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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

16、This book tells ________ life story of John Smith, who left ________ school and worked for a

newspaper at the age of 16.

A.the;the            B.a; the         C.the.不填         D.a; 不填


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

15、At last the man had no choice but ________ the computers from the office.

A.admit to have stolen                       B.to admit to have stolen

C.admit having stolen                        D.to admit having stolen


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

14、He thinks ________ God is right, ________?

A.respecting: does it                         B.loving; isn't it

C.liking; doesn't he                   D.adoring; doesn't he


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

13、With so much work on hand, you ________ to see the game last night.

A.mustn't go                         B.shouldn't go 

C.mustn't have gone                   D.shouldn't have gone


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

12、--What do you want to do next? We have half an hour before the basketball game.


A.It just depends                                   B.It's up to you      

C.All right                                         D.Glad to hear that


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

11、--How can the problem be solved?

--Don't bother to think about it.________ it to the president's own judgment.

A.Leave         B.Depend          C.Suggest            D.Give


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

10、He is such a lazy man in our company ________ nobody wants to work with ________.

A.as; him         B.that; /          C.as; /           D.whom; him


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

9、The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ________ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A.where         B.which          C.what           D.that


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

8、Long-distance running helps a person forget pressing family problems as well as job-related trouble.A(n)  1  comes quickly to mind.One day I had a terrible fight with my landlady over some foolish incident.

    We  2  at each other.A few minutes later, I set out  3  my daily run.By the end of the first mile, the  4  seemed like a bad dream.At the end of the second, the reason for  5  seemed unimportant at all.By the end of the fourth mile, I was filled with feelings of   6  and forgiveness toward the landlady.I  7  her a beautiful rose, which I gave her as soon as I stepped inside the house.All was quickly  8  again between us.Running has that kind of   9  on most runners.It makes us feel good and peaceful.

    Long-distance running into a daily routine (惯例) will help  10  a runner's life-style.After I had been running for some time, I  11  that I had more energy and could do more.My days  12  longer, because I seemed to need  13  sleep; the sleep I did get seemed more  14  .My body became thinner, smoother and firmer.

    Running also  15  a healthful feeling of pleasant ,excitement, which  16  a strict routine and the improved physical condition 17  , running makes me feel good about myself and about the world.

    There are  18  long-term effects of running which are beneficial.But  19  benefits running does offer me are  20  enough to make me unable to tear myself away from the sort for the rest of my life.

1.A.idea                          B.example                  C.thought                   D.fact

2.A.pointed                     B.glanced                   C.screamed                D.called

3.A.on                        B.of                           C.in                           D.to

4.A.trouble                     B.problem                  C.argument                D.talk

5.A.which                   B.me                         C.her                     D.it

6.A.disappointment        B.sorrow                C.regret                            D.helplessness

7.A.promised                  B.bought                 C.offered                   D.presented

8.A.well                         B.normally                 C.over                       D.friendly

9.A.effort                       B.effect                            C.impression              D.pressure

10.A.add                        B.increase                  C.form                      D.change

11.A.understood          B.found                     C.hoped                     D.imagined

12.A.remained                 B.looked                 C.grew                      D.proved

13.A.less                        B.more                      C.little                        D.much

14.A.meaningful          B.exciting                C.attractive                D.tiring

15.A.produces                B.includes                  C.makes                    D.expresses

16.A.leads to                   B.sticks to                  C.comes from            D.dates from      

17.A.Then                      B.Besides                   C.Therefore               D.Even

18.A.similar                    B.other                      C.different                 D.some

19.A.which                     B.how                       C.that                        D.what

20.A.almost                    B.merely                 C.hardly                     D.already







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、In Jane Austen's time, unmarried girls were always closely guarded, and hardly allowed to be alone with a young man, and during the Victorian period (just the period after JANE Austen) exposure (暴露) or the body in particular was thought to be most immoral (不道德).

    Victorian ladies wore dresses reaching down to their feet, long in the sleeve (衣袖) and high at the neck.Since then, ways of dressing as well as times have changed.Girls are no longer closely guarded, and they can do more or less what they like.And yet among all these astonishing changes, One thing has remained much the same for most people, and that is the shame of becoming a mother before being married.If this does happen, there often comes a quick marriage with the man responsible (有责任的).If this is impossible, the affair may bring considerable shame to the girl's parents as well as to herself.

    It is now quite normal for a girl, once past the age about fifteen, to go out with a boy-friend, and although her parents will probably insist that she come home at a certain time, beyond this they depend on her to look after herself.Kisses between young men and women are now considered to be perfectly normal.Although times have changed so much, most people are now considered to be perfectly normal.Although times have changed so much, most people still believe that a woman should not become a mother before being married.

1.From this article we learn that ________.

    A.an unmarried girl has to come back home for the night

    B.a girl has the right to be alone with her boyfriend when she is fifteen

    C.it is good for a girl of 15 to have a boyfriend

    D.the unmarried girl who has a baby must hold a wedding at once

2.Which is the most important to a girl when she is out with her boy-friend?

A.Knowing the generat rule           

B.Ways of dressing

C.Protecting herself                 

D.Coming back home on time at night

3.It is still thought to be a shame that _________.

    A.ways of dressing do not change with times

    B.an unmarried girl runs away with a stranger and lives with him secretly

    C.a complete exposure of the body has been thought to be immoral

    D.girl becomes a mother before being married.

