developed ______.

       A.during summer                                   B.on schooldays

       C.with less soda availability                     D.in attempts for weight-gain

3.The writer voices his opinion by ______.

       A.conducting scientific research               B.comparing two journals

       C.criticizing wrong beliefs                     D.referring to ready data

4.Which of the following can best summarize the passage?

       A.Schools are to blame for kids’ nutrition problems.

       B.Schools have made changes for a better reputation.

       C.Kids’ poor eating habit has little to do with schools.

       D.A lot has been done regarding kids’ nutrition and obesity.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:



With a busy life and job, pressure can make you look tired and aged.Kissi Health-Beauty Center gives classes, makes training plans according to your physical conditions, and sets up an individual file.All these things will help you to get to know your body and the way to keep it fit.


Imported gym equipment will help you build up your body’s muscles, making you look full of energy and strength.


A bright and large exercise room with excellent equipment and music will give your body a chance to enjoy movement with rhythm.


“Lazy-bone”fitness equipment is the first bodyshaping set of seven beds in Houston.Designed according to human anatomic (解剖学的)and kinematic(运动学的)theory, the seven special beds will help you to exercise your waist, abdomen(腹), hips(臀)or legs.In the relaxing hours you may try them to strengthen your muscles and lose weight.

*Tuition: “Lazy-bone” fitness card, 1000 dollars /month (gymnastic classes  included).

*Open Time: 10:30 a.m.—10:30 p.m.every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

*Tel: 59185700

*Address: 16 Johnson Street, Houston

1.The purpose of this passage is to ______.

       A.give advice on health                          B.introduce new ways of body-building

       C.ask you to go to the center                  D.introduce ways to lose weight

2.If you want some exercises as well as relaxation after a busy day, you’ll go to the center and ______________.

       A.learn anatomic and kinematic theory   B.sleep on the special beds

       C.join in the gymnastic exercises             D.buy a special card

3.Tom Everest who keeps a “Lazy-bone” fitness card can go to the center ______ this week.

       A.11:30 a.m.Monday                         B.11:30 p.m.Monday

       C.10:00 a.m.Tuesday                         D.10:00 p.m.Tuesday

4.According to the passage, the center wants to show it is _____ .

       A.the most convenient                             B.the largest

       C.the newest                                         D.the most advanced

