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科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:

Life is not easyso I'd like to say“No matter what happensbelieve in yourself

When I was 14I was too ___1___ to talk to anyoneMy classmates often laughed at meI was sad but could do nothingLater___2___ happenedIt changed my lifeIt was an English speech contestMy mother asked me to take part in itWhat aan___3___ idea! It meant I had to ___4___ in front of all the teachers and students of my school

“Come onboyBelieve in yourselfYon are sure to ___5___” she saidThen Mother and I talked about many different topicsAt last I chose the topic “Believe in yourself”I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 timesTo my mother’s great joyI did ___6___ in the contestI could ___7___ believe my ears when the result came that I had won the first placeI heard ___8___ from the teachers and studentsThose classmates who once looked down on menow all said “Congratulations” to meMy mother hugged拥抱me and cried ___9___

Since theneverything has ___10___When I do anythingI try to tell myself to be sure that I wilt find myselfThis is true not only for a person but also for a country

1Abrave                    Bshy                      Cexcited                   D1azy

2Asomething              Bnothing                Canything                 Deverything

3Ainteresting               Bwonderful            Cawful                     Dsad

4Alisten                     Bspeak                   Cthink                      Dwrite

5Asucceed                 Bfail                      Close                       Ddefeat

6Aterribly                  Bbadly                   Cgood                      Dwell

7Aalmost                   Bhardly                  Cnearly                    Dalways

8Acheers                   Bnoises                  Cthanks                   Dhopes

9Aangrily            Bsadly                   Cquickly                  Dexcitedly

10Achanged               Blost                      Cgone                      Dended


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:

Here is a menu for a fast food restaurantThe prices are in American moneycalled dollars and centsThere are 100 cents in a dollar







Main Meals





Coca Cola



Hamburger with cheese



Orange juice



Chicken burger






Vegetable burger






Side Dishes





Ice cream or Chocolate






Apple piehot


Chicken wings



Donuts or Jam


Business Time800 am1000 pm from Monday to Friday

800 am1130 pm on weekends

1From the menuhow much does a big hamburger cost?

AOne dollar and eighty cents                   BTwo dollars

CTwo dollars and thirty cents                            DTwo dollars and fifty cents

2If you have only three dollarswhat can you buy?

AA large chicken wings and a small tea

BA large chicken burger and a small cup of tea

CA small vegetable burger and a large chocolate

DA large ice cream and a large hamburger with cheese

3Chicken wings is a kind of ________

Amain meal            Bside dish              Csweet                    Ddrink

4Which is not sold in this restaurant?

ACoffee             BFries                CHamburger          DHot dog

5On which day can you still drink coffee in this restaurant at 1030 pm?

ASunday            BMonday            CWednesday          DFriday


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:

One dayTom's parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty yearsTom said in surprise“I m only sevenso it means Grandpa has been...er...a really long time!”

His parents said“YesThat’s why we will have a surprise party for him

Tom loved his grandpa and wanted to do something special for himHe remembered the job card his grandpa had given him two years beforeHe knew that his grandpa would no longer have the job on the cardso he decided to build a new one for his grandpa

When the big day cameTom was readyBut he didn’t want to put his gift together with others'He carried it around with him the whole evening

When all the other people lefthe took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift

His grandpa smiled“Wellit must be a beautiful giftMay I open it now?” “Sure!” Tom said excitedly

As Grandpa opened the gifttears(眼泪)came into his eyesTom gave him the greater gift he had ever got! It was a job card with his new jobFULL-TIME GRANDPA! Tom said“Now your full-time job is my grand!”

Wellhow much do I get paid?” his grandpa askedsmiling“As many hugs as you want” With these wordsTom gave Grandpa a hug“WellI’m the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa

1Tom's ________ was going to retire

Agrandma                Bgrandpa               Cmother                   Dfather

2Tom remembered ________ his grandpa had given him two years before

Athe birthday card     Bthe post card        Cthe schoolbag         Dthe job card

3What did Tom decide to do for his grandpa?

ATo find a new job for him                        BTo take a photo for him

CTo sing a song for him                                   DTo buy a gift for him

4Which of the following is TRUE?

ATom forgot to give his gift to his grandpa

BTom was the last one to give his gift to his grandpa

CTom was the first one to give his gift to his grandpa

DTom gave his gift to his grandpa together with other people

5Why were there tears in Grandpa's eyes?

AHe would have no friend after he retired

BHe would have no family after he retired

CHe couldn't make any money after he retired

DHe didn't think Tom would give him such a good gift


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:

“Which country is better to study in?” We often hear such discussionsAs China opens Its doorsstudying abroad出国has become a dream for many Chinese studentsThey want to learn about the world

It's true that studying abroad can help students develop themselvesLanguage skills技能will improve and it may be easier to find jobs

But we should consider some problemsLanguage is the firstStudents must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture

Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven't done beforelike looking after themselvesWhen they have to take care of themselvesit is difficult for students to study well

Finallynot every family can afford studying abroadFor most Chinese parentsthe cost of studying abroad is very high

We know that many famous people succeed in great things through hard work in ChinaLiu Xiang is a good exampleOnce an American coach invited him there but he refusedHe kept training hard with his Chinese coachHe surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens OlympicsSo when you wonder which country is better to study inconsider whether studying abroad is the right decision

1From the passagewe learn that many Chinese students dream about studying abroad to ________

AImprove their language skills                     Bget used to a different culture

Chave more advantages                                Dfind jobs more easily

2The writer thinks ________ should be considered first before students study abroad

A1anguage             Bplaces                  Ctime                       Dmoney

3The writer mentions Liu Xiang in the passage in order to tell us that ________

ALiu Xiang was a gold medal winner

Bstudying abroad is the right decision

CAmerican coaches are not better than Chinese ones

Dpeople can also succeed in China if they work hard

4Which of the following is NOT true about studying abroad?

