 0  41945  41953  41959  41963  41969  41971  41975  41981  41983  41989  41995  41999  42001  42005  42011  42013  42019  42023  42025  42029  42031  42035  42037  42039  42040  42041  42043  42044  42045  42047  42049  42053  42055  42059  42061  42065  42071  42073  42079  42083  42085  42089  42095  42101  42103  42109  42113  42115  42121  42125  42131  42139  97155 

科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

27、The successful launch of the Shenzhou-7 spaceship is a powerful witness to our country’s great ______ in space science.

A. encouragement    B. solution        C. achievement   D. intention


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


The opening ______ of 2008 the Beijing Olympics, which was held in the national stadium called Bird’s Nest, was a feast for the eyes.

A. exhibition        B. ceremony           C. form          D. scene




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

25、It would be unwise to attach too much          to these opinion polls (民意测验).

  A.stress                  B.significance            C.value               D.attention




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

24、 Last year I lost my job, which was the start of a run of bad              .

  A.temper                B.behavior                  C.luck                D.situation


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

23、Since a lot of graduates are hunting for job, the government should take measures to            employment .

  A.promote              B.increase                  C.emphasize        D.seek


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

22、It is reported that trucks           with vital medical supplies has succeeded in reaching the flooded areas.

 A.supplied             B.marked                   C.equipped          D.loaded


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

21、 It is necessary for teachers to               the new ideas and developments in education.

A.keep up with                                B.come up with         

C.catch up with                               D.put up with


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

20、The magazine is intended to          working women in their 20s and 30s.

  A.relate to               B.adjust to                  C.aim to              D.appeal to


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

19、How can I             for the way I treated you?

  A.stand up              B.cover up                 C.make up          D.keep up


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

18、Some of them hold the belief that the present generation has            rejected the beliefs of their parents.

  A.eventually            B.heavily                    C.largely             D.completely

