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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


John:What are you talking about,Alan?

Alan:We're having a(1)d________ about our new chairperson of the Students' Union.

John:Who do you think would be the(2)m________ suitable one?

Alan:Jill.He is hardworking.We all think he is a(3)h________ boy because he is always ready to help others.

John:Who(4)e________ do you think is suitable,Bobby?

Bobby:I recommend Paul.He is clever,and he is easy to get(5)a________ with.We all like making friends with him.

John:I think either Jill or Paul would be suitable.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


divide oneself into;patient;be good at;live;used to;be different from;value;  in a mess;build;prepare for

1.There's something wrong with the robot.So everything is ________.

2.A new sports center is being ________ in our city.It will be open to public next year.

3.Thanks for your suggestions.They will be of great ________ to us.

4.--Ben ________ playing football,isn't he?

--Yes,be is.He practises it every Wednesday afternoon.

5.Bob ________ go to school on foot.But now he takes the school bus.

6.Miss Li is always ________ enough to help us solve English problems.

7.--How long has Maggie ________ in Beijing?

--Almost 5 years.

8.School life in Britain ________ school life in China.

9.--What were the twins doing when the telephone rang?

--They ________ tomorrow's picnic.

10.It's time for the game.Let's ________ two groups.







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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:






Dear Sir,

_________ _________                                                            

_________ _________                                                            

_________ _________                                                            

_________ _________                                                            

_________ _________                                                           




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:



What would you _________ if you burned yourself by _________?


His parents don't allow him to _________ running on schools at _________.


It will be difficult for a _________ to do the same things _________ a person.


In China,bikes and buses are _________ popular means of _________.


We did a _________ of our readers about _________.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


1. 我不在家时,妈妈总是帮我照看我的宠物。

    My mother always___________________ the pets for me while I___________________.

2. 顺便问一下,你想我和我们一块去游泳吗?

    _________________, do you want to__________________ with us?

3. 张老师在这所学校工作已经三年了。

    Mr. Zhang_____________________ in this school_____________________ already.

4. 越来越多的人喜欢通过电话和朋友聊天。

    ______________________ people enjoy____________________ their friends on telephone.

5. 我们应该采取更多的措施来预防甲型H1N1流感。

    More actions_______________________ by us___________________ the AH1N1 flu.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

28、No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting(天气预报).

For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. That many people feel their joints(关节) hurt is a sign of wet weather. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.

Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.

1. Which of the following can be used here to replace(取代) the underlined phrase “on the way”?

   A. away                  B. gone                 C. disappearing             D. coming

2. When you see the stars twinkle clearly at night, the weather will be_________.

   A. warm                 B. rainy                 C. clear and fine            D. cold

3. Which of the following signs can tell the weather will probably be rainy?

   A. A rainbow appears in the morning.

   B. Some birds fly high.

   C. The stars twinkle clearly at night.

   D. Fogs appear in the morning just above a river.







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