AIt will cost students' families a lot of money

BIt will make it easy for students to learn well

CStudents will meet a lot of difficulties in their life

DStudents will spend much time getting used to a different culture

5This passage is mainly about ________ in foreign countries

Athe way to study                                      Bthe cost of studying

Cthe dream of studying                                 Dthe problems of studying


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:

Height is just one of the thousands of features your genes基因decideIn factbecause you have two parentsyour genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parentIf both your parents are tallthen most probably you will be talltooBut if you have questions about how tall you're going to beask your doctor if he or she can help you find it out

But genes don't decide everythingFor exampleeating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to the expected heightBut getting enough sleep and exercise will meet your need

It s certain that you're wondering how fast you should growIt dependsThere's no perfect or right answerGenerally speakingkids grow about 2 inches6 cma year between age 3 and the time when they start adolescence

Don't be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short timeEveryone has a time to grow fastest during adolescenceThe age for starting adolescence is about lo for girls and about 11 for boysBut it can be earlier or later--between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys

You'll usually begin to notice that you're growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of adolescence

1What does the underlined word “adolescence” mean in Chinese?

A.婴幼儿时期         B.童年时期             C.青春期                D.学生时期

2If you want to know how fast and how tall you should grow________

Ayou should eat a healthy diet                     Byou should have enough sleep

Cyou can seek medical help from a doctor      Dyou should have enough exercise

3This passage is mainly about ________

Ahow the genes work in your body             Bhow you grow to a certain height

Cwhen is the time you grow fast                   Dwhy you look like your parents

4After reading this passagewe can explain ________

Awhat healthy diet is                                  Bhow good it is to be a doctor

Chow much sleep time we need                     Dwhy genes can't decide everything

5Which of the following sentences is NOT right according to the passage?

AYoumay be anxious sometimes when you grow too fast

BBoys' age for starting adolescence is usually later than that for girls'

CThe time showing the first changes of adolescence is seldom noticed

DYour height most likely has something to do with how high your parents are


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:


1Xiao Huadid you watch the ________excitebaseball match held in our city in April?

2Our physics teacher told us that light ________travelmuch faster and sound

3October 1st2009 is the ________sixtybirthday of the People's Republic of China

4Liu Qian is successful nowbut do you know that he learned magic all by ________he?

5People are glad to see more and more tall ________buildin Panzhihua in the recent years

6Don't give upYou'll have fun ________learnEnglish


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:


AMay I know your nameplease?

BSorrythe tickets for 830 pm have been sold out

CThis is Panzhihua CinemaBooking Office

DHow many tickets would you like?

E500 pm or 830 pm?

FWe have tickets at 30 yuan35 yuanand 40 yuan

GWould you please get the tickets before 300 pm on Saturday?

Woman____1____Can I help you?

ManHave you got any tickets for the movie John Rube拉贝日记for this Saturday evening?

WomanWhat time? ____2____

Man830 pmplease


ManWellhave you got any tickets for 500 pm?


ManI'd like to book two tickets at 35 yuanplease

WomanRightThat's two tickets at 35 yuanSaturday500 pm movie____5____

ManSmithHenry Smith

WomanThank you____6____

ManYesof courseThank youGoodbye


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:


Ten-year-old Obama(奥巴马)was one of the only three black1s________ at his school in Hawaiithe USAHe felt very different2f________ most other studentsWhite girl wanted to touch his hairA white boy3a________ him if his father ate people“I lied to them that my father was a son of an African kingBut I kept asking myself who I was” said ObamaHowever39 years laterthe boy made historyThree months ago Obama became the first4b________ president(总统)in the UShistoryObama was born in 1961 in a small town in the USHe5g________ up in an Asian country and HawaiiThis unusual experience made him wonder who he wasHe once turned to wine to help forget this questionWith help from his friendsObama finally turned his life around at college.(6H________ hard work made him a star at Harvard UniversityLaterhe became the third black senator(参议员)in the USDuring his race to the presidentObama talked about his experienceHe called for a United States of Americarather than a white America or a black America“Obama's success has made Martin Luther King's dream7c________ trueThat isA man should not be judged判断by the8c________ of his skin皮肤),but by his excellent character” wrote ABC news


科目: 来源:2011年四川省攀枝花市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:










Opinions on Students' Surfing the Internet

Last week we held a class meeting to have a discussion on middle school students' surfing the Internet





科目: 来源:2011年四川省雅安市高中阶段教育学校招生考试试卷 题型:

Is there ________ old tree behind your house?

Aa            Bthe          Can              D./

