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                           Appril Fools' Day

   同学们.你对国外的节日了解多少?你听说过有趣的April Fools' Day吗?来读一读下面的短交,看看不同国家的人们是如何过这个节日的Come on! 

   April Fools’ Day is a day to play jokes on others. No one knows how it began (begin 的过去式) ,but people think it first began in France.

   Each country celebrates April Fools’ Day differently. In France,people call the April fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends’ backs to fool them. When he or she finds this,they shout “April Fish!”

   In the UK,people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you.

   In the US,people play small jokes on their friends on the first of April. They may point down to your shoe and say , “Your shoelace is untied. ” If you believe them and look down,you are an April fool then.


() 1. The Chinese meaning of April Fools’ Day is“  ”.

   A. 感恩节   B. 情人节   C. 愚人节

() 2. People often on April Fools’ Day.

   A. eat noodles   B. play jokes   C. tape a fish

() 3. In France,people call the April fools “ ”.

   A. April Fish   B. a noodle   C. a fool

() 4. People in play jokes only in the morning that day.

   A. the US   B. France   C. the UK

() 5. In the US,people usually play jokes on their friends on.

   A. April 1st   B. April 2nd   C. April 3rd


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

                      Pulling a tooth

 牙医说拔一颗牙需要+元,可Jimmy拔了一颗牙,医生却要价五十元,这是为什么呢?来读一读下面的英语故事.找找答案吧!Have a try !

   Jimmy gets a bad toothache. His father takes him to a hospital. The dentist pulls out a tooth for Jimmy.

   Then,the dentist asks Jimmy’s father to pay him fifty yuan for that. 

   Jimmy’s father gets very angry. “Why? FIFTY yuan? I should pay only TEN yuan for pulling out ONE tooth as usual. ”

   “That's right ,” says the dentist. “But when I pull out the tooth for your son,he cries so terribly that other FOUR patients are afraid and go away,so you should pay me FIFTY yuan. ”


1. How much should Jimmy^s father pay as usual?

2. How much does the dentist ask Jimmy^s father to pay? Why?


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

C) 阅读对话,判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不符的 用“F”表示。

Su Yang: Hello!

Nancy : Hello,is that Su Yang?

Su Yang: Yes,this is Su Yang.

Nancy : Hi,Su Yang. This is Nancy. Shall we go and play tennis now? Su Yang: Sorry,Tm not free. I'm sweeping the floor.

Nancy : How about Su Hai? What is she doing?

Su Yang: She’s watering the flowers in the garden. How about this afternoon?

Nancy : OK. I'm free this afternoon.

Su Yang: But Su Hai and I don't play tennis well.

Nancy : That's all right. I can teach you. Let's meet at one thirty in the park.

Su Yang : OK. Bye.

() l. Nancy and Su Yang are in the park now.

() 2. Su Yang is doing housework now.

() 3. Su Yang can go and play tennis with Nancy now.

() 4. Su Yang doesn’t play tennis well,but Su Hai does.

() 5. Nancy is not free this afternoon.

() 6. They will meet at 13:30.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

B) 根据首字母提示完成短文填空,每空格填一词。

   D 25th is Chirstmas Day. It is an important (重要的) festival in western countries. During Christmas Day,people don't w. Children don't go to s.  Families get together and have a big d . They g and receive (接受) presents.Sometimes they v friends. The Christmas trees are important in their h .Families decorate the trees together. They o the presents u the Christmas trees. Santa Claus wears r clothes. Children will get presents from him.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

D) 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两遍) .

A: Hi,Dad. It's the of .A nice day is coming. Do you know?

B: Let me see. Oh,yes. This is Day.

A: That's right. I want to a nice for Mum.

B:Good idea. Do you need my ?

A: No,thanks. Oh,where are my crayons?

B: Look,they’re your book.

A: Thanks,Dad. 


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

1. Where are my socks? I can't find (they/them) .

2. Mary (try/is trying) on her new skirt now.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

A) 听录音,将所听句子的序号填在相应情景前的括号里。(听两遍)

(   )老师问你每天什么时候起床,她会说:

(   )你想问别人在远处看到了什么,可以说:

(   )告诉爷爷奶奶你上午有三节课,可以说:

(   )告诉老师你通常下午五点做作业,可以说:

(   )看到一个超级大蛋糕,你会说:

(   )告诉别人你在学校吃午饭,可以说:


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

                 Three little pigs

   同学们,我们做人要勤劳肯干、乐于助人,不能追求华而不实的东西,要为长远打箄,否刚就会有不好的后果。真的是这样吗?请大家读一读《三只小猪》的故事吧.Come on!

   There are three little pigs living with their mother. Pig Jack and Pig John are lazy. They eat and sleep. Pig Paul works all day. He always helps his mother do the housework.

   One day,Mother Pig asks them to build their own houses.

Jack: Ha!Ha! Building house? Too easy for me!I only put some straw on the ground.

Paul : What about you,John?

John : I'm building a house with sticks.

Paul : But straw and sticks are not strong.

Jack&John: Yes,we know. But it's easy. What are you doing?

Paul : I’m building a house with bricks.

Jack&John:Bricks? It's very difficult.

Paul : I know,but bricks are strong.

(The wolf is coming.) 

Wolf : Little pigs,open the doors!I am waiting for you.

Jack&John: No,no. Go away.

Wolf : This is easy.

(The wolf is blowing the house down. Jack and John are running.)

Jack&John: Help!Help!Open the door,Paul. The wolf is coming. Let us in.

Paul : Come in,please. Don’t worry. My house is strong.

Wolf : Where are you going,little pigs? Open the door!

Three pigs: No,no. Go away.

Wolf : I’ll blow it down.

(The wolf is blowing. But the house is very strong.) 

Wolf: I’llcome in from the chimney. Paul Let's boil the water.

Jack&John: OK.

Wolf :Oh,no!It's too hot.

Three pigs:Hooray!The wolf is dying.

  Since then,Jack and John always work hard with Paul.



() 1. There are three little pigs in the story. They’re Jack,John and Paul.

() 2. John is clever and he is building the house with straw.

() 3. Paul is working hard and he is building the house with bricks.

() 4. The wolf cannot blow the Jack's house down.

() 5. The wolf is dead (死了) at last.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

                           Don't you like any of our colours today?

  你的奶奶、外婆会开车吗?来读一读下面这个故事.七十岁的奶奶开车出门.却把车停在马路上,为什么呢?Come on!

   Mrs Green is eighty. She has a small red car and she drives it to the shop on Saturdays and buys some food. She doesn’t drive fast,so she drives well and never hits anything. Sometimes her grandchildren say to her,“Please don't drive your car,Grandma. It's too dangerous. We can take you to the shop.” But she says ,“No,I like driving. I drive my car for fifty years,and I won’t stop now. ”

   One day,she stops her car in the street because the traffic light is red,but she can't start her car when it is green. The light is red,and then green,then yellow again,but her ca rdoes’t move.

   Then a policeman comes and says to her ,“Good morning. Don’t you like any of our colours today?”


() 1. Mrs Green's grandchildren are her.

   A. sons or daughters   B. grandparents

   C. grandsons or granddaughters

() 2. , so she stops her car in the street.

   A. The traffic light is red

   B. Mrs Green is too tired

   C. Mrs Green wants to buy some food

() 3. Mrs Green can” start her car because.

   A. she doesn’t like any of the colours

   B. the car is too small

   C. perhaps there's something wrong with the car

